Chapter 31 Qin Hai's Goal

"Do you really have a mastiff?"

Qin Hai asked Zou Ling when he saw Zhang Quan's men running away from her.

"Ha ha ha!" Zou Ling laughed so much that she couldn't close her mouth until she had laughed enough, and then said, "What kind of mastiff is to say it to frighten them. These cowardly guys, I just said so casually, one by one, they were so scared that they couldn't even find the north. What a laugh! Ha ha ha!"

Qin Hai shook his head with a wry smile. Unexpectedly, Zou Ling cheated those people. It's interesting to think about it.

When Qin Hai looked around, he noticed that Jiang Yu was standing not far away. At this time, she was very weak, like a tottering willow, and could faint at any time.

Seeing Jiang Yu's body shaking, Qin Hai hurriedly stepped forward to help her.

"Why do you care about this woman? Isn't it nothing to ask for trouble?" Zou Ling said with a slightly unhappy face when she saw Qin Hai holding Jiang Yu.

"Anyway, she is a woman. I can't do it if you let me stand by."

Hearing what Qin Hai said, Zou Ling said nothing more.

"It's cold outside. Go and open my lounge. I'll take her to have a rest."

Although Zou Ling was a little reluctant, she listened to Qin Hai's words, mumbled, helped Qin Hai open the door of his room, and asked him to carry Jiang Yu in his arms.

"If you want to come in, come in. If you don't come in, close the door. It's windy outside."

"Hum! I won't come in!" Zou Ling went out and slammed the door shut.

"What's good about this woman? It's worth treating her like this, Qin Hai, you big idiot!" Zou Ling shouted at the top of her voice, feeling more comfortable, and then left here.

In the room, the light is dim.

In order to let Jiang Yu have a good rest, Qin Hai turned down the lights.

Although the woman in front of him hurt him a lot before, it was his first love after all. There were always times when he could not give up and hated, so he had to choose to forgive.

Qin Hai gently touched Jiang Yu's white wrist. An invisible power of the river god slowly spread through her fingertips to her body, making her gradually recover.

However, after a while, Jiang Yu's bright eyes opened slightly, and when he first saw Qin Hai, tears welled up.

"Qin Hai, I... I'm sorry for you..." Jiang Yu plunged into Qin Hai's arms and sobbed all the time, her delicate body trembling slightly.

"Don't cry, it's all right." Qin Hai seems very calm. If he had been in the past, he would have grieved with Jiang Yu, but after experiencing these things, his mind is more mature than before.

When Jiang Yu saw Qin Hai's calm appearance, he was stunned and whispered to him, "Don't you hate me at all?"

Qin Hai smiled.

"Hate? What kind of hate has passed."

Jiang Yu pressed her thin lips, clenched her hands, and lowered her head. There was a silence in the room.

So quiet that you can even breathe.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Yu suddenly opened her arms and hugged Qin Hai's neck. The two red thin lips were about to stick to them. She felt the fragrance of Jiang Yu's body, and the two were close to each other.

However, Qin Hai soon came to his senses. When he thought of what she had told Zhang Quan, he felt sick and pushed Jiang Yu away.

"You don't have to do that." Qin Hai said quietly, his face unchanged.

Jiang Yu was stunned, looking dejected, slowly released Qin Hai, hung his head, and said, "I know I'm dirty now, and I don't deserve you at all. You are so successful in your career, and there are so many beautiful girls around you. I thought I was sentimental. I'm sorry..."

After saying this, Jiang Yu got dressed, sat down slowly from the bed, and walked out with tears in his eyes.

Qin Hai looked at her back and saw her go, but he had no intention of detaining her.

"Am I right in doing this?" After Jiang Yu left for a while, he asked himself, but there seemed to be no answer to this question.


Qin Hai stayed in the chicken farm for a few days, then returned to the city and continued to sell his fish. Since he swallowed the second stone in the eight stones, not only the power of the river god has been greatly enhanced, but also the ability to catch fake oil spotted fish.

This ability has brought him more income than before, which is no wonder that the price of blue grouper is only about half of the price of fake oil grouper after all. Previously, when selling blue grouper, he could earn tens of thousands of dollars a month, but now he can earn hundreds of thousands of dollars. The income is also doubled.

The previous debt has been paid off. Now Qin Hai has saved the money he earned, and when he has more money, he can use it to open a shop or something.

In fact, Qin Hai has always had a dream that he would set up his own company specializing in fish business.

In the past, he thought that this dream was very far away. He only thought about it occasionally when he was idle, but now the situation is different from the past. Although it may be far away from this dream, as long as he works hard, it is possible to realize it.

One afternoon.

Just after dinner, Qin Hai felt sleepy and could hardly open his eyes. He leaned against the chair and was about to squint for a rest.

Suddenly, a jade palm fell on Qin Hai's face. Qin Hai disliked being slapped on his face. He suddenly got up from his chair, raised his fist and angrily hit the person who slapped him.

"Is that you?"

His fist was hanging in the air. As soon as Qin Hai saw that Feng Yumeng was standing in front of him instead of others, he immediately drew back his fist, touched the back of his head in embarrassment, and smiled: "Miss Feng, why did you come?"

Today, Feng Yumeng is wearing a white skirt with flowing clothes and her slim and graceful figure. With light makeup, she looks fresh and refined, and has a unique beauty.

Feng Yumeng looked around, walked softly, opened his mouth, and smelled sweet. He turned to Qin Hai and said, "Why, don't you welcome me?"

"Of course not. I'm a bit messy here, but I think you've come too suddenly to have time to clean up." Qin Hai shook his head repeatedly and said.

Feng Yumeng was not a real lady. He chuckled and said, "Am I such a delicate person in your eyes?"

Qin Hai pondered for a moment, then shook his head.

"Well, I know what you think. In fact, it's a bit sudden today, but I'm in such a hurry to find you because of something urgent. Otherwise, I wouldn't be so bold."


After hearing her words, Qin Hai became more curious, and his eyes immediately focused on Feng Yumeng.