Chapter 16 Jinjia Gambling House (First)

  • Dimensional dream system
  • Interstellar constant sand
  • 2410 words
  • 2018-01-06 12:44:31

"Young Master Chen! The Jin Family Gambling House is ahead!" Huang Xing nodded and bowed to Meng Chen.

"I know! I know you better here!" Meng Chen led Huang Xing and Meng Xiong into the Jin Family Gambling House.

"Yo! It's Young Master Chen coming! Welcome... Yo!" The boy who greeted Meng Chen was pushed away by Meng Chen.


With a loud noise, Meng Chen kicked open the door of the casino hall. The noisy scene in the casino hall suddenly quieted down, and people focused on Meng Chen and his party.

This Jinjia Casino is the largest one in the whole Wu'an County. The casino hall is luxuriously decorated, with an area of thousands of square meters and dozens of gambling tables. The number of gamblers in the entire gambling hall is estimated to be two to three hundred. The original "Meng Chen" is a frequent visitor here.

"Yo! It's Young Master Chen who came here! Who made you angry again? I will clean up him now!" The casino manager Jin San laughed, and then gave an inquiring look to the young servants chasing Meng Chen.

"Ho ho ho! I came to the Jin Family Gambling House today to find someone! Huang Xing! Go and see which one?" Meng Chen smiled

"Good!" Huang Xing may have been abused by Meng Chen out of Stockholm syndrome. Now, he will try his best to complete any instruction given to Meng Chen.

Huang Xing wandered around among the gamblers for several times, pointing to a fat bald man with big ears, and saying, "Young man, this is my boss! Pig head is strong!"

Meng Chen gives Meng Xiong a wink. Meng Xiong immediately takes orders and rushes into the crowd to drag the pig's head out.

While struggling desperately, Pighead Qiang asked Steward Jin San for help, "Steward Jin! Help me! I didn't offend Young Master Chen! Steward Jin, I'm a frequent visitor here! You can't refuse to help me!"

The gamblers around quietly watched the development of things. Seeing that pig's head was dragged away like a dead dog, they were filled with a sense of sadness.

Jin San cursed secretly, "Damn!"

If Zhutouqiang is caught outside the casino, even if he shouts, Jinsan will not care about him. However, this is the Jin Family Gambling House. If someone randomly drags the gambler away, then

Steward Jin San can only force his head and say to Meng Chen, "Young Master Chen! What's wrong with this pig?"

"Hum! Do you know Wu Anji?" Meng Chen asked.

Jinsan nodded and said, "Mm-hmm. I know! Isn't that the territory of a strong pig?"

"What kind of tough territory? That's my territory! Today's tough subordinate, Huang Xing! He is the one with black eyes! He took some younger brothers to my territory to fight, smash and rob! You said, if I don't settle accounts with their boss, how can I still get along in Wu'an County?" Meng Chen said indignantly.

When Huang Xing heard Meng Chen mention himself, he nodded excitedly.

"Huh?" Jinsan heard the words and suddenly felt that he had bleeped the dog.

The gamblers in the gambling hall were also dumbfounded, and even Pig Touqiang forgot to struggle.

"Well... Young Master Chen, are you kidding? What's your identity? How can you compete with such land rascals?" Jin San couldn't believe it.

"Are you kidding? Do you think I'm joking? What's my identity? The chief villain in Wu'an! How can I rob the territory? Then Wu'an Jiming is my territory!" Meng Chen said without shame.

After saying that, Meng Chen goes to Pig Touqiang and bam! He kicked the pig's stomach and said, "How dare you?"

"Er... Er..." Meng Chen's foot was very heavy. Pig Tou Qiang could only moan in pain for a while, and could not speak at all.

"What? How dare you not answer me?"

Bang! Meng Chen kicked the pig's head again.

Watching Meng Chen kick the pig's head, all the gamblers around were frightened and felt as if they were kicking themselves.

"Stop!" A familiar voice of Meng Chen came from the backstage of the gambling house hall.

It was Jin Weiman, the second son of the leader of the Jin family, who came here.

