Chapter 134 Embarrassment

Zhu Shou woke up with a splitting headache. In those days, a thousand cups were not drunk, but now a bowl is poured. In order not to lose face on the scene next time, he decided to drink a cup every day to improve his drinking capacity.

"Young man, you finally wake up." The big man Gu Dayong had tears in his eyes. "The Jiejiu Soup has been warm all the time. Would you like to drink it now, young man?"

Zhu Shou rubbed his temples and drank the soup. "It's very useful. When the corn wine from an expert factory arrives, leave more jars. My palace has decided to practice drinking."

Gu Da knelt down with "Teng". "Last night, the emperor was very angry when he learned that you were drunk. The emperor ordered that if you touch a drop of wine, we will kill you."


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