Chapter 78 Total Annihilation

Xiao Ming followed behind Palajas. A dozen or so of them flew for a few minutes before they reached a forest three kilometers away.

This forest is the one where Xiao Ming's team cut wood in the daytime. According to the information, the enemy was ambushed here.

"Sir, you should be more careful," Xiao Ming reminded.

Pallagas agreed with his idea and nodded, "In this case, you should be in front. This is just a good opportunity to make contributions."

Xiao Ming was very excited, "Thank you for your appreciation." Then he walked at the front of the team happily.

The simulation of Shang Bo didn't make them look for it too long. Just when the team was ready to meet the enemy, Shang Bo appeared in front of them.

"Who are you?" Pallagas shouted.

Palajas did not know Shangbo, and few people in the Gula Legion knew Shangbo, and what he brought was a team that was not in the current.

Sim Shang Bo didn't speak, and his figure flashed, and he rushed directly, but instead of facing Paragas, he rushed to the group of soldiers.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

This group of soldiers who commented on hundreds of combat effectiveness were not worth mentioning under Sim Shang Bo. One at a time, they were all wiped out.

Palajas gritted his teeth. Damn it, this guy is quite powerful. Unexpectedly.

Pallagas looked behind him. Xiao Ming was hiding in the grass. Seeing that the enemy was so strong, he shivered and dared not come out. He gave a cold snort, rubbish.

Then he burst into a drink, and the air on his body increased rapidly, and a layer of white air flow appeared on his body.

Dribs and drabs.

Xiao Ming, who was hiding in the grass, turned on the detector. This guy was quite powerful. His strength was more than 100000. Such a strong man, uh, was very powerful.

In this case, Sim Shang Bo may not defeat him. In this case, I will help him.

Xiao Ming casually sent out a Qigong wave, and then directly pierced the heart of Palajas from behind.

He was stunned for a moment, and his chest was bleeding, but it was exciting. He tried to turn around to find out. Anyway, time was running out, but there was no chance.

Sim Shang Bo suddenly appears, then kicks him off and falls heavily in the distance.

A piece of garbage that has been pierced through the heart, simulates Shang Bo, steps on his hand with one foot, and then condenses an energy ball in his hand, which directly hits him.


After a burst of explosion, Palagas's body was left with an arm.

Xiao Ming came over, took a gold ring from his arm, and took it with him. This controller is still a little useful for controlling Broley.

Then the simulation Shang Bo destroyed the remaining paw of Palajas, which was too eyesore.

Well, since this is the case, let's start to take action. Today, we will clean up Gula and then solve Broglie.

It's time for action.

The Xiali Legion dispatched ten soldiers, each with a combat power of 10000, simulating Shangbo with a combat power of 50000, simulating Doria with a combat power of 50000, simulating Kenyon with a combat power of 200000.

Xiao Ming left first. According to his idea, the army will launch an attack after he returns to the base, and the whole Gula Army must be wiped out!

Xiao Ming didn't walk fast and flew to the base at a normal speed. Then he prepared a small horn, which is very useful.

In fact, Xia Li has no idea. If he is just one of Gula or Broglie, he will be sure to deal with them, but the problem is that there are two.

It's really hard to do.

After returning to the base, Xiao Ming took out his trumpet and shouted, "It's not good, it's not good."

"The enemy has attacked. Hurry up and run. The enemies are monsters. We can't be rivals, even if King Gula can't fight."

The trumpet was very powerful, and its voice rang through the whole base. Those soldiers who had fallen asleep were awakened, but everyone who knew Xiao Ming recognized his voice.

"Run, everyone. The enemy is coming! The devil is coming."

"The enemies are all cannibals. Let's run for our lives."

Xiao Ming's Toad boss recognized his voice. Is the boy crazy?

After Xiao Ming shouted for a while, the whole base began to whistle and send out an alarm. The base entered the highest alert state. At the same time, a group of soldiers rushed over and surrounded Xiao Ming.

"Don't move, put down your weapons!" The soldiers surrounded and warned.

Xiao Ming looked at the loudspeaker in his hand, laughed, and then said to the loudspeaker, "This is not a weapon, it's a loudspeaker. It's super good. I bought it at a discount in the supermarket."

Gula frowned slightly. Looking at the farce outside, Pallagas did not come back, and his anger disappeared, which means that he should be dead.


While the base was on alert, a group of soldiers rushed in from all directions, also wearing combat clothes, and began to wreak havoc!

Xia Li's men have the weakest fighting capacity of 10000. After entering these ordinary armies, they can hardly meet their opponents.

Even the Gula Legion has a real combat capacity of 10000, which is very few.

In addition, Xia Li has a simulated Kinu with a combat power of 200000, which is basically no problem.


The soldiers of Xiali Legion seemed to be in an empty land. In their eyes, the defense of this base was like a bubble. They broke through and rushed in directly. After entering, they began to kill, and it was a unilateral killing.

Killing people is not lively enough. You must set the fire again.

The soldiers rushed directly into the dynamite magazine and were immediately ignited.


After a huge mushroom cloud, the Gula Legion Base, which was built with difficulty, turned into ashes and ruins.

At this time, Sim Shang Bo is performing a special task. He came to the side of the spaceship alone, not with others.

The Gula Legion has a super large spaceship, similar to that of Friza, which can accommodate thousands of people. In addition, there are some small spaceships, which are the goals of simulating Shangbo.

Whether it's big or small, round or flat, let's destroy everything at once. 50000 combat power is enough for destruction.


On the side of the spaceship, the fighting power is more than 30000 aliens, but it was killed by the simulation of Shang Bo. Alas, it's too weak, really weak.

The combat effectiveness of 30000 yuan is already very strong. If it is in the Friza Corps, only the Kenut Corps is better than him. Moreover, the real elites of Gula do not guard the spaceship here.