Chapter 16 The Weird Old Man in the Flower Shop

When Qin Hai passed these flower and bird stores, the bosses were all enthusiastic and kept greeting him.

But Qin Hai didn't come here to hang out. He had business to do. He had been looking for the familiar feeling before, but after walking for so long, the feeling still didn't appear as scheduled.

"What's the matter? Isn't that feeling obvious before? Why is there no one here?" Qin Hai felt like God was joking with him.


"Here we go again!" As soon as the voice dropped, the feeling of familiarity flashed in his head again, fleeting.

Qin Hai suddenly opened his eyes, pointed to the front, and said, "Yes, it should be the front!"

After saying that, he quickly walked forward and followed the thought that had flashed in his mind. Soon, he came to a flower shop. The boss was an old man with silver hair. He shook the fan, sat on the lazy chair, and gently shook the fan. It seemed very leisurely.

Before Qin Hai came to the store, he did not ask Qin Hai like other store owners, but still sat in his lazy chair, as if to say, I don't care whether you want to buy or not.

Qin Hai stopped at the flower shop for a long time. Looking at these bright flowers, he wanted to find some clues about the eight stones, but he couldn't find them after a long time, which made him disappointed.

It may be that Qin Hai stayed in front of his shop for too long. The old man who had ignored him seemed unable to stand up and said to Qin Hai, "Young man, buy whatever flowers you want. If you don't buy them, don't block my business at the door of the shop."

"Strange old man." This is his first impression on Qin Hai. The shop is so big, and what can he do if he stands here? Besides, the shop is not popular at all. I haven't seen anyone come here to buy flowers after standing here for so long.

"Old man, if I don't look at it, how can I know what flowers to buy? Why don't you introduce it to me?" Qin Hai felt dissatisfied, and just used this way to amuse himself.

"I never introduce flowers to others. If I understand, I will understand. If I don't understand, I will spoil these good flowers. If you don't understand these flowers, you'd better leave quickly!"

The old man raised his hand and didn't expect to see Qin Hai at all.

Qin Hai is also drunk. When he meets an old man with such a strange temper, Qin Hai is too lazy to talk to him. He sees it in the store.

The old man continued to sit in the lazy chair, waving the cattail fan, slightly closing his eyes, looking carefree.


As Qin Hai walked on the seashore of these colorful flowers, he suddenly stopped beside a pot of green apples and looked at it. Somehow, a strange feeling always reverberated in his heart.

In addition, the power of the river god in his body seemed to have an induction, and it kept surging like a hidden tide.

When he hesitated, Qin Haigang reached out his hand to get the pot of green apples, but the old man stopped him.

"Don't move!"

Qin Hai turned his head and looked at him doubtfully. "What's the matter?"

The old man came over from where he had just been sitting, quietly lifted Qin Hai's hand, and said with a little sulk, "You can't move this pot of green apples!"

Qin Hai suddenly felt angry and funny. He didn't want to introduce himself. Now he doesn't even touch a flower. What's the meaning of opening this flower shop?

"I said, old man, if you don't tell me or touch me, what flowers can I buy?"

The old man didn't even look at Qin Hai. Instead, he gently wiped the edge of the pot with a towel, like a baby. After a while, he casually said, "You can look at others, but this pot is not allowed to touch."

"What's so special about this pot? I don't think it's the same as others."

"Just don't touch it!" said the old man with a straight face.

Qin Hai was stunned for a moment. He thought that the old man was really strange. Isn't it just a pot of green apples?

If he hadn't felt the power of the river god, he wouldn't have looked at it more.

Qin Hai saw that the old man was so obstinate that it might not work hard. He had to look for opportunities and make plans again.

"Well, I won't touch it, OK?" Qin Hai shook his head and said with a wry smile.

The old man then walked back safely, while the pot of green apples stayed quietly.

Qin Hai looked at the pot of green apples, and several thoughts flashed in his mind. He was sure again that the pot of green apples really had an inseparable relationship with his power of the river god.

The key is how to get this pot of green apples smoothly without making that strange old man feel.


Just as Qin Hai was thinking about it, a childish voice suddenly came out, and then he saw a little girl about eight or nine years old running excitedly with a schoolbag on her back.

Qin Hai has stayed here for so long, and he hasn't seen the strange old man smile. But when he heard the little girl's voice, he immediately smiled with understanding and turned into a kind old man.

He took the little girl into his arms and said with a smile, "Little guy, school is over!"

The little girl looks beautiful, her white skin is crystal clear, her eyes are watery and full of intelligence.

"Grandpa, I tell you, today at school... Eh? How tall this brother is!" The little girl was talking to the old man when she suddenly saw Qin Hai beside her and said in surprise.

Qin Hai smiles at her.

"Brother, are you here to buy flowers? Grandpa has many beautiful flowers here. You should have a good look!" The little girl said to Qin Hai warmly.

"Xiaojie, go and do your homework!" The old man seemed to dislike her talking to Qin Hai.

"Grandpa, I have finished my homework at school." She grinned, "Grandpa, take a rest. Let me help you watch the shop!"

"I'm done... Well, it's OK. I'll go to sleep for a while. Don't sell those flowers!"

"I know grandpa!" The little girl nodded like a little adult.

Then the old man walked into the inner room with his hands on his back and lay down on the bed to rest.

"Brother, grandpa certainly didn't introduce these flowers to you? Let me introduce them to you..."

Although the little girl is still young, her understanding of these flowers is not inferior to that of other florists. In such a short time, she has already told Qin Hai a lot about these flowers.

"I just want to ask, why doesn't your grandfather sell that pot of green apples?" Qin Hai pointed to the pot of green apples and asked.

"Oh! You are talking about that!" The little girl scratched her head and suddenly became a little depressed, saying: "Because that pot of green apples is the last one left by my grandma."