Chapter 66 New Situation

Zhang Dawei was very happy carrying a huge boar leg.

This is the leg of a wild boar, and this is the meat of a wild boar. Now it's time to open the meat and taste the fresh meat!

It is said that wild boar meat is tender and mellow, rich in game, high in lean meat rate and low in fat content. It is a very delicious delicacy. Of course, it's worth going to have a good taste. You can't miss it.

In fact, many people in the United States do not like to eat some game, and many Americans are worried about the virus in those game, because it is said that wild boar meat was eaten by black people before. Or they don't like wild boars because they haven't been castrated.

Most of the time, they hunted wild boars and basically dragged them to some places to bury and destroy them. But Zhang Dawei is definitely not like that. Although the two wild boars must not be eaten, Zhang Dawei just chose a pig's hoof.

Zhang Dawei, who did not plan to become a model citizen, hated the trouble. He just buried these wild boars on the spot. It was really troublesome to transport them down the mountain. He had to send them to a designated place for burial. Zhang Dawei hated the trouble even more. So, it's better to save some trouble.

Chris, excited, kept talking. This hunting trip was very exciting and unique. Seeing Zhang Dawei holding a dagger, he solved the boar. Chris felt that this was the real strength of Zhang Dawei.

As for Zhang Dawei, he thinks that all these things are OK. He still needs to have weapons. With the weapons in his hand, Zhang Dawei feels that he has a great deal of confidence in dealing with these beasts. Of course, Zhang Dawei doesn't want to fight with these wild animals every other time. If it's unnecessary, he should be careful. In the end, it's dangerous to fight with these wild animals.

"David, I will start the recovery training as soon as possible, and we will start together next time there is a search and rescue mission." Chris was excited and made arrangements, "I am a tactical coach, I am a technical director, and our cooperation will be the most powerful!"

Zhang Dawei thought about it for a while and thought that Chris's theoretical knowledge was really rich. It would be no problem to really go into the mountain together. This guy could still bring Zhang Dawei a lot of help.

"Of course, I think this is a very good proposal." Zhang Dawei agreed, because he thought it would be good. "You can help me find those poisonous mushrooms. I'm only responsible for physical activities, and those mental or technical activities. You'd better come."

Chris is excited. This is the combination of Robin and Batman. He will be Zhang Dawei's best partner and assistant!

Happy to go down the mountain. Although several little wild boars ran away, the biggest threat has been solved. Those little wild boars really pose no threat, at least for a short time.

Zhang Dawei, who was in a good mood, came back after winning. Of course, he was in the best mood.

"Dad, Dad is back!"

The baby who was basking in the sun on the lawn was very happy and ran to him when he saw his father coming home.

Zhang Dawei was a little funny, but he didn't immediately hold the baby. "Baby, Dad is dirty. I'll take a bath first, and then I'll take you to play, OK?"

"Dad, there is meat!" The baby didn't care about it either. He hugged Xiaobai happily and looked at the pig's hooves.

I was speechless. I almost forgot that my baby daughter is a thorough carnivore. The girl's warm welcome may be for the sake of pig hoof walking.

Melissa looked at Zhang Dawei, who seemed to have a lot of blood stains on his body. But when she saw the pig hooves on Zhang Dawei's shoulder, she naturally knew that Zhang Dawei must have won.

"It's OK. I'm not injured. It's all the blood of wild boars." Zhang Dawei explained to Melissa with a smile. "There are six wild boars in total, and we solved two adult wild boars. The rest of the little wild boars escaped, and I didn't chase them."

Melissa was also happy and said to Zhang Dawei, "That's the best news of course, but David, why did you bring back these boar meat?"

"Taste the wild boar meat. It should be very delicious." Zhang Dawei laughed and put the pork in the kitchen. "I'll take a bath first. The smell of these wild boars is not good, and I don't want to stink."

The baby happily went to help her father find clothes. The little girl still likes to be in charge, whether she can do it well now or not. In any case, the baby just likes to do more things. He wants to do everything he can, and even the things he can't do, he also wants to be brave.

