Chapter 73 The Name

In a person's life, there are about 30000 days, three meals a day, and there are 90000 meals. One meal seems insignificant, but it not only can bring survival, but also can reflect a kind of happiness that can be achieved. With such a state of mind, Jessica came to the agreed place. She must have such a state of mind in her heart, looking forward to making progress in her own affairs.

Before going out, Jessica thought for a long time about how to face such a person who is also an enemy and friend. He is also an old classmate. However, the last time was the opposite of the competition in the company, so she was very careful when selecting the clothes for the day. At the last hesitation stage, she suddenly found that there were several old clothes hanging in the wardrobe cabinet in the bedroom, which were the "equipment" she liked long ago, First, it is very memorable. It was a gift from her mother for her first job. Second, it was still fashionable at that time, so it has not been discarded. But now it seems that if you want to describe it, it is very... Simple, Jessica was somewhat impressed by the progress of the times, and once again picked up her clothes to show her how she felt when she first wore them. It was a moment of memory of the past.

After thinking about it for a while, she could not help feeling a little tangled. It was a more formal and uncertain appointment, and she should have chosen formal clothes for such an occasion. However, Jessica had such a little hint of girlishness in her heart, asking her to choose the "simple" dress again, It seemed that it could make her return to a very natural state, so she remembered the rush years when she was a student. Perhaps this is a stubborn choice. Jessica smiles when she makes a decision.

Xiao Liu is still in an awkward situation at the moment, because after dinner, Xiao Dou and Ruirui insist that Xiao Liu give Xiao Zhang a ride, but Xiao Liu has no choice but to agree. What a detestable guy! He didn't know what to say now, so he had to bury his grievance against Xiao Dou and Ruirui. He didn't know where they had gone in the afternoon. After visual inspection, he and Xiao Zhang were about half a meter away, and they both walked in the street without saying a word. At the moment, Xiao Liu is eager to find a topic to talk about, but he can't determine what the topic is. As he walks close to Xiao Zhang, his brain is thinking quickly. Whether to start with the latest news or talk about it on TV shows, Xiao Zhang first said, "Jessica?"

Xiao Liu said whether he heard the wrong thing, or whether Xiao Zhang told him? He repeatedly confirmed for a while, and it seemed that this was true, because Xiao Zhang said again, "It's really Jessica." Liu looked around when he stopped, but could not find Jessica's figure. He felt that Xiao Zhang was playing with him, so he could not help but pout: "Are you kidding me, really don't do this."

Surprised, Xiao Zhang took Xiao Liu's hand, pointed hard at the one in the window, and said to Xiao Liu, "I'm not joking. You can see for yourself."

Xiao Liu looked at Xiao Zhang with a serious face, and also stole a glance at a girl sitting in the window of the restaurant. He was also surprised: "It's really true. You can recognize Jessica, you have sharp eyes." Xiao Zhang motioned to him not to be so loud, surprised, like seeing a ghost.

"Why is Jessica here? Who is the handsome guy sitting opposite him?" Xiao Liu expressed doubts.

"However, that man is so handsome." Xiao Zhang's eyes began to shoot stars. I don't know whether it's Little Star or careful, but Xiao Liu said he was suspicious.

Jessica slowly picked up the cup in front of her and drank: "You are still the same as before. You are still so handsome. How many students worshipped you back then?"

"Don't mention it, I'm still very happy to see you today, and it also makes me see what you are wearing today, so that I can also remember those years." Although the handsome guy in those years has lost his appearance with the passage of time, time still seems to leave room for him. The dimples he smiles in are so sweet and still have personality.

"Although this restaurant is so slanted, the environment is still very good. Well, let's not talk about that. What's the matter with you inviting me today?" He narrowed his eyes and observed Jessica's behavior with a smile.

"How do you know that there must be something wrong with inviting you today? Maybe I just want to meet my old classmates." Jessica replied with a smile.

"At that time, you and my company were still hostile. We haven't had such a good relationship since then. I must have something to ask of you. Besides, you are a very serious person, so I judge that it is not important." He is very honest. Jessica still thinks that he can understand her mind as always.

"Tell me, if there is anything I can do for you, I will try my best." The handsome guy is still very polite, and seems to be tolerant of the term "classmate".

Jessica did not expect him to be so cheerful. The students of many years, in general, will change things when things happen. However, this student seems a little special. Is it special? But for Jessica at this time, she can't help thinking that she must hold on to this life saving straw.

"Your personality is still the same as yesterday. Well, I like it. Let me be frank. I hope you can help me find out someone." Jessica suddenly took her seriously and almost stopped her. Fortunately, she is also an old fogey in the workplace.

"Yes, let's talk about the conditions. If this person is not in the field I am familiar with, I may not be able to help. I will try my best without special circumstances."

"OK, I'll wait for your words." Jessica took a note from her bag and handed it to him with both hands.

When he saw the name, he was not surprised, not frowning, not showing too much thought, only calm. Jessica is not sure whether he can help to what extent, so she is worried. She not only hopes that he can tell him about the name, but also hopes that it can be very timely so that she can prepare for the next step.

"Well... how much detail do you want to know?"

"As detailed as possible."

He leaned back in the chair, stretched out, took a look at Jessica, and continued: "In fact, I not only know this person, but also a personal friend of mine. I know all about him, but I don't know why you want to know him?"

"Sorry, this is a secret of mine. I can't say it for the time being."

"Oh?" He leaned forward. "If you say so, I may not be able to help you."

He gave a mysterious smile. So, this mysterious smile surrounded Jessica's heart, which could not be dispersed for a long time, just like a peacock flying southeast, which seemed to make Jessica feel miserable.