Chapter 30 Hmm... Do you want to make a match

After leaving the Holy Palace, Yi Xuan has already told Yu Canghai what he needs to do. As long as he is not too stupid and follows his schedule, there should be no problem.

At the same time, the Qingcheng Sect changed its name to the Holy Palace, which has spread. Although the speed of information transmission in the Jianghu is not fast, many people or forces pay attention to such important events as the Qingcheng Sect.

Songshan Sect, left Lengchen frowned tightly.

"Whew! I didn't expect such a strange thing in the world!"

Slowly put down the letter, "Qingcheng Sect has been destroyed, do you think it's from the Demon Sect?"

Zuo Lengchen looked at a middle-aged man beside him. The middle-aged man shook his head. It was not clear that this incident came too suddenly, and... "

The middle-aged man was silent and didn't know what to think.

"What do you think of the so-called Holy Palace?"

"It seems that the other party started out of nowhere. I investigated the holy palace and found no trace!"

"Oh!" Zuo Lengchen's eyes were deep. "It's strange that with such a strong person, how could he not find any trace?"

The middle-aged man muttered, "Maybe this is a new force!"

"Hmm!" He nodded, and left Lengchen's eyes were more profound

The middle-aged man was silent. Did he have a say in this matter? After all, the news came too suddenly.

Their Songshan Sect is the closest to Qingcheng Sect, so they know this at the first time. As for other sects, they don't know.

"Hmm! Is this Huashan Sect?" Although it is an interrogative sentence, its tone is very positive.

It was Yi Xuan who came here. At the moment, he took back his wings behind him.

The long golden hair is slightly curled, and the beautiful face makes all women moved. There is a holy breath on the body.

If you wear white clothes, you are short of a long sword, just like a generation of sword immortals!

Looking at the mountain with interest, you can see a forest of buildings on the mountain. That is where Huashan Sect is located. A stone road extends from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain.

The momentum is good, even compared with that of Qingcheng Sect!

Without too much exclamation, Yi Xuan has come to yam!

"Stop!" The disciples of the gate were also amazed when they saw Yi Xuan, but they did not forget their responsibilities.

"Idle people..."

A breath came to my face, which changed my face!


Later, Yi Xuan ignored these people. At the moment when they were stunned, they had already crossed a distance of several meters and walked in mysterious steps, which originated from the angel's hot pace.

Born from nature, the mystery is still above the lightness skill in this world!

The mountain guarding disciples came back to their senses and looked at each other. They saw the shock in each other's eyes, "What should we do, Elder Martial Brother?"

A congenital martial artist comes to their Huashan Sect. If they are not good, they will also be punished.

The man who was called the elder martial brother was helpless. "What should I do? Cold salad!"

Who do you ask me? People are born strong, so they can squeeze our existence and stop us at will? Stop joking, just like an ant trying to make an elephant obey.

Linghu Chong leans against her in boredom, looking at her little junior sister Yue Lingshan.

There is a three foot green front beside it.

"Younger martial brother, look at our basic swordsmanship of Huashan Sect..." Then a graceful girl waved a long sword.

It is as lively as an elf, with exquisite appearance and mouth corners rising.

"Oh!" Beside her, a young man stared at Yue Lingshan.

The young man has clear eyes and beautiful eyebrows. He is very handsome. Junbi is thriving again. She is as beautiful as a good girl.

He is Lin Pingzhi.

The courtyard looks so comfortable and peaceful here.

After the sword dance, Yue Lingshan looked at Lin Pingzhi with a smile, "How about that?"

Lin Pingzhi exclaimed, "Hmm! Hmm! Elder martial sister should watch the dance carefully!"

Yue Lingshan, who was still a girl, felt a sense of satisfaction after being praised so much.


Raise your head proudly.

Linghu Chong couldn't stand looking at them any longer. Holding his sword in his arms, he walked up to them.

"Senior Brother!"

Nodding, Linghu Chong said to Lin Pingzhi, "It's OK!"

Lin Pingzhi is also a smart person. "Hmm! I have written down the swordsmanship practiced by elder martial sister!"

Some pride.

"Well, you can practice it and see what can guide you!"

Ling Huchong also has no nonsense.

"How I miss you, Senior Brother!" Then I picked up the wooden sword, walked to the side just meters away, and waved the long sword.

"Shida, come on!"

The clear voice came to Lin Ping's ears, "Don't worry, Elder Martial Sister!"

Then he waved the wooden sword in his hand. Suddenly, a breeze blew. Then the moves were spliced together. It seemed a bit dull, but it also surprised Hu Chong and Yue Lingshan.

After the sword dance, Yue Lingshan, who was the most lively, shouted joyfully, "Good! You are so powerful, young martial brother!"

He made no secret of his praise.

Ling Huchong's character is free and easy, and he has no idea about his younger martial brother's talent. "Not bad!"

I simply and rudely named my own opinion.

Then he shook his head. Lin Pingzhi was very happy when he heard the comments from the elder martial brother, but Linghu Chong let Lin Pingzhi down with a word.

However, even so, your swordsmanship is too rigid. This is also a mistake made by most people when they first learned about swordsmanship. The swordsmanship itself is created to let people use their own strength. Remember, the swordsmanship itself is not important. The most important thing is that it can be more suitable for their own strength. Do you understand? "

Ling Huchong's face was serious, and Yue Lingshan kept pouting.

