Chapter 20 Biochemical Crisis World

  • Dimensional dream system
  • Interstellar constant sand
  • 2483 words
  • 2018-01-09 20:09:01

With 1000 energy points, Meng Chen is finally rich!

"Xiao Guang! Exchange it for the third door of the Eight Dun Jia Sect and the fourth door of the wounded sect!" Meng Chen said impatiently.

"Drip! With the current physical state of the host, the endurance limit is the third door!"

"... then exchange it for the third door! Then exchange it for healing, hemostasis and trisomy!" Meng Chen said.

Since there are eight Dun Jia skills, Meng Chen focuses on the cultivation of flesh and Chakra. After all, 1000 energy points are not much, so Meng Chen must save!

"Drop! The order is confirmed! The energy points are deducted! The exchange begins... The exchange ends! The remaining energy points are 712!"

The effect of the third sect of the Eight Dun Jia Sect is to continue to squeeze body energy and greatly increase physical strength and speed. The third door is also the last safe area of the eight Dunjia. Every time you open the other five doors, even if you open them for a short time, you will also cause great damage to your body!

As for healing and hemostasis, although their effects are not strong, they can also improve Meng Chen's ability to fight continuously. Meng Chen doesn't want to suffer serious injuries and even stop bleeding in future battles like this one!

Although the three body technique is the lowest level of ninja and has some disadvantages, it can also have unexpected effects if used properly.

After receiving the skill information injected by the system, Meng Chen secretly said: "Most of Kai's body skills in the body skills scroll are basic body skills, and there is no need to waste energy points to find substitutes in the real world! What else is suitable for me to exchange, and there are more than 700 energy points left to take a chance in the dimensional fantasy world?"

Meng Chen thought for a moment and said, "Xiao Guang! I want to enter the dimensional fantasy world!"

"Drop! Please shake the handle of the host to select the dimensional fantasy world!"

At the moment, on the roulette wheel of the roulette wheel machine that appeared in front of Meng Chen, there were still words on the roulette wheel: * * * * world, Westward Journey World, Biochemical Crisis World, Naruto World, Death Comes to the World, and Blame World!

Meng Chen shook the handle, and the roulette wheel of the roulette wheel machine spun rapidly. When the roulette wheel machine gradually stopped, the pointer of the roulette wheel machine stopped in the area of the biochemical crisis world!

"Biochemical crisis world?" Meng Chen murmured. Then Meng Chen's heart moved and said: "Xiao Guang! Do you want to kill zombies in the biochemical crisis world and calculate the killing value?"

"Drop! Calculate!"

"Drop! The host randomly selects the biochemical crisis world! Randomly selects the biochemical crisis world scene! Start to enter!"


The huge blue light ball emits dazzling blue light. Meng Chen's consciousness darkened and he lost consciousness.


"Er... every time we come to the dimensional fantasy world, our head hurts so much!" Meng Chen touched his forehead.

"Hmm? Ah! It hurts!"

Just as Meng Chen was trying to sort out the memory he had just acquired, a sharp pain came from his left arm. It seemed that someone was gnawing at his left arm!

Meng Chen quickly opened his eyes and said, "Damn! What bad luck? Are you tragically attached to the people who are bitten by zombies?"

Meng Chen hurriedly struggled to get up, raised his right elbow and hit hard. He was holding the head of the zombie with his left arm.


This zombie's cervical vertebra was broken by Meng Chen's right elbow!

"Hiss! What a pain!" Meng Chen held his bloody left arm and looked around.

At this moment, Meng Chen is standing on a chaotic busy street, full of panic crowds asking for help in panic.

Many people have turned into zombies, chasing pedestrians who fled in all directions. In the distance, several people in police uniforms are shooting at zombies.

Meng Chen patted his head and sorted out the messy memories in his mind.

Raccoon City? Confusion? plague? Biting madman?

"The body's name is Tim Abe? This is Raccoon City! It seems that this is the time when the t virus in Raccoon City just broke out. So this is the world of Biochemical Crisis 2! The main character is... Alice! Right! Ambrera found that the spread of t virus in raccoon city was inevitable. In order to eliminate the evidence, it would launch a tactical nuclear bomb in the early morning to completely destroy the raccoon city! So you must leave before dawn! " Meng Chen looked at the sky. It was already dark, and it would not be more than 10 hours before dawn.

