Chapter 36 Respectively

After Xu Yingdong left, the nurse found Lao Wu and said, "Wu Doudou's family members should go to make up for the hospitalization expenses."

Wu sister-in-law said with red eyes, "After paying 3000 in the daytime, it's gone so quickly?"

Laowu said, "How much will it cost?"

The nurse said, "I suggest you pay more. There will be more laboratory tests these days."

Zhang Nianzu took out his wallet and put less than 2000 yuan in cash into Lao Wu's hands. Lao Wu himself had more than 1000 yuan, but this money was a drop in the bucket.

Sister Wu said to the nurse, "My passbook is fixed, and we can take it out tomorrow."

Lei Tingting suddenly put the Kun bag in her hand into Lao Wu's arms and said, "I have, isn't that right?"

Lao Wu was in a trance for a while before he thought of Lei Tingting. So many things had happened that day that he had no time or mood to ask Zhang Nianzu what was wrong with the girl. When he opened the bag, he saw that it was full of Qian Dun and said, "This... we are not related to you. I can't take this money."

Lei Tingting said, "Nianzu's sister is my sister. If you treat the patient and bite hard, please don't chatter."

Zhang Nianzu said to Lao Wu, "Just think you borrowed it."

Old Wu didn't have much time to say. He handed the bag to Sister Wu and asked her to pay the fee.

Zhang Nianzu smiles at Lei Tingting, but Lei Tingting glares at him. It's not because of anything else. She sees that Zhang Nianzu had this idea just now. Maybe she didn't say it because it was her money, so she blames him for being an outsider.

Lao Wu and his colleagues went out of the office to see Tangdou in the ward. Just as they left the office, they met Zhao Weiming who came in a hurry. Originally, he went to the garage to find Zhang Nianzu, but found that the shop door was open but there was no one. After inquiring with the barber shop nearby, they knew that Tangdou had been sent to the hospital, so they hurried to the shop.

Zhang Nianzu told Zhao Weiming about the situation of sugar beans. Zhao Weiming also scolded his mother in a low voice. He handed a newspaper bag to Lao Wu and said, "I think you may need money. Here is ten thousand yuan for emergency."

When Zhao Weiming went to Dick's Bar to look for Chiang last month, he still had twenty thousand yuan. It seems that he spent half of his money on frugality this month. The ten thousand yuan is probably all his savings

Old Wu wanted to get away with it, but he also knew that he might have to take the blame after a long time, so he stopped talking about it. However, he also knew Zhao Weiming's family background and that something had happened recently in his family. He asked, "What will you do if you give me all the money?"

Zhao Weiming said proudly, "I am a man with living money now. Today, I earned more than 300 yuan for sports cars."

Zhang Nianzu said in silence, "How are you going to pay back the money you owe Jiutong?"

Zhao Weiming said, "Don't bite when there are too many lice. There must be a way when you get to the front of the mountain. You should pay him in installments when it's a big deal."

Old Wu wiped his tears and said, "I accept your two brothers' hearts, and I'll go to see Tangdou." Tangdou had a bone marrow puncture, but he was still awake.

Zhao Weiming looks at Lei Tingting and asks, "Is this?"

"My name is Lei Tingting."

Zhao Weiming said, "I've heard so much about you. Last time, I saw your back. The front is so beautiful!"

Zhang Nianzu introduced Lei Tingting: "This is my childhood Zhao Weiming. People can say it's a very jerk."

Zhao Weiming said in amazement, "Well, how can we talk?" He held Lei Tingting's hand in a humble way, "Do I call you sister-in-law or sister-in-law? Who are we?"

Lei Tingting smiled and said, "Just call me Tingting."

Zhao Weiming said, "It's very generous. I'll admit it directly. How many times have you met together?" He said to Zhang Nianzu seriously after playing cheap, "Be good with him and let him be relieved." He said to Lao Wu's back with his mouth full.

Zhang Nianzu said, "What do you mean?"

Zhao Weiming said, "It's no use for me to stay. There are several taxi drivers at the gate of the hospital who have gone to work." Then he said to Lei Tingting, "Come to my sister-in-law and hug me."

Lei Tingting saw that this was also a familiar master, and she kicked him falsely and said, "Go quickly, the police should stick a note for you." She smiled and looked at Zhao Weiming, but soon showed a flustered look. Zhang Nianzu followed her eyes and saw the head of Lei Xiaohu's bodyguard, Uncle Bao.

Because of Wu Doudou's affair, Zhang Nianzu's elopement plan with Lei Tingting ran aground. He knew that Lei Xiaohu might find him soon, but he didn't expect so soon!

Without waiting for Zhang Nianzu to say anything, Lei Tingting's eyes had changed from panic to determination. She rushed to Uncle Bao at the end of the corridor and said categorically, "No matter what you say, I will never go back with you this time!"

Uncle Bao said quietly, "Brother Tiger has already thought about this."

"So?" Lei Tingting protested.

Uncle Bao walked aside silently, revealing Lei Xiaohu and a group of bodyguards behind him.

Lei Tingting was really scared. She grabbed Zhang Nianzu's arm and said, "Nianzu, run!"

Zhang Nianzu shook his head and just looked at Lei Xiaohu quietly.

Lei Xiaohu signaled that the bodyguards didn't have to follow him anymore. He walked up to two people and instead of looking at Lei Tingting, he stared at Zhang Nianzu and said, "Last time I asked you, you said you didn't know Tingting at all. You lied to me, and I hate it when people cheat me!"

Zhang Nianzu didn't explain anything, but said to Lei Xiaohu, "Tingting is not happy in your home, and I really like her."

Lei Xiaohu said coldly, "You are a poor guy who repairs cars. You have no power and no power. Why do you like her?" He seemed to have lost his patience and said in a low voice, "Don't talk nonsense. If you really think you can fight, I don't mind knocking you down here!"

Lei Tingting hurriedly said: "Nianzu, don't be impulsive! Let's... accept our fate..." Then she choked and couldn't go on.

Zhang Nianzu glanced at Lao Wu and Tang Dou in the ward. He suddenly pulled Lei Tingting's shoulder to let her face him and said seriously, "Tingting, listen to me. You go back with your father first, but I will find you."

Lei Tingting looked at Zhang Nianzu incredulously. Zhang Nianzu said, "Do you believe me?"

Lei Tingting nodded hard.

"That's good. Remember, be happy when I'm not around you, and we'll meet again soon."

Lei Xiaohu's pupils tightened and said coldly: "Boy, don't make such an impossible promise. I could have forgiven you, but I will be rude to you if you are tough!"

Zhang Nianzu looked at him and said, "What I said must be true - you should be nice to my girlfriend these days!"

Lei Xiaohu felt that the other side's eyes looked at him with indescribable pride and threat. He, a powerful man in the Jianghu, almost unconsciously tried to avoid his eyes in those few seconds of gazing. When he came back to his senses, he could not help jumping up.

Lei Tingting slowly walks to Lei Xiaohu's side. Lei Xiaohu stops talking and walks to the door with a group of people. Lei Tingting looked back at Zhang Nianzu three steps at a time. Her eyes were full of sadness and sadness. Last time, she thought it was forever, so she left very simply. This time, she was hopeful, so she was attached.