Chapter 771 Sisters Meet

She had never paid attention to Li Hanyao before. She thought that Li Hanyao's cleverness was a woman's cleverness and calculation; Although the Li family is rich, they are powerless and powerless; The workers gathered by Li Hanyao are a ragtag crowd. Once they fight against the imperial court's imperial guards, they are not enough to support them and will fall apart. Even if Huo Yuying and Luo Wuchen solve the murder of officials in the south of the Yangtze River, in Pan Bin's opinion, Li Hanyao is also powerless and will be notorious in the crusade of scholars.

They will not be grateful to Li Hanyao for finding out the real murderer behind the scenes. They will only vent their anger to Li Hanyao for troubling the world; For women like Li Hanyao, since ancient times, scholars have

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