Chapter 8 Holy Royal Decree

  • Fantasy Rhapsody of Aliens
  • To tease your majesty
  • 2866 words
  • 2017-11-24 12:50:10

At today's first watch, I shamelessly asked for collection recommendation. Hey hey, some other character information and goddess atlas have been released. If you are interested, you can go and have a look.

Kotler, who was sitting in the office enjoying the massage of a heavily made up female subordinate, was worried about how to hide the old sow at home at night. After all, 5000 more gold coins were added, which was his salary for years of hard work! What if I don't go there at night?

Just when he was worried, the magic alarm on the desk suddenly rang. If he remembered correctly, the ID displayed on the magic alarm was Bigger's, right? It seems to be in Ping'an Street. What's the situation? Who dares to provoke them there?

But take people's money and help them to eliminate disasters. I just took benefits from others here, so I can't ignore them, can I? He impatiently dismissed the female subordinates. Kotler put on the official clothes of the guard and gathered a group of subordinates to have a look in person.

Soon, Kotler and his party came to Ping'an Street. In a moment, Bigger and Little's sad appearance came into their sight

"I'm going? What's the matter? You two, hurry up and carry them out. Be careful not to hurt them!"

After his subordinates got the two out, Kotler walked up to them, looked at Bigger, who had lost his arm and was pale because of excessive blood loss, and asked, "Who made you like this? Have you paid attention to me?"

"Kogor, you finally came. I will die if I don't come back." Seeing Kotler, Bigger looked up and said weakly, as if he had seen the savior. At the moment, he felt that death was just a few steps away.

"Don't talk nonsense. Who is it?"

With some difficulty, he pointed his hand to the front, and Bigger said trembling, "It's the man in front... it's him... and then he fainted."

Some can't believe that looking at the young man in front of them, Kotler's face is obviously hung with the word "disbelief". Is this the only child? You can shoot to death when you raise your hand, right? But since he said that he was right, we should catch him first and torture him. Thinking about it, Kotler ordered two men to carry him to the nearby hospital first, then came to Ye Xuan in a fierce manner, and said viciously, "I am Kotler, the leader of the security team of Ping'an Street, and you injured them?"

Nodding, Ye Xuan said frankly, "Yes, it's me." At the same time, he gave a sneer and said to himself, "I want to see how you can treat me."

"In that case, take it with you!" Kotler was surprised to see the other side admitted, but he didn't think much about it. He felt that he had saved a lot of trouble. With a wave of his hands, two men in the uniform of the guard came to Ye Xuan and wanted to drag him away

"Wait! Before I do, I want to ask you something."

With his eyes half open, Kotler glanced at Ye Xuan and said, "Hmm? What?"

"Before that, those two big men robbed the civilian women. What about your guards? Why are they all absent?" Ye Xuan asked loudly, pointing to the two Bigger brothers who were taken away

"I'm sorry, I didn't see it, and I didn't receive any communication asking for dispatch. What I see now is only the two people who were just injured, and you also admit that you hurt them. So, child, shut up and take away!"

"Don't touch me!" He shook the two guards away with force, and Ye Xuan looked at the people in front with a gloomy face. "It's true that there are such people everywhere. Hehe, I advise you to go back and do a self review, or you will regret it!"

"Yo ho? How about strong force? You are violently resisting the law and threatening the law enforcement personnel, which makes it worse! Go! Hold him down!"

As soon as Kotler's words fell, several big men rushed to Ye Xuan to subdue him, but there was an invisible aura around Ye Xuan, which forced them away. Then Ye Xuan took out a golden token from his pocket and said, "Holy imperial order, the holder is like a holy emperor! You should kneel down quickly!"

In an instant, a mountain like pressure rushed to the front guard, and all the guards were overwhelmed by the pressure and knelt down one after another.

This token is also the token that the mysterious woman gave to Ye Xuan. He has seen the effect, which is similar to the Shangfang sword in ancient China. As long as you lose power into the token, you can send royal pressure. The bearer can be below ten thousand people, and has the right to kill before reporting in the Holy Kingdom!

