Chapter 93 That song

"How nice! Who is this?"

After all, Tianming is young and has not experienced many things. Although Tianming's own strength is not enough, it is the first person to wake up in this musical fantasy.

The movement of the dawn also awakened people who were addicted to music.

"I haven't heard this song before, but a person with such musical attainments should only be Sister Xue in this Mohist school..."

"It's time to ask Xiao Gao about this... Is this a new song by Snow Girl? The name of Snow Girl can be spread all over the world with this song alone, and it can be said to be the best in vocal music..." Master Ban said with emotion.

After hearing this, Gao didn't speak either, but his face was a little ugly.

Snow Lady never knew what people were thinking.

Just like her mood at this time, no one knows!

People familiar with her, such as Gao Yili. He could hear that this song was not written by Snow Girl!

Xuenv could not have composed such a tune.

The voice of Snow Girl is always cold and heartless, just like her name!

A piece of music, white snow in spring, let the names of Gao Jianli and Xuenv spread among the six countries.

A piece of white snow in spring, which was jointly performed by them, made people all over the world fall in awe of it.

However, after the white snow in the spring, Gao gradually left no music for generations.

People all say that Gao Yuanli is too high and too few. Even Snow Girl can't keep up with Gao Yuanli's music. Therefore, the white snow in spring is a swan song.

But is that really the case?

The world believes that although the Xuenv Xiao dance is excellent, it is still a little short of the high and gradual realm.

However, how can they know that Xiao and dance are unique?

Gao Jianli knows that, in fact, the Xiao of the Snow Lady is really amazing!

Their later works did not spread in the world, indeed because they were too high and too few.

But it is not because he is aloof and aloof. The real one is not because he is aloof and aloof, but because the Snow Girl.

Thinking of this, Gao Yili's hands firmly held together, and drops of blood dropped little by little in the place where no one noticed.

That was the curse in his heart.

In fact, what the world doesn't know is that he once invited Xuenu to play a song with her after the spring snow.

Xuenu did not refuse.

On the contrary, he actively participated in it. Even in the eyes of Xuenu, Gao Jianli saw the eagerness and love.

Even he once thought that it was Xuenu who accepted his performance.

However, he soon became desperate!

yes! Despair!

The Xuenu played a piece of music with her flute, but the flute music was only half of this one. The Xuenu needed Gao Jianli to continue the rest.

Only when Xue Nu's half piece of music is played, does he really understand what it means to be a good singer!

Facing this piece of music, he even found that he could not insert any melody at all.

Xuenu didn't blame him, but said a word.

Because of that sentence, Gao gradually began to practice the piano crazily, even to the point of being a madman.

"You, after all, are not the one who can laugh with me in the Jianghu"

After that, Xuenu never mentioned this song again, and they still played the piano and flute as before.

However, Gao Xiaoli never mentioned the ensemble again.

Only he can understand how amazing the music of Xuenu is.

He knew he had missed the best opportunity.

When Snow Girl played Snow White, he matched it with the Yangchun. This made him come into the eyes of Xuenu. If he could play the following song with her, he would not be in such a situation at the moment!

"Is that him again?"

Gao Jianli remembered the story of Xuenu at this time. Think of that person!

He has never seen a person who is crazy and jealous of him.


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