Chapter 435 Ni Ni and the Green Pavilion, guiding the meeting at night? (subscription required)

With the popularity of Langya List, Luo Yiming talked about the broadcasting rights of Beijing Satellite TV and Dolphin Satellite TV one after another. This second round of broadcasting has no conflict with Deep Sea Satellite TV.

As Deep Sea Satellite TV and Queen of England Entertainment, they can't interfere, and they also acquiesce.

Although it is the second round of broadcasting, many audiences haven't seen the series in front of them, which still has a strong influence.

For the broadcasting rights of Beijing Satellite TV and Dolphin Satellite TV, each family has also offered 25 million yuan, with a price of 500000 yuan for each episode.

In terms of online video, more and more advertisers have signed up during this period because only YouTV videos are broadcast on the network

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