"Who are you?" Kotler raised his head with difficulty, looked at the token in Ye Xuan's hand and asked. He knew the right of the token! Even if this guy kills everyone, no one will care. Meow, is this guy the prince? But why did the prince go to the city of protection all the way? Come and play! Bigger, you bastard, you really killed yourself! How can such a person get caught up with him! If you are alive, you must break their bones! But the premise is that you can live!

"No matter who I am, you just need to know that I am the one who sanctions you!" Ye Xuan held the token high and shouted, shaking his right hand. In a moment, a long golden sword formed by war qi appeared out of nowhere.

"See your majesty!" Seeing that Ye Xuan seems to be about to start, Kotler hurriedly asked everyone to salute Ye Xuan, so as not to make the young man angry. At that time, his life will not be guaranteed, even the surrounding residents who run out to see the bustle are no exception. After all, Ye Xuan's words are heard by his own ears, and the law enforcement team has saluted! Why can't they kneel down?

"Captain Kotler? Do you know the crime?" Ye Xuan shouted at Kotler from a commanding position. At this time, Ye Xuan, like an emperor, exudes an aura that people cannot resist.

"Your humble duty knows your crime. It's your humble duty that is wrong. Please forgive me. It's just those boys who bewitched your humble duty. Your humble duty is willing to accept any punishment! Please go around your humble duty. There are old and young people in your humble duty. Please forgive me." He bowed his head desperately, and Kotler begged for forgiveness crazily. He knew that this token could be fake in appearance and brightness could be fake, But the threat on the token can never be faked! He has abandoned his dignity and everything. After all, he is a dog in front of the royal family! Even dogs are inferior! With just one word, they can make their whole family die without a place to bury themselves!

"Oh? Is there an old man or a young man?" He used his skills to explore the memory of this person. Ye Xuan found that in addition to covering up some of his bribers, he didn't seem to have bullied men or women. The main reason is that her wife is strict, and he seems to be really good to his mother and children. In this case, I will spare him.

With a snort, Ye Xuan put away the token and said, "I can spare your life. It depends on how you behave. Now if I see any unpleasant phenomenon in this street, you can go to see your ancestors? You know! Before tomorrow morning, all of you will write a hundred thousand words of review and hand it over here. If not, I will let you all go to hell. Hades! Get back! "

"Yes, yes, I will write it carefully and hand it in tomorrow. And this street will definitely be the same as his name! It will be safe! Thank you, thank you!" The mission kowtowed, Kotler sighed deeply. His official clothes had already been soaked with sweat. If he died here today, he would also be responsible for himself, But fortunately, this adult gave him a chance to start over again. From now on, he has made a decision that he should be a good official in the future! Absolutely punish evil people!

With his body bowed, Kotler led his subordinates to step back quickly. He was afraid that the man in front of him would ask for anything. Sure enough, they were called by Ye Xuan before they took a few steps


"Well, what can I do for you?" Kotler stopped immediately, turned and asked carefully

"I don't want to see those two people in the future! And I have to keep my life here confidential, you know!" Ye Xuan's last sentence was not only told to Kotler and his family, but also to the residents around him. After all, he wanted to live a normal life here and didn't want to be disturbed by anyone..

"Yes, yes, I promise you will not see them again. And I will keep my mouth shut about this matter. Please rest assured!"

"Well, you can go now." Ye Xuan said, too lazy to look at them, and walked directly to the hut where Tifatina was.

Seeing Ye Xuan disappear in his sight, the pale Kotler wiped the sweat on his face, and with a lingering fear, he said to his subordinates, "This street, you should strengthen patrols for me in the future. If anything happens, you also know! Besides, don't send the kids Bigger and Little to the hospital, but just tie them up and throw them into the sea to feed fish! Grandma is a bear. I almost lost my life here today. "

Maybe it was this incident that had a great impact on Kotler. Since then, Kotler has really become a good official and refused to accept bribes from anyone. And Ping'an Street has really been safe under his management.

Of course, this is only secondary. The main reason is that there is a frightening teenager living here..