Zhang Dawei went to take a bath, but Chris didn't need it. Although he was sweating, he was not like Zhang Dawei wrestling with wild boars. So on the whole, he is still very clean. Now he is leisurely drinking coffee and talking to Melissa and Baobao about Zhang Dawei's killing pigs.

"Dad is the best. Dad hits the big cat." Of course, the baby is happy. The girl said confidently, "If the tiger doesn't obey, Dad will hit the tiger. The tiger has a baby."

Melissa is not surprised at all, because the baby seems to have seen many large beasts. Even if Melissa has a lot of curiosity, but the baby talks upside down, and Zhang Dawei is very secretive about these things, so Melissa will not force it, because she knows that everyone has a secret in their heart.

Zhang Dawei, refreshed after taking a bath, took the coffee and sat down on the sofa, laughing and talking about hunting.

"David and I have discussed that we will become experts in the field of search and rescue. We mainly focus on forest and wilderness search and rescue. David's physical quality is very good, and my theoretical knowledge and experience of survival in the wild are also very rich. If we are equipped with advanced instruments and tools, we will certainly become giants in this field, and we will certainly succeed."

Zhang Dawei crossed his legs and looked forward to it. "I think it's good. Maybe we will go to some forests by helicopter, and we will go to the desert. I really look forward to it, and it will be very interesting. He is responsible for contacting customers, equipment, and making battle plans. I am more responsible for execution and physical activities."

Melissa smiled and looked at Zhang Dawei, still confident. "I believe that your group will succeed. Chris has a lot of resources and knowledge. David's advantage is his physical quality. Your group will certainly succeed, and you can help many people."

Noble is definitely not Zhang Dawei's label. He honestly said, "The key is to make money. If I can make 20000 dollars once in the mountains, I will be very happy. Fifteen thousand dollars is acceptable, but I may not go below that price."

Melissa gave Zhang Dawei a beautiful look, but she thought it was easy for Zhang Dawei to make money.

Not to mention Xiaobai's advertising, Zhang Dawei's money in the boxing ring is not up to the level of the American middle class, but it is estimated that it is not much worse.

"David, if you continue to make money, my father can help you reduce some taxes. He suggested that you do some charity, and your consumption also needs some planning."

Hearing what Chris said, Zhang Dawei naturally understood.

In this world, only death and taxes are unavoidable.

It is said that Benjamin Franklin, one of the three founding heroes of the United States, said this sentence. This is the head portrait of the United States for 100 dollars.

The tax in the United States is indeed very strict, but the tax in the United States is also very complex; Sometimes, donation and charity can be tax deductible, so many rich people will also do charity. It is not necessarily how loving they are, sometimes just to reduce taxes; After all, it's better to do some charity and get some good reputation than pay taxes to the government.

I didn't expect that. I didn't expect that we were thinking about tax avoidance so soon. I began to think about these things like a rich man. But it's normal to think about it. Although Zhang Dawei now lives in an ordinary house and has a small farm, he actually earns more money than the American middle class. Xiaobai's advertising expenses alone exceed the American middle class.

Although the tax payment is a headache, it is also good news; If it wasn't for the money I earned, there would be no such trouble. It's also a worry of happiness. The more you earn, the more you pay.

We really need to spend more money. We need financial and accounting consultants. Zhang Dawei still has some money and earns a lot. Then naturally, we need to think about saving things, and naturally we need to think about less trouble; After all, there are too many tax provisions, if not professionals really can't handle them.

It's a delicious meal of boar meat. Zhang Dawei really wasted a lot of boar meat, and he really doesn't know how to cook these mountain treasures. But no problem, frying is the main cooking method. Zhang Dawei ate with relish, and the baby also ate happily.

Melissa was also good. After the big meal, she was reluctant to part with her baby. She was going back to school. It really has to wait until Christmas and winter vacation to get along more with her baby.

There is no way out. She is still studying, and she has established a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship with Zhang Dawei. However, there is no way for the two people to spend more time together for a long time. Whether it is for work or other reasons, they can only accept such things now.

It doesn't matter. Don't worry!