Chapter 187 Tired

Dayan Khan's intention to cooperate with the strange Samarkand forces was also a helpless move. The prince of the Ming Dynasty not only robbed his golden saddle, insulted the princess, robbed Hetao, but also intended to rob his herdsmen. Who can tolerate, who can not tolerate!

Hetao promised a comfortable life, and the settlement policy made ordinary herdsmen and slaves on the grassland enchanted. Seeing that Tai had changed from a slave to a deputy mayor of Daning City, the servants would flee to Hetao whenever they had the chance. The Yan aristocrat of all tribes jumped to his feet and ran outside the city in the clouds, shouting loudly. He was scared back by firecrackers thrown by the defenders.

"What kind of firecrackers are you going to use? Just use the guns in the city!" Zhu Shou shouted with his teeth rubbed

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