Chapter 309 The Armor

  • Strongman
  • Zhang Xiaohua
  • 2851 characters
  • 2020-01-14 20:38:00

People came intermittently on that day. When the sky darkened, they didn't count Zhang Nianzu and others. The strong people who came to help had already broken through the 30 people barrier.

Zhang Xiaoliang was busy picking up and entertaining people. Zhang Nianzu suddenly waved to him and said, "Come here, Xiaoliang."

Zhang Xiaoliang's scalp tightened, and a sense of foreboding rose to his heart. He walked slowly up to him and said, "Brother Nianzu, what's the matter?"

"You must go back at night."

Zhang Xiaoliang was most afraid of what he said, pleading, "I want to stay with my clansmen more."

"You can come during the day. You can ask Wu Doudou to ask for sick leave for you

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