Chapter 3 Tortoise School Qigong

Half a year later.

After six months of cultivation, Xia Li's strength has made rapid changes. On the Gui Immortal Island, the master and the apprentice set out to fight.

The normal combat power of Master Gui is about 139 points. He will certainly not use all his strength to compete with his disciples, but only compete with each other.

At this time, Xia Li's strength is 89, which has almost risen to this level in half a year. This value should be similar to that of Wukong who first participated in the World's First Martial Arts Conference, but Xia Li's cultivation speed is slower than that of Wukong. Now Wukong is still catching wolves in the mountains and forests.

Xia Li doesn't know whether he is an earthman or not. At least his hair doesn't look like an earthman, or does this hair just mean that he is a born non mainstream? And he has no tail.

"Teacher Wutian, please do something." Xia Li put her hands together, just like a martial artist, and politely saluted, then posed a parry.

Master Gui just put his hands behind his back and said with a smile, "It's the reason why Master should take the lead. Come on."

Xia Li is not polite either. She steps on the ground and rushes directly, hitting the Immortal Tortoise like rain.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The two men's fist to flesh attack was extremely exquisite. Xia Li didn't inject much qi into his fist, but his strength was already very strong. One punch was enough to break the rock, but he was caught by Master Gui.


The two men almost use the same moves, but in terms of speed prediction, Master Gui is obviously better. After all, there is still a big gap between them in terms of pure strength.

Although the tortoise fairy is old, his body method is very flexible, which makes Han Yu feel that he is close to him, but he can't touch him.

Xia Li's feet are windy, his steps are flexible, and he quickly retreats a few steps. With his feet as the center, a circle of air currents is formed around him. The grass around him is dormant, his legs are bent, and his hands are placed on his waist to make a semicircle.

Obviously, this is the signature martial arts of Guixianliu, the Qigong of Gui Sect!

Master Gui was not surprised. He also stepped back a few steps to deal with Xia Li. He could deal with Xia Li by using the normal tortoise style Qigong, which was similar to Xia Li's movements!

Xia Li's qi quickly condenses towards the palms of his hands, and a pure white sphere appears, which is not big, but it is his strongest attack at present.

Mr. Turtle, who was watching the battle in the distance, ran into the room, lay on the windowsill and looked out. He had followed the tortoise fairy for many years. He knew the strength of the tortoise school Qigong. If the afterpower shook it to the sky, it would be bad.

In addition, the crab that just came down from the coconut tree took a look at this side, and suddenly felt bad. Then, at a speed beyond common sense, it climbed horizontally to the top of the coconut tree. It was so scary. Why did the crab climb up the tree?

Xia Li burst into a drink, and her hands at her waist quickly pushed out, and a strong air impact rushed out of her hands!

Turtle School Qigong!

The tortoise fairy smiled and said in a deep voice, "Well done, I'll give you the tortoise school Qigong!"

The two forces hit the island, and immediately the air flow around the island rolled sharply, forming an impact force around the island. The decision made by the turtles and crabs just now was extremely correct.


Xia Li has no subsequent strength to maintain the Tortoise Qigong. Under the control of Master Gui, the two forces just offset each other and have little impact on everything around.

After a moment, the two forces disappeared and dissipated. Xia Li felt some soreness in his muscles. At this stage, the tortoise school qigong still consumed a lot of physical strength.

The tortoise fairy stood calmly with his hands behind his back.

The turtle wiped a sweat, pushed the door out of the small room, and the crab climbed down from the coconut tree again.

Xia Li took a deep breath, calmed down some messy breath in her body, and said, "Thank you for your teaching."

The tortoise fairy nodded, moved his arms again, and went back to the room.

For them, it was just a common daily practice. Then Xia Li jumped into the river and caught a big fish. Yes, it was Xia Li who was in charge of cooking. In the past six months, she also developed a good skill.

Half an hour later.

"Mr. Wutian, it's ready."

Xia Li shouted outside, but he didn't see the Master Gui coming out. It's better to roast fish outside. You don't need to know what the martial arts master is doing.

"One two three four, two two three four......"

Yes, Master Gui is watching TV, and his little sister is doing body-building, and this program is only once a week, so he forgot to eat his meals. He lies beside the TV, giggling, and beside him is a bag of paper, which is used to wipe nose bleeds.

Xia Li didn't wait for him. He got used to it. The turtle didn't eat it, but he ate it himself. It tasted good. Whatever he ate, it would be very delicious when roasted on the fire.

As he ate, Xia Li thought that the reason why he could not compare himself with Monkey King in his cultivation speed was that he ate too little. You see, when Monkey King was young, there were only a few people who had just reached Buma's lap, only half her height. It was so difficult to eat!

Well, eat more, maybe it can really stimulate the Saiyan blood in my body, but only if I'm talented, maybe I'm a recessive gene.

Half a year has passed. Xia Li is about 175 meters tall. Now he is 15 years old. He has grown a lot in the past six months. He was about the same height as Booma, but now he should be much taller than her.

"Here we go!"

After a long time, the tortoise fairy ran out with two small paper balls stuffed in his nostrils, but the big fish had a weight of ten kilograms, but now it has gone 80%.

The tortoise fairy looked at the few fish left and swallowed. "Stop, apprentice! You should respect the old people!" He said, and quickly filled it up. If you don't eat it, it will be gone!

Xia Li has almost eaten. She puts on a pair of sunglasses and lies on the recliner of Master Gui. She puts on the sunshade and takes a nap first. When Master Gui finishes eating, she tells him something important.

The combat power of 89 points is normal. If you go all out, Xia Li's strength is about 130. She is outstanding on the earth. It seems that she can go out for a round. Well, that's a happy decision.

Or is there any place on the earth where we can practice?