Looking at the gnawed bloody left arm, Meng Chen sighed, "Shit! The zombie gnawed me when I came up! If I don't find the antidote, I will soon become a walking corpse, and I don't need to think about nuclear bombs! By the way, I remember a doctor's daughter trapped in this city, and she seems to have antidote on her!"

Meng Chen was attached to a strong white man with good physical quality this time. He felt his physical condition a little bit. Except for the injury of his left arm, he had no problems.

Chakra refining!

"Shit! 20% physical strength at a time, and the refined Chakra is less than 1 point! Eight Dun Armors can open, but with this physical basis, even if you open three doors, the combat effectiveness is not very good! It seems that the internal skill is more reliable! Alas! With the increase of internal qi in the middle of the day after tomorrow, it should be stronger!" Meng Chen was not sure.


Meng Chen suddenly felt a hunger attack and stretched out his left arm. He saw strands of purple and blue blood in his blood vessels spreading all over the body, and the t virus was already spreading all over the body!

"Shit! Don't you think so? I haven't been bitten for a long time! How can I feel that the body is rapidly changing? Is it the reason for refining Chakra? It's a pit!" Meng Chen felt that a stream of virus energy in his body was crazily promoting cell division and proliferation, and the speed was getting faster and faster.

With the division and proliferation of cells, more and more energy is consumed, and Meng Chen's hunger becomes stronger and stronger!

Food! Hunger! Bloodthirsty!

These nerve signals are transmitted to the brain, and Meng Chen can only suppress them reluctantly through mental strength.

"I have to find food quickly! I don't want to lose my head and eat with living people!" Meng Chen rushed to the nearest supermarket according to his own memory.

On the way, all the zombies who blocked Meng Chen's progress were interrupted by Meng Chen's fist! Of course, Meng Chen can't help being bitten by zombies, but Meng Chen doesn't care anymore. Anyway, he has been infected by T virus.

"Food! Food! Hungry! Hungry!" Meng Chen rushed into the supermarket with a full appetite and quickly entered the area where cooked food was sold. Fortunately, zombies are only interested in fresh meat and blood. There are no zombies in the cooked food area.

Eat! Eat! Eat!

Meng Chen kept picking up fried chicken, marinated beef, grilled fish steak and other meat from the shelf and stuffing them into his mouth. With the intake of a large number of calories and fat, the mind controlled by appetite gradually wakes up.

Meng Chen is eating while watching the chaotic scene in the supermarket. At this time, the supermarket was also bloody, and many normal people in the supermarket were chased and bitten by zombies.

Meng Chen said that he couldn't help him. Now the t virus is sweeping in Meng Chen's body. If the food can't keep up with it and the t virus dominates, what will Meng Chen become!

Of course, if a zombie dares to approach the cooked food area within ten meters, Meng Chen doesn't mind taking a few steps to solve it! Meng Chen doesn't want these disgusting guys to pollute his food.

At this time, a beautiful blonde girl in fashionable dress rushed to Meng Chen and asked for help, "Sir, help me!" There were four or five zombies closely following the white girl.

Meng Chen, while gnawing at the fried chicken leg, pointed to the cooked food area and let the white chick hide in.

Then Meng Chen grabbed a meat cleaver and rushed to the zombies, cutting their necks in twos and threes. Meng Chen wipes it with disgust, and accidentally splashes the blood of the zombies on his body and returns to the cooked food area.

The white girl looked at Meng Chen who was covered with blood in fear and thanked him, "Thank you! My name is Avril!"

"Hmm!" Meng Chen nodded without speaking and continued to eat.

Looking at Meng Chen's picture of the reincarnation of a starving ghost, Avril was stunned and said, "Sir, aren't we going to run away? Or find a place to hide?"

"Escape? Where can you escape? Now the whole raccoon city is full of such ghosts! What's the point of hiding? When it's dawn, a nuclear bomb will detonate in raccoon city!" After that, Meng Chen continues to fill his mouth with stewed beef.

"What? A nuclear bomb explosion? Impossible! How could you know?" Avril said in horror.

Meng Chen shakes his head, does not speak, and continues to eat the sea jam.