Chapter 16 The casual tone is the proof of good relationship

The "Xiaobi Sword" once every ten years is the most expected activity of the Sword Clan.

There are two reasons:

First, there are the largest number of unregistered disciples in the Sword Clan.

Second, such people may become official disciples of the Sword Clan if they stand out in the "Xiaobi Sword". Own apprenticeship, enjoy resources, and cultivate under the shadow of Sword Clan. From then on, salted fish will turn over and soar into the sky

Although there are only one session every ten years, and only a few sessions per session, there are more than 70000 registered disciples... But it is always a good thing to have hope.

And these named disciples (commonly known as factotum) are still outstanding from millions of soldiers in the recruitment of the Sword Clan every spring.

Mo Xian could not help sighing. It really saved him a lot of work to have a good master to take him to the mountain.

The Five Element Sect, which is as famous as the Sword Sect, recruits a lot of miscellaneous workers every year. The total number of the Five Element Sect is more than two million. The Five Element Sect also has an activity similar to the "Small Sword Competition". The top 1000 students are rewarded, and they can become official disciples after entering the top 100. It is also held once a year.

However, the competition is still great. In addition, compared with the principle of keeping people alive as far as possible in the Sword Sect, the "trial" of the Five Element Sect is much more tragic, and many people will die each time... 10000 people will be counted as less.

The bottom floor is like this, so is the top floor. Although the face is acceptable, the brutal competition between clans is even better. Old Black Dragon said that many people die every year in Xiuxian World. How many people are this "many people"?

Such as the heaven and earth cultivating poisonous insects, this is the keynote of the Dongzhou Immortal Cultivation World.

Two months have passed, and the "Xiaobi Sword" of Sword Clan once every ten years has officially started. Among all the registered disciples, more than 80% of them signed up to participate in the Little Swords Competition this year, which is little different from the previous ones.

A large-scale sect needs a lot of manual labor to maintain its normal operation. At this time of every decade, more than 80% of people do not work but go to participate in competitions. You can imagine what the consequences will be - the whole Zongmen is semi paralyzed.

The people in charge of the Sword Clan - including Xu Xiu - should ask for help through various relationships to maintain the normal operation of the Sword Clan. Because real people of Sword Clan don't work.

As long as you say a word, there will naturally be a large number of followers waiting to be dispatched to respected people like Ye Zhiqiu and the Lion Heart. And people like the law enforcement Immortal and Chunqing Taoist have their own connections. As for beautiful women like Longhai Immortal and Mei Han and Mei Xue, it is easier to lower their posture and act pitifully and cutely. Almost no one will refuse their request.

But Xu Xiu was different. After hundreds of years of hard work, it didn't matter how few friends he had. He was so ordinary that he had to use various rich conditions to lure others to help him. For example, he promised to cast a sword for a man in white. The man in white from Feijianfeng was very happy. He patted his chest and promised that he would pull 100 people to help. As soon as this was said, Xu Xiu felt that the man in white was much more pleasing to his eyes.

But even so, Xu Xiu still has a limited number of people compared with other people. Immortal Xu is very sorry, and the Jindan friar has also gone to practice the work of Qi period factotum.

Other cultivators are more comfortable with higher accomplishments, while others are more busy and tired with higher accomplishments.

Xu Xiu didn't have time, so today only Zhuang An accompanied Mo Xian to participate in the pre selection of Xiao Bijian.

Fortunately, the pre selection only lasts for three days, and most of the participants will be eliminated after three days. After that, these people can continue to work, and the operation of Zongmen will basically return to normal.

At that time, Xu Xiu would have some time to look after Mo Xian.

The preliminary election was held in a huge valley. Fifty or sixty thousand people crowded at the gate of the valley, one by one, ready to show their skills.

It's noisy and chaotic, as if the whole world has been occupied by crowds.

Mo Xian, who has never seen so many people at one time, is really not adapted to this situation. He stays at the edge of the crowd with Zhuang Gum.

The waiting time is always a little boring. The named disciples who cannot restrain their excitement have no place to vent their enthusiasm. Many people get together in twos and threes to talk.

A named disciple (A) and another person who has a good relationship with him (B) said:

"Do you know that the legendary Tianjiao seems to want to take part in this competition!"

"Really? Why did the real disciples come to participate in the competition of our registered disciples?" The man (B) seemed to be incredulous.

"Not only the registered disciples, but all the unsubstantiated Sword Clan disciples can participate in the small competition. Don't you even know that?" A said.

"How can we compete with others?" B frowned.

"Are you stupid? I've got everything since I went up the mountain. How can I compete with us? I just want to practice." A seems to dislike B very much.

"Where do you think the Tianjiao is now?" B wondered.

"I don't know. But I don't think he will stay with us, named disciples. Maybe someone who is a great master of cultivation is flying in the sky and looking at us!" said named disciple A.

"No!" B quickly looked at the sky.

There are many similar topics in the crowd.

Although the legend of Mo Xian is widely spread in the Sword Clan, few people recognize his face. In addition, Mo Xian deliberately hid, so that the central figure of the topic could keep a trace of peace.

Zhuang An thought maliciously: If you shouted "Don't show up here!" at this time, I don't know how much chaos would be caused.

The little girl could not help but curl her mouth.

"Zhuang Gum!"

"Ah?" Zhuang An was shocked by Mo Xian's call.

"You are too easily frightened, aren't you?" Mo Xian teased.

"You are in charge." The little girl turned her head to one side.

Moxian shrugged his shoulders.

He found a relatively clean place to sit down, and then asked Zhuang An, "Are you really not going to participate in this competition?"

Zhuang An answered, "Is it necessary?"

If she said so, Mo Xian would have no choice. He could tell that she was not willing to participate at all.

"Then wait for me to return in triumph."

"Are you going to win the first place in the preliminaries?" Zhuang is curious.

After such a long time together, Mo Xuan gave her the impression that she was not ambitious and didn't care much about other people's views. I shouldn't want to be the first.

"If I have the ability, I will fight for it. Besides, I can't let Shifu down on my hard cultivation, can I?"

Zhuang An knows.

In the past two months, Xu Xiu has taken time to intensify training while busy with his official duties. Mo Xian can see clearly the efforts she has made.

But isn't Mo Xian the culprit who worries Qianjian Immortal so much? Aren't you a genius? I can't understand the martial arts, and I can't learn the swordsmanship. It all depends on Shifu's tireless and painstaking indoctrination. What kind of genius is this?

"Hey, hey, hey! What's your expression? How did I offend you?"

Zhuang An then realized that what he thought seemed to be on his face.

"Don't worry about it!"

Zhuang An's attitude makes Mo Xian unhappy.

He said angrily, "How can I feel that you have gone too far recently? Don't forget, you are my follower and I am your boss! Be nice to me!"

"Then why don't you have a good attitude towards Immortal Xu? Other disciples have great respect for Shifu! They are not as casual as you, and they always interrupt the Immortal!"

"What do you know? I have a good relationship with Shifu!"

Seeing that the two children were about to escalate from verbal conflict to physical conflict, a voice with infinite dignity suddenly covered the whole audience:

"Be quiet!"

Suddenly, the originally noisy and chaotic Gukou immediately calmed down.