Chapter 68 Harm to the Fish in the Pond 1

"Your majesty, Gai took the trouble to cover up for Li Gao, the commander in chief, for the rebellion of the three guards of Duoyan. Ar Qiman, the right governor of the three guards of Duoyan, sent his son Hua to meet your majesty in Beijing." Gu Zuo, the imperial historian of Zuo, returned from Liaodong as quickly as possible.

It used to take more than a year to find out the truth in history, because Zhu Shou's troubles had been solved for more than a month.

Emperor Hongzhi nodded slightly. He was not surprised to learn about it from the East Hall in advance.

"What about Liaodong Town?" Emperor Hongzhi asked knowingly. The current situation of the armaments in the Nine Frontiers made him uneasy. He kept thinking that it must be because of the erosion of the frontier army that Zhao Er proposed to build Daning City and venture into the grassland to find ways to defeat the enemy.

Emperor Hongzhi felt guilty. He was a derelict emperor, and unexpectedly asked his nine year old son to shoulder the responsibility of "the Son of Heaven guarding the country" for him.

Gu Zuo was distraught: "The number of troops and horses in Liaodong Town is 90000, but there are actually more than 80000. The section of the Great Wall in Liaodong Town starts from Yalu Jiangxi to Shanhaiguan in the south. Most of them are earthen walls, and they are in disrepair. Therefore, Shanhaiwei has not found any trace of the Crown Prince yet."

Several sections of the Great Wall near Shanhaiwei were torn off. The fighting capacity of the frontier army was disappointing. Gu Zuo dared not risk sending the frontier army out of the Great Wall to find the prince. It's said that the dead men recruited by the expert factory beat the fire screen in pieces. By contrast, Gu Zuo no longer resents the wayward prince. He earnestly hoped that the prince would like to be the great ancestor as rumored, so as to restore Daming's majesty.

Today is the day of the great dynasty. All the officials in front of the Fengtian Temple were present. Civil and military officials formed two lines, and the atmosphere at the scene was particularly solemn.

Zhou Jing, the minister of the Ministry of Household, made a list and said, "I sincerely request your majesty to send 100000 taels of Beijing Bank Reserve to Liaodong for border reserve."

"Zhunzhu. Appoint Dingxi Marquis Jiang Ji as the commander in chief of Liaodong, and immediately take up the post to rectify Liaodong's military readiness." Emperor Hongzhi issued an order.

Jiang Ji knelt down to receive the order: "I will take the order."

Jiang Ji, the marquis of Dingxi, was the confidant of Emperor Hongzhi, and his nephew was one of the guards of the Eastern Palace who followed Zhu Shou out of the pass. Jiang Ji received a secret order, and the first thing he took office was to check the officers of Liaodong garrison.

Some of the 10000 soldiers who were not on the list became fugitives, while others were recruited by officers as private soldiers. Li Gao sent private soldiers to kill Duoyan Sanwei. They belonged to the military household of the garrison.

The desertion of the guard station has become a big hidden danger of Daming.

The Royal Guards and East Hall sent their elites to make the investigation in front of Shanhaiwei clear. Thousands of households in Shanhai Health Station were threatened by the White Lotus Cult, and more than 200 unidentified people were placed in the health station. In addition to the guard station, there are ambushes on the post road from Shan Haiwei to the capital and Xuanfu. No matter which direction the prince leaves, someone will stop him halfway.

The Emperor Hongzhi's back was cold, and he was extremely grateful for the protection of his ancestors, so that Zhao Er could see the danger and escape from a disaster. Emperor Hongzhi intended to promote the ID card system throughout the country, but he also knew that it should not be rushed. Finding a photo is the top priority at present, and the rest can be postponed.

Emperor Hongzhi winked at Liu Jian.

Liu Jian said, "I beg your majesty to decide on the civil and military posts, and to attack the Yin Descending Method."

The British public voice, who came back from Dushikou to attend the court meeting, said loudly: "I seconded the proposal."

"Quasi play." Emperor Hongzhi made a quick statement.

Now the ministers understand. Because of the attack on the crown prince, the emperor made up his mind to reorganize the army. Once your majesty has made a decision, they have no chance to speak out against it. However, at this juncture, no one will jump out of opposition without looking.

"Play when you have something to do, and retreat when you have nothing to do," Chen Kuan shouted at the top of his voice.

Emperor Hongzhi closed his eyes and rubbed his temples wearily. Last night, he handled the government affairs well, and also handled several matters of the expert factory. After retiring from the government, he still had to communicate with the cabinet on many important matters. Usually, when I see Zhao Er, I have to give consideration to both his studies and the expert factory. When he takes over the expert factory, I know how difficult it is.

The officials stood up and waited for the retreat.

