Chapter 661 Young People Joining the Army

According to Sang Yun, the rule of Gui Yijun has fallen from the Zhang family to the Cao family.

There are also contradictions between the current Guiyi Army and Khotan. The main enemy of Khotan is the Black Khanate. Li Shengtian has been planning a counterattack. He wants to give the Black Khanate a fatal blow to protect Khotan's security. In addition, he also maintained a defiant attitude towards Tubo, so he hoped that the Gui Yi Army could contain Tubo and provide cover for Khotan.

As for the Gui Rebellion, they faced the pressure of the Uighurs in Xizhou and hoped to cooperate with Dangxiang people. After more than a hundred years, many Han people in the Western Regions intermarried with Dangxiang, and there was a problem of Huhua.

In short

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