Chapter 84

Qiao Shuman was silent. Yu Jiqing saw the answer from her expression and sighed. Yu Jiqing said in surprise, "I didn't expect that you still knew that girl. Do you want to see her?"

Qiao Shuman shook her head and said hesitantly, "Is she OK now.

"I'm still in the hospital now." Yu Jiqing shook his head. "After the man was injured, he beat her violently."

Qiao Shuman was angry and said angrily, "Scum, who is that stinking man?" There was such a disgusting person.

Yu Jiqing thought for a while before he said, "That man seems to be called Zhou Yaoyang."

Qiao Shuman: "..."

Yu Jiqing glanced at Qiao Shuman and said in disbelief, "Don't you know this rotten man?"

Qiao Shuman turned to look at the furnishings in the room and refused to answer Yu Jiqing's question. Although she didn't want to admit it, she did know a younger brother named Zhou Yaoyang, the youngest of the three aunts, who was as painful as her eyes, and who indulged people in lawlessness. She believed that Zhou Yaoyang could do such things.

Qiao Shuman rubbed her eyebrows and sighed, "I will go to see Jane Yu in a few days. Please send me the address."

After Yu Jiqing sent the address to him, he put the topic aside, took the folder Qiao Shuman had selected, and began to look carefully. He asked Qiao Shuman if he could give him some advice. The two of them worked together for a whole morning. Gu Yuheng's phone call at 3:00 pm interrupted the two of them.

Qiao Shuman answered the phone and said with a smile, "Why did you call me suddenly.

"Ask if you have eaten yet." Gu Yuheng said at the other end of the phone, "Don't patronize your work. You should eat on time." Gu Yuheng knew that Qiao Shuman had gone to the company, so he called this phone specially, afraid that Qiao Shuman forgot to eat.

Gu Yuheng didn't say it was OK. Qiao Shuman felt hungry when he said it. He put on his Bluetooth headset. Qiao Shuman talked to Gu Yuheng, flipped through the takeout, and hung up until the takeout came.

In the evening, Qiao Shuman met with her and returned home. Only then did Qiao Shuman know that Qiao Shuya was disfigured.

”Is she badly disfigured? "Qiao Shuman leans against his mother and asks in surprise. She didn't pay attention to Qiao Shuya before, and she didn't have a deep conversation with the third aunt last time. She only knows this news now.

”A small piece on her forehead is not too serious, but Shuya has loved beauty since she was a child. Last time I went to see her in the hospital, I found that she was becoming increasingly grumpy. "Mother Qiao touched Qiao Shuman's soft hair and said softly," It's good to be polite. Don't go to Shuya recently, wait for her to feel better.

Qiao Shuman nodded obediently. She would not go to Qiao Shuya's place to hang around when she was free. Even if she wanted to annoy her, now was not the time.

After staying at home for a few days, the show started seven days and seven nights. On the first day of the show, Qiao's mother fixed the channel to the satellite TV that would broadcast the program. Qiao Shuman was a little embarrassed at first, but looking at Qiao's cheerful appearance, Qiao Shuman swallowed the words in silence. After all, she would be happy. As she watched, Joe's mother, Joe's father, Qiao Shuman and Qiao Shucheng, who sat by with a disdainful face, complained about the events in the program.