"I have something to tell you!" Huke told the story to Zhonghua Chang. "The tributes Xu Jing from Jiangyin and Tang Yin from Wu County bribed the examiner Cheng Minzheng."

There is a thunder on the ground!

Emperor Hongzhi suddenly opened his eyes.

Cheng Minzheng stared at Hua Chang in disbelief.

Liu Jian glanced at Li Dongyang in surprise.

Many smart people in the hundred officials bow their heads and count ants. They have no guts to get involved in this matter. His Royal Highness has not been found. His Majesty is angry. No matter what purpose Hua Chang, a fool, impeaches Tang Yin, there will be no good end.

When Zhu Shou disappeared in Shanhaiwei, the capital master's examination went on as scheduled. Tang Yin is expected to be on the list, and Zhu Yunming regrets his failure. Because the prince's whereabouts are unknown, the examination of this subject has not received much attention.

Cheng Minzheng, the teacher of Hongzhi Emperor, is a popular candidate for the minister of the Ministry of Rites. It is also a matter of certainty that Cheng Minzheng will join the cabinet a few years later. Tang Yin's participation in drawing identity cards is known as the Prince's Party. Because Tang Yin's family background is not obvious, many people speculate that he is the future garrot cultivated by His Highness the Prince.

Tang Yinben is one of the four talents in Wuzhong, and his talent is even admired by the northern scholars. The result of the test, which announced that Tang Yin had won the conference, was not questioned by everyone at all.

Hua Chang impeaches Cheng Minzheng and divulges the examination questions to Tang Yin, destroying two future cabinet elders at one time, with extremely sinister intentions.

"Li Dongyang is going to review the imperial examination." Emperor Hongzhi hurried to the inner palace after issuing a decree.

Emperor Hongzhi had a very bad guess in his heart.

Xu Qiong, the original minister of etiquette, was the queen's uncle. Because the Zhang family is suspected of colluding with the Tatars, in addition to the Shouning Hou family's house arrest, all in laws of the Zhang family are also removed from their posts and investigated. Six books cannot be without a minister. He intends to let Cheng Minzheng take over as the minister of the Ministry of Rites.

A memorial destroyed the two candidates he and Zhao Er looked forward to. Everything happens for a reason.

"Your Majesty, the empress has a serious reaction to vomiting and can only eat sour food. The empress wants to invite Madam Chang Guotai to accompany her in the palace." The female official of Kunning Palace kneels at the door of the imperial study to ask for an order. She emphasized the word "sour" to remind her that the baby might be the little prince.

Emperor Hongzhi sighed. It is true that there is no fire without wind.

The Emperor Hongzhi looked at the palace maid of Kunning and asked Chen Kuan in a low voice, "This palace maid looks familiar."

Chen Kuan said with a smile, "My lord, she looks very similar to the glass relief paintings in the exhibition hall of the amusement park." The female official framed the prince to hide the Spring Palace picture. In retaliation, the prince made relief Spring Palace paintings based on her and Jianchangbo.

When Emperor Hongzhi thought of it, he couldn't help smiling. His photo is the owner who will repay the enemy.

"Hang on." The Emperor Hongzhi said quietly, "I ordered the Kunning Palace to be shut down so that the Queen could have a baby at ease. How did she get out? After checking, everyone involved will be punished."

"Yes." Chen Kuan bowed to take the order.

The female officer was dragged away by the guards. Chen Kuan took the opportunity to get rid of many of Ning Jin's people.

When Emperor Hongzhi came to the imperial study, the three cabinet elders had been waiting for a long time.

When the result of the female official's handling came, Liu Jian said casually, "Take care of yourself.". Li Dongyang and Xie Qian are silent.

"I have agreed to build Daning City on the original site of the expert factory. Daning City is isolated outside the pass, and the Imperial Court cannot reach it. Let the expert factory do it by itself." Emperor Hongzhi didn't talk about it much.

Apart from Liu Jian, the other two did not know much about the Daning City plan. They also don't care about the enclave outside the Shanhaiguan Pass.

Li Dongyang asked: "When the prince disappeared for a long time, 40000 people from the four guards of Tengxiang spent a lot of food and grass outside. With the continuous drought, the granary of Taicang was in urgent need, and the Ministry of Household could not afford the consumption of the army for many days."

"Chen Kuan, let the expert factory subsidize the grain consumed by the Tengxiang Four Guards to the Ministry of Household," said the Emperor Hongzhi coldly.

Li Dongyang knelt down and Xie Qian dared not speak.

The west factory opened a sea route to the city occupying country. Zhancheng rice is continuously transported to Tianjin Wei. The rising grain price due to natural disasters, military disasters and other reasons immediately rebounded to the price of "one or two silver and two stones" set by Taizu.

The importance of the West Factory began to emerge.