Chapter 7 Guarantee

  • Rebirth and Tong Life
  • Yunyi is leisurely
  • 3246 words
  • 2018-03-28 13:00:23

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Qiu Tong wakes up from his dream.

She had a dream. It was some memories of the past. She had her own in her mother's arms, was doing handwork, or read books secretly, and when Ye Yuchen came, she peeped at him in the corner.

Ye Yuchen's shadow flashed by. Qiu Tong was a little worried, and suddenly found that he could not see Ye Yuchen's face clearly.

Qiu Tong wakes up from his dream, and his body feels cold. His pajamas were wet with sweat.

She can't remember what Ye Yuchen looks like now.

Qiu Tong doesn't know much about Ye Yuchen's appearance. People who see her only once in a few months only say something once in their memory, which makes the whole welfare home think that Ye Yuchen treats her differently.

Qiu Tong instinctively touches his side. Since he returned home and had the big bed, Ye Yuchen always leans on the other half of the bed to take care of Qiu Tong. Sometimes he is reading documents, and sometimes he sleeps on his back. In short, I am not alone today.

"Ye, Master Ye..."

The room was still silent and there was no answer.

Qiu Tong's hand suddenly shrank back. After a long time, he slowly got up from the bed, hugged his knee and curled up into a small ball. His chin was on his knee, and the thin shoulder blades behind him were trembling slightly.

For the first time since she was injured and hospitalized, Qiu Tong felt so lonely, and felt that the darkness in front of her was so painful that she was at a loss.

The scenes in the welfare house appeared in Qiu Tong's mind again. Everything around him was cold and lonely for two years.

Qiu Tong stayed alone for a while, and Ma Wang opened the door quietly. Before Ye Yuchen left, she told her to come in and have a look once an hour.

At a glance, she saw Qiu Tong awake and went to pick up the quilt that had fallen on the ground and cover her. Qiu Tong grabbed her and breathed quickly, "Master Ye!"

Mama Wang was stunned, and then she cleared up her smile. She calmed him with a feminine tenderness in her voice. "The eldest young master has something to do and will not come back until the evening. Miss Wang woke up. Do you want to go out for a walk? The sun is just right now, it's very warm."

Qiu Tong's hand loosened, she was silent for a while, and then shook her head.

The clock slowly and rhythmically turned round and round, and the sun gradually shifted with the clock.

The sun was setting in the west, and it was almost dusk.

Mother Wang has prepared meals according to the time instructed by the nutritionist, and put them on the dining table on the first floor one by one. Each dish is specially made. It's just not over yet, because Ye Yuchen said before he left that he could come back before dinner.

"The eldest young master called just now and said that he wanted the young lady to have dinner first. If something happened to him, he would come back later."

Qiu Tong heard that Ma Wang said Ye Yuchen was coming to the phone, but he had to look at the direction of the ringing phone with his head tilted expectantly.

Qiu Tong answered in a low voice and found the tableware on the side.

Ye Yuchen hangs up the phone. There are so many people outside the window, but the cars are all unable to move.

The driver looked at Ye Yuchen's bad face in the rearview mirror and suggested, "Young Master Ye, you should take another road, but it's a little far, but the road is not very good."

Although the road was bumpy after a long circle, it was much faster than traffic jam.

When Ye Yuchen came back, the sky was just black, and it was only a little later than usual. The headlights in the dining room are on.

Qiu Tong is still eating dinner.

The servants were busy with their own work, and only Wang Ma stayed with Qiu Tong.

Ye Yuchen stood quietly by the restaurant door.

The table was filled with vegetables as usual. Qiu Tong hesitated in mid air with a spoon in his hand, carefully scooped out three spoons of vegetables with a spoon, and then put them into a bowl to eat with them. It's not like an invisible patient at all.

But Ma Wang stood aside helplessly.

Ye Yuchen frowned. He took two steps closer. There were several dishes on the table. Only the two dishes near Qiu Tong were half empty, but nothing else moved.

Wang Ma was relieved. "The eldest young master is back!"

Qiu Tong realized that someone was coming, swallowed the last mouthful of rice in the spoon, and began to take another mouthful.

"What's going on here?"

Wang Ma had to tell Ye Yuchen that Qiu Tong didn't let anyone feed her.

Qiu Tong doesn't want to be fed, so he has to eat by himself, leaving Wang Ma alone to worry.

Even though she could not see, Qiu Tong did not eat too slowly. She only ate two dishes close to her hand. She paid attention to the dignity of eating and would not spill the soup.

Ye Yuchen came back after half of the meal.

Ye Yuchen's eyes fell on Qiu Tong, questioning him.

Qiu Tong looks into Ye Yuchen's eyes and his voice gradually decreases. "I always want to eat alone."

Qiu Tong grew up. She didn't remember that someone had fed her. Later, she was left in the welfare home. Eating was a luxury.

She has suffered a lot, even though she is only eight years old, she has built a thick barrier.

She is used to being fed by Ye Yuchen. She opens a small door for Ye Yuchen in her heart, but no one can come in.

Ye Yuchen calmly looked at Qiu Tong and saw some vague shadows of his previous life.