Meng Chen is too lazy to pay attention to him! Bang! Another kick directly kicked the pig's head to vomit blood and passed out.

"Meng Chen! I tell you to stop!" Jin Weiman was furious and walked out quickly.

"Oh! It's the spirit of discontent! Who are you? You said stop, I will stop?" Meng Chen kicked the pig's head again.

"Meng Chen! You came here on purpose today, didn't you?" Jin Weiman gnashed his teeth.

"Hey, hey, hey! You just found out? I just came here today to find fault! This pig's head is strong just by way!" Meng Chen said with a smile.

Jin was not full of anger and said, "Meng Chen! You don't have a look. What is this place? Do you really think nobody dares to touch you? Come on!"

Although the Jinsan steward was unwilling to fight with Meng Chen, since Meng Chen had come to find fault, and the money was not enough, he called out all the thugs in the gambling house.

A group of thugs rushed out from the backstage of Hula La Casino. There must be twenty or thirty people to surround Meng Chen and his party. Seeing that the situation was bad, Huang Xing slipped back to Meng Chen.

"Young master! Bad! Those casino thugs don't care, they are all bad! But Jin San, the guard with less money and the casino steward, are all experts in the early days of nature! I can only try to hold off for a while, young master!" Meng Xiong worried.

"Hmm! As long as you can hold those two congenital states back! I have a way!" Meng Chen said quietly.

"Hum! Meng Chen! I know that Meng Xiong around you can fight, but I have two experts in the natural world! You asked for it today! Give it to me!" Jin Weiman angrily said.

Gambling house thugs rushed to Meng Xiong, and Jin San and Jin Shao Man also rushed to Meng Xiong.

Meng Xiong's yard guards are not weak, but the gold house gamblers are not fuel efficient, and the number of them is four or five times that of the servants.

Soon, some thugs broke through the servants' barriers and threw their fists at Meng Chen. Meng Xiong can barely keep up with the siege of the two creatures.

"Ha ha ha! If you can catch Meng Chen, you will be rewarded!" Jin Weiman laughed.

"Open the door! Open!" Meng Chen opened the first door of the eight Dunjia Sect in a moment, and a feeling of physical freedom accompanied by muscle pain poured into Meng Chen's mind.

At the moment, Meng Chen's body level has reached the middle of the forging state. In addition to the increase in strength of the Open Door and Chakra, Meng Chen will be able to compete with the later stage of the forging state in a short time, even the peak of the forging state is hard.

Although these casino thugs have also cultivated martial arts, the highest one is in the middle of the acquired world. A few of them can reach the early stage of the acquired world, while others are out of class.

Meng Chen stamped his foot heavily, and his body accelerated in an instant, rushing to Jin Weiman!

On the way, several thugs who stopped in front of Meng Chen were smashed by Meng Chen. At this time, Meng Chen was in full force. The thugs who were hit by Meng Chen's heavy fist all vomited blood and flew back five or six meters away.

But in two or three breaths, Meng Chen rushed to Jin Weiman, grabbed Jin Weiman's neck with one hand, and said with a smile, "Stop!"

Although Jin Weiman also has the cultivation of the middle of the day after tomorrow, he is just like the original "Meng Chen"!

At this moment, the guard and Jin San, who were not full of Jin, came to their senses. After stopping, they quickly said, "Young Master Chen! Tell me something!"

Meng Chen sees that there are still several thugs who don't understand the situation, and they are still besieging the servants brought by Meng Chen, so he puts more effort on the hand that holds Jin Weiman.

"Uh... uh..." At this time, Jin Bu Man's face was red because of lack of oxygen.

"Stop! Stop for the fuck!" Jin San and Jin Yuman's guards quickly responded, and the thugs who were still fighting shouted.

"Young Master Chen! Please let go! My young master can't stand it! These are all misunderstandings!" Jin San pleaded with Jin Wuman, looking at his bluish face.

Meng Chen relaxes his grip and lets Jin Weiman take a breath. Then he smiles, "Oh, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho!"