Chapter 380 Three Thousand Miles Out of the Frontier

A hundred miles to the north of Youzhou, there is Tianshou Mountain, where the wind and water are hidden, and the atmosphere is myriad.

Surrounded by three mountains in the east, west and north, there is a basin, which is very unusual!

The Emperor of the Zhou Dynasty, accompanied by the champion Hou Yehua and the academician Wang Pu, came to Tianshou Mountain in drizzle. Wang Puli, on the back of the war horse, looked up at the distance with a solemn look, and couldn't help admiring: "What a treasure land of geomancy, it's really hard to find in the world!"

Wang Pu is proficient in Yi Dao. He surveys the geography and the weather, and has to admit that the geomancy here is far better than anywhere else in Kaifeng. If this place is a cemetery, future generations will

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