Chapter 40 Palm Technique and Five Tigers Escape

  • Survivor
  • Chu Songyuan
  • 2195 words
  • 2017-12-30 12:24:35

"Tang Yunshu, since you have read a lot of books on numerology this year, you should have known the palm technique already, shouldn't you?"

Gu Yitian felt a little strange when he saw her show a look of impatience.

"I have seen them in books, but they all pass by at once. I thought they were the patent of blind people, because they had no way to consult anything. But today I found that you were also using them, and you almost synchronized when arranging dishes, and I noticed that you still pinched your fingers." Tang Yunshu explained truthfully.

"You really take it for granted."

Gu Yitian glared at her, and then taught her how to use the "palm calculation method". The principle is actually not difficult. Reach out your left hand and distribute the twelve earthly branches on the twelve knuckles.

Counting from the root of the ring finger, Chou is the root of the middle finger. Rotate it clockwise for a circle, and finally the root of the little finger is Hai.

He demonstrated there, while Tang Yunshu kept making gestures beside him.

After a while, she began to shout: "Wow, what a good god! The horizontal correspondence is He, Zi Chou He, Yin Hai He, etc. The same finger corresponds to Harm, Zi Wu Harm, and Chou Wu Harm. As for Chong, it corresponds to cross relations. It's really fun!"

"Learning the Four Pillars of Fatalism is not for fun."

At the moment, Gu Yitian is like a harsh teacher, and his tone is much more serious.

"What you said is the simplest. The parasitic 12 palaces are a little more complicated, and you will figure it out for yourself later. Now let's talk about how to arrange the dishes, hold the fleeting years with your thumb, and then increase the age by ten years every word forward. Stop when you find the nearest integer, and then see whether it is forward or backward. This method was called 'Wild Horse Jumping in the Stream' in ancient times, and it is a wonderful method to calculate the year column."

This time, Tang Yunshu was obviously not as smooth as before. At first, she tried several times and found it was not correct.

"Your problem is that you are unskilled. You are not even familiar with ten heavenly stems and twelve local branches." Gu Yitian saw her problem at a glance, "slow down, remember the fingering and method first, and then find the right New Year."

Sure enough, after his advice, Tang Yunshu found Ding Sinian Zhu within a short time. Then she tried several more times, and soon became more and more skilled, and her eyes became brighter and brighter.

"Yeah! I finally know the palm method!"

"Don't get complacent. I will test you. You are the one born in 1962."

Hum, do you think a primary school teacher teaches a new mathematical formula? I want to draw inferences from other cases. Look at me!

Tang Yunshu's competitive nature was immediately aroused by this guy, and he began to calculate carefully there.

Half a minute later, she lifted her right hand and said, "Yes, Renyin."

"Come again, 1947"

Within half a minute, she replied, "Ding Hai."


Still less than half a minute later, she answered with a little pride: "Bingshen. Ha, I improved it by five seconds again!"

To my surprise, Gu Yitian not only didn't praise him, but also shook his head and sighed, "Alas... How stupid! What's your pride? I thought you could blurt it out, but it took 21 seconds!"

"You... do you think I'm an immortal? Please, I've only learned Sizhu for one year, and I've just learned the palm technique." Tang Yunshu was not happy, "how can I compare with you, a pervert? Hum!"

"Ha ha, I don't admit that you are stupid." Gu Yitian grinned. "Don't you realize? What year is this?"

Tang Yunshu was dumbfounded: "This is the year of Bingshen. What's wrong? Eh - no! Why is it the same as what was just calculated?"

Her face became more and more embarrassed: "Well... Oh, I see. They are exactly sixty years apart, which is the beginning of a cycle. Alas, I am stupid enough."

"Did you admit it?"

"It's just that I didn't respond. You are trying to trap me. Hum!"

Gu Yitian stopped smiling and said seriously, "In fact, these basic skills can be perfected with more practice in the future. For example, in the year with six, all the heavenly stems are C, because there are just ten heavenly stems. If you get used to these skills, you will improve your proficiency invisibly."

Tang Yunshu nodded frequently. A joke is a joke, but it must be admitted that the way this guy teaches is very innovative. And the effect is very significant. The annual column has been shortened from three minutes to less than half a minute.

Then came the arrangement of moon columns.

"Tang Yunshu, the twenty-four solar terms are extremely important in the four pillars' numerology, so you should spend some time to memorize them. One detail of the row of new year pillars is that the beginning of spring must be the boundary, is that clear? The row of the moon pillars, whose geographical branches are fixed. Whether there is a leap moon or not, all take the festival in the twenty-four gas as the benchmark."

"In other words, the first half of each month is a festival, and the second half of each month is a festival. Whether this month or last month is the criterion depends on whether or not he was born before the festival. This detail is the same as the New Year's Column, which is arranged by the beginning of spring. As for the heavenly stems of the moon columns, they are based on the heavenly stems of the New Year's Column. Do you know the rhyme of the song" Five Tigers Dun "?"

Tang Yunshu listened carefully and took notes from time to time. After listening to his question, he opened his mouth and answered, "Is it Bingyinshou in the year of Jiaji and Wuyinshou in the year of Yigeng?"

Gu Yitian nodded: "Yes, Yin is the first month. Yin is a tiger, so it is called" Five Tigers Retreat ". As long as you remember this formula, it will be much faster."

"Yes, it only took me about two minutes to calculate the moon column, which is a little faster than the calculation of the year column." Tang Yunshu explained, "Maybe this four column solar term is normal, and there is no special situation that the festival of next month comes to this month ahead of schedule. But the sun column below, it took me most of my time, about 50 minutes? It's too difficult, if you don't check the perpetual calendar. "

Gu Yitian couldn't help laughing: "That's right. The most important thing in arranging dishes is the calculation of the solar column. Not to mention you, some unskilled professionals in numerology will be helpless without the perpetual calendar. But those powerful blind masters can discharge four pillars in a few seconds. And the masters who really master some secrets can complete arranging dishes in one minute."

At this point, he suddenly looked at the time, then looked up at the sky, and said, "It's more than four o'clock. No wonder someone started to clean up the stall. Today, we'll be here. Let's help Sister Li clean up, and then go back to the inn."

"Time flies!" Tang Yunshu was in high spirits, so he seemed to have more to say. "Gu Yitian, why don't we continue to arrange dishes after dinner?"

Gu Yitian stared at her: "I don't have any problems. The key is you. As long as you can digest it, strike while the iron is hot."

"If you can't digest it, you have to digest it forcefully. The big deal should be written down in your notes and then you can experience it again and again." Tang Yunshu has an extremely firm idea, "I just want to seize the precious time of this week and extract your value as much as possible, can't I?"

"Why do I feel like I'm on a pirate boat?" Gu Yitian actually appreciates her persistence, but there is a hint of ridicule in her words. "And you remind me of your father, President Tang. Businessmen always like to maximize their interests, right?"

Tang Yunshu said with a sly smile, "It's too late for you to regret. But I'm not a businessman, just a student. Students' main business is learning, and I will try to be reborn in seven days through this study!"