Chapter 91 Slowly Exposed Life Experience

  • Rebirth and Tong Life
  • Yunyi is leisurely
  • 2054 characters
  • 2018-06-28 08:20:16

The banquet is coming to an end.

If we have a good talk with the Wang family, we will save face for the host family and stay here until the end. But people like Ye Yuchen, who came to hear the latest news about the Wang family, could not stay at this time.

On such a cold day, he most wanted to go home to accompany Qiu Tong.

Ziluo looked at him and teased him, "I'm afraid the family member is going to change his identity, isn't he?"

Who is Qi Luo? Anyway, he is a person who has talked about many girlfriends. On several occasions, he saw that Qiu Tong looked at Ye Yuchen with girlish feelings in his eyes.

Unfortunately, Ye Yuchen is too stupid.

After speaking, I thought of myself again, although Tao

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