Chapter 51 Traitor in the Clan

Facing the question of Zhang Nianzu, Liu Laoliu said, "From the skill of the other party, he should be your kindred."

Zhang Nianzu frowned and immediately accepted Liu Laoliu's statement. He was deeply impressed by his short but terrible experience after encountering a big man. He had never experienced the despair without fighting back for so many years. If the other party was a soldier, everything would make sense.

"Since you are of the same family, why did you hit me like that?" said Zhang Nianzu. "Could it be that there are traitors in our family?"

Liu Laoliu took out another cigarette and lit it at the smoke fart. He hesitated slightly and said, "Let me tell you something. Don't worry."

"You say."

Liu Laoliu took a smoke and said, "From all the signs, your father is the most likely traitor."

Zhang Nianzu endured no impulse. He gritted his teeth and said, "Give me an explanation!"

Liu Laoliu paused for a long time before he said coldly, "Our organization is very rich..."

Zhang Nianzu said silently, "Are you finished?"

Liu Laoliu then said, "But some people are richer than us. Who do you think they are?"

"Is it... a strong people?" Zhang Nianzu said uncertainly.

"Right," Liu Laoliu said, "You strong people never do farming and are not good at doing business, but they have lived a happy life since ancient times. The reason is simple - even if you want to keep a low profile, you can't escape the current situation, and the war will involve you intentionally or unintentionally. At this time, you have the opportunity to make a fortune. A large number of warlords and warlords pay huge sums of money to please you, sometimes even just It is to let you do nothing. "

Zhang Nianzu said, "What is this?"

Liu Laoliu said, "For example, if a great duke wants to annex a small duke, but you are on the territory of that small duke, no one can guarantee that the red eyed army will not offend your evil stars. What should we do? The great duke has to spend a large sum of money to ask you to move to another place. The amount of money is often higher than that of fighting a war."

Zhang Nianzu said, "I understand. This is the demolition fee for the top nail households."

Liu Laoliu said: "In the war years, every time you moved, it meant that you made another windfall. Of course, occasionally there would be unscrupulous warlords who wanted to uproot you, but the result was often to pay more demolition fees, which were regarded as public funds in the family. Over the years, no one knew how much money had been accumulated. This public money has always been managed by the grandpa, and then the grandpa will put the bonus into the hands of each clan member according to their hair every year. A newborn child in your strong clan may become a millionaire on the rich side. In modern times, your clansmen no longer live together. No matter where they are scattered, this huge sum of money has become the most important factor for you to maintain each other. "

Zhang Nianzu suddenly said, "Is this huge sum missing in my father's hands?"

Liu Laoliu said, "That's right, so as long as a clansman comes to you, it's not a good thing for you, because the father owes you!"

"Impossible!" Zhang Nianzu finally shouted, "My father can't do such a thing. He has been cautious since I can remember. What does he want to embezzle such a large sum of money?"

Liu Laoliu said, "If I have such a large sum of money, I can live a cautious life with complicated humanity. Who knows?"

"Bullshit!" Zhang Nianzu Huoran stood up and said, "Don't take this poisonous chicken soup to splash dirty water on my father. He will leave it to me even if he doesn't spend it himself. Now my sister is dying for lack of money to cure her illness! Where is the money you fucking said?"

Zhuge Blade and Xiahou Pili saw that he was going to go wild, and they surrounded him vigilantly.

Liu Laoliu was very calm. He slowly pressed down his hand and said, "Calm down, calm down. Anyone who meets such a thing will be confused. I believe you didn't get the money. After all, I watched you grow up."

Zhang Nianzu said angrily, "What do you mean?"

"Don't forget our duty. We ant people are looking at your strong people. Over the years, your people have scattered all over the world. We don't have much energy to look at them. Of course, we should focus on our grandpa. Don't mention you. I grew up watching your father."

Zhang Nianzu said, "Did you see my father embezzle the money?"

Liu Laoliu said, "It's hard to say, but you can be sure that the money was still in your father's hands before you were born. Then he began to hide his whereabouts for some reason. Although his ancestors were low-key, they were not sneaky."

Zhang Nianzu stared and said, "Where were you when my father had an accident?"

Liu Laoliu said, "He would certainly avoid me if he thought of an accident. How could we expect the grandfather to do things?"

"You still suspect my father!?"

Liu Laoliu said, "Don't mention that. I just don't doubt you. No matter where the money is now, you have the right to inherit it. What we need to do is to find out the truth, but before that, you can no longer appear in public."

Zhang Nianzu said, "You also know that Gu Changfeng and Lei Xiaohu are looking for me?"

Liu Laoliu vomited his smoke fart on the ground and said contemptuously, "Gu Changfeng and Lei Xiaohu are farts! You haven't realized the seriousness of the problem - your ethnic talents are your biggest threat!"

Zhang Nianzu suddenly said, "Could it be that my father lost all that money?"

Liu Laoliu said, "Let me tell you something, even if your father has been buying stocks at a high price and selling them at a low price since the year when he had stocks, he will still be a billionaire today at least. You don't have to think about it. There must be a ghost. And there is another situation you may not understand. Your father's money is not only public money, but also personal funds of many clansmen."

"What's going on here?"

Liu Laoliu said: "There are many clansmen, but not everyone lives in a nameless place. Some people are willing to show off. In the past years, several strong ethnic warriors can influence a regional war together, and there is no small amount of money made by similar means. Although people have different beliefs, they are still willing to trust the grandpa and put money into public funds for the grandpa to operate at the same time It's these people. It's not as simple as asking for dividends. What your father takes away is their life! "

Zhang Nianzu sat down dejectedly and said sadly, "I have so many things to do, but my father has made such a big mess for me?"

Liu Laoliu said: "As the grandfather, I advise you to stay away from the secular world. Your little girlfriend may be sad for a month and a half without seeing you, but you will be with her. Maybe you will kill her that day."

Zhang Nianzu was confused at the moment. He thought of many things. He thought of Nianzu Village, the expressions in the front and back photos of his parents, and Liu Yuejin. These things quickly switched and flashed in front of him like slides, but the final picture was fixed on Lei Tingting's bright and bright face. Zhang Nianzu knew that he might break his promise, Because he believed Liu Laoliu was right, he asked Liu Laoliu for a moment sadly, "Why did you save me? Are we not hostile?"

Liu Laoliu smiled and said: "Our duty is not to destroy the strong people, but to ensure that the strong people do not bring trouble to the lives of normal people. From this point of view, grandpa cannot die. Even if all the strong people target you, at least they have the same goal for the time being, and will not make trouble."

Zhang Nianzu smiled bitterly and said, "I am the target you use to attract fire."

Liu Laoliu smiled and said, "Very smart."

"So that day I was at the post office..."

Liu Laoliu said, "I knew there was a problem when I read that letter. Liu Yuejin asked you to send it to his people, didn't he? I wanted to stop you, but you didn't listen to me. You said you had nothing to do to kill them."

"You take a stainless steel dish washing basin and exchange letters with me. Who can do it for a normal person?" Zhang Nianzu exclaimed, his heart failing. "What can I do now except wait for my people to come to me?"

Liu Laoliu said, "You must learn to protect yourself."

Zhang Nianzu mocked himself and said, "Self protection? In front of my clansmen, is that a bit unrealistic?"

"We ant people have studied your strong people for generations, and I have a way for you to follow it. It is guaranteed that you will become strong in a short time!" Liu Laoliu said with oath.