Chapter 51 Hosting Flowers

Luo Yiming is thinking.

For the first four episodes, it must be too late to record Gao Xiaosong and Guo Degang today.

If Luo Qiang can get in touch with Gao Xiaosong and Guo Degang, he will record the third and fourth episodes the day after tomorrow.

With the joining of these two people, the details of who is the hero program will be different all of a sudden.

Except that you can play tricks and play cute.

Guo Degang and Gao Xiaosong, the two teachers, are also the living treasures of the entertainment industry in the past.

With a little "tuning", the energy they can release in the program can definitely shake off the current three.

At that time.

Who is a hero is totally different.

The style of the whole program was improved.

Guo Degang is responsible for traditional opera, crosstalk and comedy.

Gao Xiaosong is in charge of literature, art, poison tongue and sharp words.

With his sensationalism and humor, the whole program became popular.

Naturally, in the program, it is appropriate to add the ambiguity between Zuo Yan and her lover.

Who is the hero has become a large-scale life service, traditional culture and art, modern song competition, celebrity real person complaining, and colorful variety show.

Luo Qiang is no stranger to Guo Degang.

In fact, Guo Degang had a relationship with Manguotai in his previous life.

But it did not develop because of the two pillars of the Mango Platform.

He Jiong and Wang Han are working hard on the stage, and Guo Degang is also thriving in the hosting world. It is obviously unreasonable to give the programs on the stage to Lao Guo instead of pillars.

However, in 2005, at that time, Wang Han's pillars had not yet been erected. Naturally, there is no problem in inviting Guo Degang to do the program.

Originally, when Guo Degang hosted the Drama and Wind Action in Anhuitai, the leaders of Mango Stage paid attention to him.

Luo Qiang took this opportunity to call Guo Degang to cooperate with a program in Taiwan, and he felt that the platform would completely agree.

"OK, Luo Yiming. Your suggestion is very good, and I'm very satisfied with the two people you recommended."

"That's what I said in advance. Go down and have a rest. At 2:30 p.m., we will continue to record the program. Three observers, you don't need to talk so much about them. Anyway, you will replace them."

"......" Luo Yiming smiled, which was also what he thought.

Turn around and just leave.

Luo Qiang's voice came from behind again.

"Yiming, you did well this morning. You can keep your style in the future."


Luo Yiming was stunned for two seconds. To be honest, he really didn't know what his style was.

However, producer Luo said that he knew that the other side praised him.

After all, only those hosting bosses will be talked about the hosting style.

I thought to myself, don't kill me. I'm just a novice in the business. Luo Yiming walked out of the room.

Zuo Yan has always been beside Luo Yiming. When she was in the house, Zuo Yan, the vice coffee maker, did not speak.

She also knew that Luo Yiming's show "Who is the Hero".

She just cooperated with Luo Yiming.

It's like Kuaibanli. He Jiong is the boss. Other hosts should respect him and shout "Teacher".

Through her first hosting, Zuo Yan also understood more or less what her attitude should be in the program.

"Zoe Yan, aren't you angry when I said that about you in the program today?"

Luo Yiming played a lot of jokes on Zuo Yan all morning, but he was all for the effect of the program.

If I really want to be a lover with Zuo Yan, Luo Yiming has never thought about it.

Now, he needs to preach in the host world.

"I'm not angry... I know that you are doing the program effect. I can still afford this joke."

"That's good." Luo Yiming smiled. Who is the hero on this TV station? The male and female hosts should match each other and make some gimmicks, which is good for the ratings of the program.

Otherwise, those popular variety reality shows in the past would not always be fired by CP.

It is 2005, and CP has not been involved yet, so his performance with Zoe Yan will be dazzling.

Luo Yiming has been planning since he hosted this program. It seems that he presided over a leisurely walk.

Kolo Yiming's brain pressure has been very high.

Not only to design, but also to cooperate with the three pig teammates. Luo Yiming kept a high alert during the recording for fear of any link going wrong.

"No, I need to take a rest. See you in the afternoon?" After dinner, Luo Yiming wants to find a place to have a good sleep more than an hour before the recording starts in the afternoon.

"Are you all right? You seem a little uncomfortable“

"It's OK. The program has just started recording. It's difficult at the beginning. It's just as long as the first two episodes are over."

I have to say that Luo Yiming, who is serious about hosting the program, is really charming. Zuo Yan would have misunderstood Luo Yiming before, thinking that he is talented, but he is not careful and diligent in hosting the program.

But when you say that he is talented, he works harder than others, which is puzzling.

It seems that it is no accident that we can win the host of the hero.

Say goodbye to Zuo Yan. I haven't seen Wu Xin these days. Luo Yiming wants to see what she is doing.

To care about Wu Xin, on the one hand, Luo Yiming's experience in her previous life is not worth it.

Take pity on others and help others, but that is not the most direct reason.

The most critical.

Luo Yiming will definitely join the Happy Camp.

However, Wu Xin and Du Haitao need to cooperate in what attitude and role they enter.

In the previous life, Zhang Peng's third runner up failed to enter Kuaibben, which led to Xie Na and Li Vega successfully filling the position and forming a happy family.

But in fact, the original plan of the Happy Family was to become a family with Sanqiang, the new anchor of Shining, and He Jiong.

At that time, although Luo Yiming's popularity is not better than that of the three super girls, this winter, Luo Yiming really became angry.

Therefore, he must join Kuaibben smoothly.

Du Haitao, relying on his relationship and good people, should have no problem getting into Kuai.

The core of the problem falls on Wu Xin.

Wu Xin changed.

Today's Wu Xin Fashion still retains the nimbleness and purity of her previous life when she joined the Shining New Anchor. If this girl withstands the pressure in the last Top 4, she will win the top three.

It is very likely that Mango Platform will consider to let Sanjia and He Jiong form a team.

But if Wu Xin loses and Zhang Peng wins, the fate of the previous life is expected to come again.

Zhang Peng cannot enter the express book.

You and Du Haitao joined the Express Book.

Spicy, Xie Na and Li Vega will also enter.

Even if the new comer joined Kuaibben, he or she could not become a vice star in a short period of time.

Finally, there is still a long way to go.

Compared with Xie Na, He Jiong and Li Vega compete with each other. Well, Luo Yiming feels that he still bullies Du Haitao and Wu Xinlai.

If Kuiper can be a combination of them, Luo Yiming will rise in Kuiper very quickly, and Kuiper will bring more resources to him.

Wu Xin recently lived in the Mango Dormitory. At this time, there were few people in charge of the Mango Platform.

Sun Xiao entered Hunan Provincial Entertainment Channel in 2007.

Shen Mengchen signed the Hunan Provincial Entertainment Channel in 2008.

Liang Tian even signed a contract with Hunan Satellite TV in 12 years to host the news.

After Li Xiang left, Yang Leer, Zhao Liang and Xie Na are the current hostesses of Mango Platform.