Qiu Tong is keenly aware of Ye Yuchen's different eyes and looks at some grievances,

She was born in an orphanage. From childhood to adulthood, she knew that eating depended on robbing. If she couldn't grab it, she would be hungry. Therefore, we will not embarrass ourselves by not eating because we have not fed. But Qiu Tong really can't accept others to feed him, which is the only treatment for relatives.

Except Ye Yuchen. Since he lost his sight, Qiu Tong has always been totally dependent on him.

Ye Yuchen sighed, gave up his memory, leaned down and took a bite out of Qiu Tong's spoon, took over his bowl, raised his eyebrows and asked, "Don't you like this dish?"

"......" Qiu Tong could not say that he had not waited for him and had no appetite.

"This is an accident. I will come back to have dinner with you later." Ye Yuchen picked up the steaming food, "I promise, OK?"

A guarantee is a promise, and a promise is a responsibility, and responsibility should be fulfilled.

Qiu Tong forgets the unhappiness just now. He rarely shows childish happiness, smiles, and then cheerfully answers

The TV in the restaurant is on, and the hostess with exquisite makeup is broadcasting the evening news of Donglin City today. It said that the public security police destroyed several gambling places, seized the following usury organizations, and then interviewed gamblers who had been ruined by gambling and usury. The gamblers cried bitterly, regretful, and thanked the police for their actions. The scene was quite sensational.

Mrs. Wang was also a little sad, "Sin..."

The camera quickly turns to the next news.

It is the opening ribbon cutting of a building in the center of H city during the day. Ye Tinggang was high spirited, laughing loudly and cutting the ribbon with the beautiful female stars. Represents the official commencement of construction. The reporter spoke about the praise of Ye's new helm as a conscientious entrepreneur and Century Project.

"This news! What the hell is this?"

Wang Ma stared round, mumbled a few words, and turned off the TV.

When Ye Yuchen heard the news, his spoon stopped feeding. Qiu Tong didn't eat at the same pace. His head was crooked and full of doubts.

"Nothing." Ye Yuchen gently put the spoon into Qiu Tong's mouth and comforted her gently.

After the ribbon cutting in the daytime, Ye Ting just bought the best hotel in H city and held a banquet in the hotel hall.

"Mr. Ye is really old and healthy. It's only proper for Ye to give it to you."


There are more than one hundred people in the Ye family, whose family name is Ye, but only one can be called Mr. Ye.

They seem to have forgotten that one month ago, they still called another person by this name. Even if Ye Tinggang died, he should not inherit it.

Those explicit or reserved flattery words were sent to Ye Tinggang's ears with cups of champagne.

Ye Tinggang held a glass of champagne in his hand, and all the guests came forward to congratulate him. His posture was very high, he only took a sip of wine at most, and his smile was very proud.

Now Ye Ting has just been able to shake off his youth and show his ambition.

On the other side of the dinner party, Ye Tingwei attracted a group of ladies to chat with them.

He was nearly forty years old and had married two wives,

Li Ting is a junior. After pregnancy, her mother succeeded in getting on top of her son.

When people outside saw the husband and wife, they both laughed and sneered.

At this time, Li Ting gritted her teeth and watched Ye Tingwei put his arm around the waist of a young lady in a white dress. The young lady was shy and timid. She smiled softly.

But she, Mrs. Ye, was excluded.

Li Ting is sulky. Ye Tingwei is lustful and useless. She was blindfolded when she was young, but now she can see clearly.

After Li Ting had several drinks alone, a waiter came to her and politely asked, "Do you know who is Mr. Ye Tingwei?"

Li Ting was too lazy to ignore him, but finally pointed to Ye Tingwei in the hall.

Then the waiter walked up to Ye Tingwei in three or two steps and said something to him quietly.

Li Ting clearly saw that Ye Tingwei's face turned pale in an instant, his hand shaking with his glass, and went out with the man.

Li Ting sneered twice, half a mouthful of wine in her mouth, and the moment she swallowed it, she realized that something was wrong. In order to show her talent, she has set up every banquet and even decorated the light bouquet in this hotel. The attendants who came out were all selected by her. The attendants should not forget her.

She was suddenly curious to see what had happened.

Hiding behind a big tree, Li Ting heard a smile from the person standing in front of the waiter and said, "You are really a distinguished person now."

Ye Tingwei didn't answer and said nothing.

The man then said, "Now you have a lot of money, and I'm sure you don't like the small amount of money you owe our brother." He paused and smiled.

"Our casino is just a small business. Can you repay the last debt again, so that we can get through the current difficulties."

"You!" Ye Tingwei, in a cold sweat, gritted his teeth and choked back the curse. "I have been in debt, haven't I paid more than the principal? You, you can't do this again..."

"How about that?" The man sneered, raised his eyebrows, and laughed in spite of himself. "Then we can only sell the shares you pledged to me. What do you think?"

Ye Tingwei tried to suppress his anger and said in a low voice, "Let me have a moment. When I pay back the money, can you return those shares to me?"

"Give it back to you?" The man laughed with no intention of avoiding suspicion. "That's all the shares of the newly appointed Mr. Ye Tinggang and his son Mr. Ye Yu in the Ye family. Is this money enough to buy back?"

Hearing this, Li Ting saw a flower.
