Chapter 302 Cancellation of Salt Introduction?

The second floor of the supermarket located in Zhengyangmen Street leaned out half of his body. Zhu Shou held the telescope and watched the opera with relish. Look at the tired dogs, sticking out their tongues and complaining incessantly.

Some people tried to discuss with Yinu, but they couldn't communicate with each other because of language barrier. Want to bribe Xiayi people with gold, silver and copper money? Hehe, Xiayi people are in the primitive tribal life stage of bartering, and giving them a piece of cloth is more effective than silver.

"Your highness, just punish it a little." Cheng Minzheng kindly intercedes for the dying official's children.

Zhu Shou moved his telescope to the clock tower of Li's residence: "It's not early afternoon yet. They haven't run for an hour yet

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