Chapter 43 reinforcements from heaven (second shift)

  • Cat kitchen
  • Gooseberry
  • 2050 words
  • 2018-11-30 23:39:29

What's important?

"Telephone... my lord's telephone..." said Orange Cat, groping on her body with her other paw, and really felt a small mobile phone.

How does it hide its mobile phone! Xiao Yang wanted to swing the orange cat upside down to see what could be dropped.

"Hey, hey, hey! Answer the phone! You can't listen to my wonderful voice! Hey!"

"You didn't dial..."

Orange Cat's expression solidified for three seconds, "Oh yes! What you said is very reasonable!" He pressed a few keys with his nose, and the other party seemed to pick up quickly

"I'm still here!" Xiao Yang shouted.

"No problem, I'll be waiting for you in the kitchen!" Oscar hung up the phone with his nose, then turned 360 degrees and landed on the ground smoothly

"... is a combination of cats and human chefs." A cold question almost confused Xiao Yang, and he subconsciously replied with what the lion told him.

"Wrong! That's a big mistake! That's a big mistake!" Oscar shouted in a rare tone. "The so-called cat kitchen is a partnership between cats and humans!"

... what's the difference.

"Partners, we need to trust each other! Help each other! Rely on each other! We are partners who work together for food dreams!" Orange Cat patted Xiao Yang's nose every word, "You take me home! You are willing to give me your food! You also said I am your friend! Then we are partners! What happens is partners!"

Suddenly... What's the matter with inexplicable hot blood?

"If you say so, you will honor it!" Oscar patted his nose more and more frequently. "Xiao Yang, you said that you would still participate in the next generation of cat kitchen selection even if you lost! So! You should prepare my food for five years! No cat food! What the hell is that! Good food! And..."


A dark thing hit Oscar's head - a keyboard!

"I can't stand it. Drinking wine is so much nonsense." A cream colored cat appeared on the windowsill, "Hi Xiao Yang, first meeting."

Big cake face, flat nose, small ears, round eyes, thick short legs.

"Garfield!" Xiao Yang almost blurted out.


Another dark thing hit Xiao Yang's head - this time the mouse.

"You are Garfield! Your whole family is Garfield!" said Dabian Lian discontentedly. He jumped off the window sill, trotted to Xiao Yang, and took out the same pedigree certificate as Michelin. "Foreign Shorthair Cat, remember!"

"Bog, you came so quickly..." The orange cat who was beaten on the ground smiled, "I'm going to go..."


"I finally shut up this time." The cat named Bager picked up the keyboard and mouse, "Xiao Yang, how can you stand the old lady's Oscar?"

"... Are you?"

"Alas, this stupid cat didn't introduce me." Bage stretched out his short legs, "I am Bage, one of the shareholders of Cat Island Kitchen. Oscar is a little girl. He usually deals with computers." He sat on Oscar's head, "I have heard about you. Don't worry, as long as I come, I will ensure that you pass the test and become a cat kitchen smoothly."

I think Lion said before that there were ten shareholders, including Oscar and Michelin, but there were only nine shareholders at that time? This must be the last one.

"Hello." Xiao Yang reached out his hand and shook Bager's short leg. "I didn't understand?"

"It doesn't matter. I know you can't understand." Bager took out the phone from Oscar. "Hello, Rick? Yes, it's me. I'm in the kitchen now. Don't worry, I have surveillance here, and won't be found. When will you come? OK, I'll wait."

"Rick and some of them came right away." Bager looked at the ladder on the ground and Xiao Yang again. "Should it hurt when he fell down?"

"All right..."

"Could you please go up again? My laptop is on it."

"... laptop?"


If it wasn't for the pain in his elbow, Xiao Yang couldn't believe that everything in front of him was real.

Bager's stubby little paws are fast tapping on the external keyboard of the laptop. On the computer screen, four red dots are moving from different directions towards the Cat Island kitchen.

"Aren't there three? How come there are four?" Bager clicked one of the red dots, "Mr. M, Kenneth Curly Cat, the hotel management consultant. Isn't that right! Even M has come? Unbelievable!"

"Well, can you ask, who are these?" Xiao Yang asked.

"Rick the lion, acorn in the linen business, and Erica in the maritime trade," Bager said simply and quickly, adding, "Rick is Oscar's friend, acorn seems to like you very much, Erica... Rick should have invited them to help, just like me."

"Thank you very much." Xiao Yang glanced at the orange cat lying on the ground, "but I still don't understand, you..."

"You have as many questions as Oscar's nonsense."


Bager looked at the screen intently, and various data and curves were constantly switching on the screen. "According to the analysis of the laws of the test content of each previous issue of Cat Island, the scope can be roughly reduced to the following topics: bean products, beef, fried foods, eggs, staple foods, desserts, fish." The cat's paw of the pancake face quickly entered, and several names soon appeared on the screen, "This is the current lineup of cat elders. In combination with their personalities, recent contacts and correspondence, it can be determined that the judges should be selected among them."

One inch photos of several cats appear on the screen.

"The judges should arrive tomorrow night, and Oscar needs to find a way to meet them, and then..."

Dribs and drabs!

The computer suddenly sounds an alarm, and the red dot on the screen has coincided with the cat island kitchen.

"Looks like they're coming." Bagg looked out of the window.

The stammering acorn popped out of his head first, followed by Mr. Curly M, who was still indifferent, Rick's huge body almost stuck in the window, and finally, the hairy Erica rolled down from the windowsill.

"Ah... Bager, your hands are too heavy..." At this time, Oscar struggled to raise his head while grunting. "If I am disabled, the funds you use for development will be broken."

"Wake up so soon? Change the keyboard next time."

"Forget it, I will take it as a sign of your love for the moment." Orange Cat held the ground, stood up and grinned, "everyone, you are late."