Chapter 50 Program Formation

The performance of the lantern rolling performer is over.

Next is the third player.

However, Luo Qiang felt that he was in no hurry to continue recording.

He called three observers and two hosts to the backstage for a rest.

At the same time, it is also to communicate with everyone about the problems in the recording.

The cooperation between Luo Yiming and Zuo Yan is perfect.

But the performance of the three observers was embarrassing.

The introduction of rolling lights was handed to the three observers. Luo Qiang, as the production leader of Mango Platform, did not give the observers any face. He told them to follow the script and get familiar with it quickly, and then re record it later.

Nawei and the middle-aged woman are OK. They know Chinese characters. Just remember them and say a few words later.

But the African friend was sad.

He didn't recognize all the words in the rolling light introduction.

Luo Qiang regrets finding such an African friend to come to the show.

At the beginning, this guy was also recommended by soldiers. It is said that arranging an African friend is to internationalize the program.

But in his opinion, it is not internationalized. Even in China, it is impossible to step out of the country.

Luo Qiang plans to replace the African tycoon in Suramir.

His role in the program is negligible, and chatting is nothing.

After a short meeting, several returned to the studio.

Directed by Wang Li.

Na Wei, the middle-aged woman added a comment.

This time, they have learned from the platform, and their comments are much more wonderful than before.

How can we say that the script's lines are tall, formal and artistic, which needs to be integrated with the observer's temperament to produce results.

Nawei and the middle-aged woman said that their words were in place, but their temperament was quite different. They always felt that there was something wrong.

Luo Qiang has a headache. This is also where the editors and directors need to think about who is the heroic team next.

The remaining three contestants are not as prominent as the first two. One is a folk expert who has one heart and six functions, and the other is a little boy from the mountain singing.

Finally, he is a mahjong master.

If there is no big problem about who is the hero in front of the variety show except the observer, it can be hosted until the end.

Five contestants, let the observers directly eliminate three contestants, and leave the last two contestants to be voted by the eleven spectators invited on the spot to decide the winner.

Luo Yiming thinks that this is the biggest problem of the hero variety show.

In the past life, whether China's Got Talent Show or Dream Show, there were layers of selection, and the final decision was who was the best talent.

Observers will give their own opinions, but it is the audience who will definitely participate in the voting to select talent.

Zhou Xiaobo acted as a dream observer in previous life's programs. He would speak out his own subjective evaluation, whether his words were sensational or sharp, which would always make people feel very impressed.

After being ignited, the voting of the audience was accomplished in one move. It was particularly exciting to see the score of the votes.

But the vote of who is the hero is not burning at all.

In short, there is no sense of expectation!

The three observers also appeared careless and unprofessional when they eliminated which player.

It's all about personal preference.

Who is the hero? The first half of the speech hosted by Luo Yiming is colorful and brilliant. His gags with Zuo Yan are also very enjoyable for the audience.

However, the second half, especially the last voting session, was too bad.

This is not just a question of observers.

The stereotyped form of the program and the hasty voting give people a feeling of being a tiger in the head and a snake in the tail.

Who is the hero? It doesn't make the hero so great. I feel that eleven viewers voted and won the championship, and then it was over.

This feeling is like that you will reach the climax immediately, but the climax will wither before a second.


Luo Yiming thinks that there is no reason why such heroes die.

Even if he is the host, if the program form does not break through and change, it will be useless for Luo Yiming to be strong again.

After recording one episode, it was noon.

The camera was shut down, and the main creators and guest performers, including the host, received boxed lunch on the stage. The second episode had to be recorded in the afternoon.

Because the focus of the stage will be on the New Year Concert in two days.

Both Zuo Yan and Luo Yiming are going to the New Year Concert. Luo Qiang needs two days to figure out who is the hero in the four episodes.

The intensity of work is very high, and the task is arduous. After lunch, everyone can only have a simple rest.

However, Luo Qiang still calls Luo Yiming and Zuo Yan to the office just to eat boxed lunch.

He had a lot of ideas about the recording in the morning.

Luo Qiang also wants to hear Luo Yiming's opinions on these three observers.

The afternoon sun shines on the room through the window and sneaks into the soft, warm and fragrant fragrance of the sun. Shortly after sitting down, producer Luo Qiang opens his mouth.

"Luo Yiming, your host this morning was good."

Luo Yiming smiled brightly, "Thank you for your praise."

"Also, Zoe Yan, are you still getting used to your partner with Luo Yiming?"

When the program was first recorded, Luo Qiang, as a fully responsible producer, watched it on the spot from beginning to end.

Luo Yiming jokes about Zuo Yan. He wants to know whether Zuo Yan can afford it.

"Me, get used to it. You said earlier that I was a vice coffee and wanted to cooperate with Luo Yiming, so I let him do whatever he wanted."

"Ha ha." Luo Qiang also saw that Zoyan's momentum was completely suppressed by Luo Yiming in the program.

It's hard for Zoe Yan to turn over when she is under pressure.

After laughing, Luo Qiang resumed seriously and said, "On the whole, the program in the morning was very effective. Luo Yiming, you have a good rhythm. You don't have many laughs, but just right."

"It should have been said that the first episode of the recording was very successful, but you should also find that the performance of the three observers was a bit disappointing. If Luo Yiming hadn't stopped talking quickly, there might have been a cold scene at the scene."

The early show is not a rehearsal. There are hundreds of people watching it.

The audience's response is the most direct reflection of the quality of the program.

When observers commented, the audience was not enthusiastic at all.

Looking back at the situation at that time, if Luo Yiming didn't close the gate quickly and let the observers comment on those who were not nutritious, the program effect would be greatly reduced.

"Call you two. I just want to ask your opinions. Do you think it is necessary for these three observers to exist?"

It turned out that Luo Qiang wanted to remove three observers.

During the recording of Who is the Hero, it is true that observers did not play a big role.

However, that is also because these three people are not suitable for the style of heroes.

In the past life, there have been too many such situations. If you are the one on Jiangsu Satellite TV, the guest teachers have changed from one group to another, but none of them has a skinhead Lejia.

After Xie Na left the happy camp of Mango Bentai after she was pregnant and gave birth to a child, the new female host made Kuaibben a mess and lost many loyal audiences.

"Luo Yiming, I want to hear your opinion."

Luo Qiang didn't ask, but Luo Yiming wasn't going to say anything.

After all, he knew he was still a new host.

The posture must not be too high.

But now, when asked by the producer, he is suspected of playing a big role.

"Producer Luo, in fact, I think that the presence of the three observers and their interaction with me will make the program more interesting. It is unnecessary to remove them, but, as you think, these three teachers may not match the program style of who is the hero."

"I think as long as we find more suitable observers, the program will still be very good."

Luo Qiang nodded.

"OK. The four prequels will be recorded by three teachers first, and I will contact them in the next few days. Do you have a suitable person to recommend?"

If you ask Mr. Luo to find him, he may not be able to find the right person.

Since I have said one, I will simply say two.

"Producer Luo, to be honest, I met Mr. Gao Xiaosong some time ago, and I think his temperament matches our program very well."

Mr. Gao Xiaosong, yes.

Luo Qiang also likes Gao Xiaosong.

"Also, I know a master who may be more similar to the temperament of our program."

"Oh? Tell me. Who is it?"

"It is Guo Degang, who is from Deyun Society, who talks about crosstalk, Anhui Satellite TV hosts programs, and has sung many operas."