But Lin Pingzhi was also in a daze, scratching his head foolishly, with a blank face.

Linghu Chong didn't say much after seeing this. It still needs to be understood by himself. After all, what others do is not his own.


Yue Lingshan saw that Lin Pingzhi was being played around by Ling Huchong and was introduced into the Senior Brother's routine, which broke Lin Pingzhi's thinking untimely.

"Senior Brother, this is what Dad said. Do you do it, Senior Brother?"

Just now, I looked like an expert, and was exposed by my junior sister, "Cough!"

Then he turned around and blushed.

Lin Pingzhi didn't know what to say when he saw this. His eldest martial brother was free and easy. Just now, he said this to teach, but it didn't mean anything else. He could see that.

So I am at a loss.

Yue Lingshan was heartless and giggled. Her clear laughter made the embarrassment disappear. "Senior Brother, I'm just joking, giggling..."

Suddenly, bursts of applause spread from far to near, and the three people looked at the source of the sound.

I saw a touch of snow white in my eyes, white clothes were better than snow, my long golden hair was slightly curled, and my dark blue eyes were very deep. Unconsciously, a smile appears at the corners of the mouth, bringing people a strange kind of sacredness and safety.

Beautiful is not like the human face Cough! The face, the white skin without losing vitality, is more smooth than that of a woman.

Of course, don't let Yi Xuan know these words, or... hey hey, you know!

"Wow!" Yue Lingshan made a sound at the first time. Yi Xuan looked at Yue Lingshan and I was very surprised. He felt comfortable, just like seeing his fans, but Yi Xuan would turn black in the next sentence!

"What a beautiful person!!"

what the fuck! mmp! The screen is full of characters!

Ling Huchong is a cautious person. He holds the sword hilt in his right hand to deal with sudden changes at any time.

Seeing Yi Xuan's face change, I felt a rush of pressure and met an expert!

Another doubt poured out. How did the man get in? Are you a guest of Huashan Sect? However, even the guests of Huashan Sect can't wander around, which is obviously against the rules.

Lin Pingzhi didn't understand the rules of Huashan, but he was puzzled. Although this is not a forbidden area, few people will come here. Because here is coughed by the elder martial brother and younger martial sister, and the elder martial sister has contracted it!

But Lin Pingzhi didn't think much about it.

Yi Xuan "gritted his teeth" and looked at Yue Lingshan. He squeezed a sentence out of his teeth, "Little girl," and then pointed to himself, "I'm a man. How can you describe me with beauty? Come on! Tell me who taught you Chinese, and promise I won't kill him..."

Linghu Chong is dumbfounded. He feels that his words are wrong! What's more, why does it feel strange with that person?

And Yue Lingshan is also like this. She feels like a dog in the sun.

Yi Xuan kept walking towards Linghu Chong.

Then he glanced, "Don't be nervous, I don't mean any harm to you!"

Yi Xuan shrugs when he sees that Ling Huchong is ready.

"What's more, even if I want to do something, it's really not worth looking at your strength!"

Linghu Chong looks like I don't believe him. See this, hey hey, smile, the main character! Are they all so rebellious? So! hey!

Then Yi Xuan burst into a breath, overwhelming Linghu Chong and others.

In an instant, they looked pale, as if they were overwhelmed by a mountain!

Ling Huchong and Yue Lingshan are better, but Lin Pingzhi's practice has been miserable for only one month.

The body retreated again and again, and his face was also bloodless. Yi Xuan smiled and took back his own breath.

Linghu Chong trembled, "You are born!"

mmp, Isn't that bullshit? Have you ever seen that the breath can be released from the nature?

Are you a fool looking at Linghu Chong.

Ling Huchong also felt it. He smiled, but he was still unbelievable. This girl seemed to be about their age, but he was a congenital expert.

The leader once said that he was a genius. At that time, he was naive and believed that the future of Huashan Sect depended on you. His face was solemn. At that time, I believed him!

It was the leader who lied to me. Wuwu. Thinking of this, Linghu Chong felt that Shifu had lied to him for so many years. He turned out to be a waste material. In order not to make him feel inferior, Shifu specifically told him. Wuwu! Shifu, you are really a good Shifu

I don't know Ling Huchong's exaggerated brain tonic, nor Lin Pingzhi's complex psychology that if I had this strength, my parents would not die. Yi Xuan looked at Lin Pingzhi and Yue Lingshan with great interest, and his eyes kept rolling.

Then he looked and pondered. I wonder if Ling Huchong, who considered the philosophy of life, and Dai Meng Yue Lingshan.

"Hmm! Yue Lingshan, Lin Pingzhi, hey hey, and Ling Huchong, hmm! Is this a love triangle? Lin Pingzhi likes Ling Huchong likes Yue Lingshan, and Yue Lingshan likes Lin Pingzhi. Well, there seems to be something wrong, no matter what, Lin Pingzhi likes Ling Huchong... Bah, Bah, Lin Pingzhi likes Yue Lingshan, no, it's not a love triangle!"

"Hmm! All right! Cough, the calculation is wrong, but......" Yi Xuan looks at Lin Pingzhi, and Ling Huchong, with flashing eyes. Do you want to do something? Matchmaking?