Chapter 19 See you at Peking University!

"By the way, what are you going to do?" Meng Xiaoyan suddenly asked.

"I......" Su Yuan thought for a moment and shook his head:

"So, you want to find a free job?"

"Yes, but what can I do? When I just graduated, I wrote a novel, but unfortunately, I went to the streets, and since then I have been looking for a job."

"So... why don't you also be the anchor?" Meng Xiaoyan's eyes turned and suddenly suggested.

"Anchor?" Su Yuan was stunned and turned to look at her. Meng Xiaoyan was also an anchor, free and unrestrained every day. Isn't that what he wanted?

"Yes, being an anchor, in fact, I think you are very similar to me. You are all salt fish type people who yearn for a free life. Being an anchor is just right for you." Meng Xiaoyan stroked the green silk hanging in front of her and nodded gently.

"But... can I do it?" Su Yuan has some inferiority complex. Being a host may be possible for anyone, but it's hard to be popular and make money.

"Don't underestimate yourself. You know, half of my female fans like you very much. As long as you become the anchor, I will help you promote it, and you will soon become popular."

"But I have no talent?"

"Talent? That's what ugly people need. You're not included."

Su Yuan stopped, pondered a little, nodded and said, "You're right."

Meng Xiaoyan smiled and held out his hand: "Well, we are also true friends. Let's get to know each other. My name is Meng Xiaoyan. I am 23 years old. I am traveling now. I just arrived in this city a few days ago, so I will take care of it more in the future."

Su Yuan reached out to hold her, shook her, smiled and said, "Su Yuan, 20 years old, unemployed."

On the street where people come and go, the sun shines on two figures standing side by side, and two figures on the ground walk in the crowd, talking and laughing, and gradually go away


Ringing bell——

The bell rang after class, and the physics teacher put down the chalk and walked out of the classroom.

"Class is over. Next is PE. Let's go and play on the playground!"

Several school dregs ran out of the classroom together, like birds who had broken free from their cages, and could not wait to breathe the fresh air outside.

At the end of the class, Su Mo held the pen in his right hand, and the tip of the pen quickly crossed the paper, leaving behind a series of formulas.

"Let's go, Su Mo. Next PE class, we'll play ball on the playground." Ma Si, his deskmate, closed his textbook and was surprised to see Su Mo still writing notes. As the only holder of negative scores in the class, it should not be this performance.

"No, I'm going to watch senior one's math later in my spare time," Su Yuan said without looking up.

"Senior one's math, why do you look at that thing?" Mars scratched his head and was stunned.

"Review, the college entrance exam is coming soon." Su Mo looked up at him, looking like an idiot.

"What?" Marcus was shocked for a while before he realized that this feeling was like a pig standing in front of you, pointing at your nose and saying: stupid human, look, I want to go to heaven!

It's all the same bullshit!

"Crazy." Mars cleared up the class table and left him alone. He went out through the back door.

In the first row of the class, a pair of eyes stared at Su Mo with his head buried in the book in the last row, and his eyes were full of joy.

"What's the matter, Qingxue, still looking at your Sumo?" The table mate pushed Ye Qingxue's arm and jokingly said.

Ye Qingxue and Su Mo are in love, which is a well-known fact, so she doesn't have to hide anything.

"No, no." Ye Qingxue came back to himself and hurriedly turned to write his homework with a pen.

"Why are you so embarrassed? I see that your Su Mo is studying. This is the first time in the world. He knows how to study. But it's only two months before the college entrance examination. Is he a little late now?"

Ye Qingxue's bright eyes suddenly faded, and she didn't say anything. Holding the pen, she wrote on the book, but her eyes were erratic and obviously absent-minded.

Soon, the bell rang for class, and the students who were still reviewing got up and left the classroom one after another to go to PE class.

The physical education teacher was waiting on the playground early. When the whole class arrived, he said, "The teacher knows that you are going to take the college entrance exam soon, and they are busy reviewing. But you should also have appropriate activities. You can't sit in the classroom all the time. In this way, we will meet after five laps. Then those who want to learn will return to the classroom, and those who don't want to learn will have free activities."



The teacher was so open-minded that the whole class cheered one by one.

In the afternoon, the sun was hot and the air was hot and dry. After five laps, most of the students were sweating. When they gathered, they were tired and out of breath.

"All right, disband!"

The whole class scattered in a crowd. Su Mo did not return to the classroom, but stood in the same place. The students scattered one after another. In front of him, there was still a figure standing.

Ye Qingxue slowly turns her head, smiles at each other, then walks to the southeast corner of the playground and sits down next to each other.

"Qingxue, I want to go to the same city and university with you." Su Mo looked into her eyes and said seriously.

"Su Mo, I think it's OK. It's OK not to go to the same university. In these days, long-distance love is nothing." Ye Qingxue smiles. When she smiles, her mouth will show two dimples, which is particularly cute.

Just now in the classroom, she saw Su Mo studying hard for her. She was very happy and satisfied, but her fantasy was beautiful and the reality was cruel. How could Su Mo be admitted to Peking University in less than two months?

"No, I want to be with you. Don't fall in love with someone else. It's too hard." Su Mo grabbed her hand, held it tightly, shook his head and denied.

"Well, don't be stubborn. Let's talk about it later. I'll go back to the classroom to review first." Ye Qingxue patted his hand on the back, smiled, and then got up and walked towards the teaching building.

Several female students walked past Su Mo, looked at Ye Qingxue who left, and looked at Su Mo who was sitting on the ground dejected, and whispered.

"What happened to them?"

"I don't know."

"Well, do you think they will always be together?"

"It's impossible. The college entrance examination is coming soon. They can't go to the same university. After entering the university, they will probably forget each other slowly."

"Yes, long-distance love is hard, and now both parents know that they must be under great pressure!"

In my ear, it is the voice of conversation that gradually fades away

Su Mo sat on the ground, his head bowed and his face hesitated. Will he forget each other when he goes to college?

Will it?

Will it?



Su Mo, who was sitting on the ground silently, suddenly stood up and ran towards the front as hard as he could, like a gust of wind overtaking the female students. Looking at the figure walking on the edge of the playground, his feet stopped and took two deep breaths of air. Then he used all his strength to shout at the figure: "Ye Qingxue, see you at Peking University!"