Chapter 578 Three Years of Pregnancy

The Southern Han Dynasty sent envoys to make obeisances to the Zhou Dynasty, hoping to use the power of the Zhou Dynasty to deal with Annan. However, after Zhou sent troops to Annan, the Nanhan Dynasty actually sent sailors to threaten Zhou's troops. It's not hard to guess the intention.

"The old minister thought that the Southern Han Dynasty should be a rabbit dead and fox sad. After seeing the national strength of Zhou, he was afraid that he would use troops against Lingnan and wipe out the Southern Han Dynasty. The old minister felt that the more afraid they were, the more impolite they would be!" Wei Renpu analyzed.

Others also agreed, and Han Xizai said: "Your Majesty Qizuo, in this case, you can send envoys to denounce the emperor and his officials of the Southern Han Dynasty, and let them withdraw immediately, or the State will be angry, but it is not

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