Chapter 312 Attack Headquarters

  • Strongman
  • Zhang Xiaohua
  • 1665 characters
  • 2020-01-17 22:49:57

People came outside with the wounded. The car left by the ant tribe in the open space was enough for them to take. Xu Yingdong also rushed to meet them.

Ah Si said, "Brother Nianzu, where is the nest of the ant tribe?"

Lei Tingting immediately became nervous. She wanted to tell Zhang Nianzu the address of the Ant Clan Camp early in the morning, but Zhang Nianzu seemed to want to find it by himself. Ah Si asked, and Lei Tingting was afraid that Zhang Nianzu would catch him blind.

But Zhang Nianzu leaned into a car coming from the ant tribe, pointed at the car navigation and said, "I think their starting place is our destination."

Ah Si immediately realized:

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