Chapter 22 Invisible Rich

Zhao Weiming said: "The 100 million dollars that the gold owner offered to grandpa is 0.3% of the shares of American Lehmann Company. We follow this line up. As long as we find out who happens to own so many shares of Lehmann Company, we can lock the identity of the gold owner." He proudly said, "It is difficult for ordinary people to do such things, but my sister is not ordinary people."

Zhang Nianzu said, "How do you know that the gold owner has just 0.3% of the shares, maybe he is a major shareholder?"

Zhao Meier said: "Owning 0.3% is also a major shareholder. I'm sure that he has only so many because larger shareholders will never reduce their shares for no reason. The gold owner we are looking for is obviously a super rich man. The shares of Lehmann are insignificant, if not insignificant."

Zhang Nianzu said, "You are a professional. You have the final say."

Zhao Meier said: "Our thinking was wrong before. Zhao Weiming was right just now. Only when we confirm the identity of the gold owner can we narrow the scope of looking for people."

Zhang Nianzu said, "Who is the gold lord?"

Zhao Weiming said, "This man is Du Heng."

Zhang Nianzu said, "Chinese?"

Zhao Weiming said, "Chinese people."

Zhang Nianzu said, "Why have I never heard of this Chinese millionaire?"

Zhao Meier said, "I have the same puzzle. I have done a lot of indexing work these days, and the result is very surprising. Du Heng is not only a Chinese, but also had activities in this city in early years." She took out a yellow newspaper, handed it to Zhang Nianzu carefully, pointed to a page circled with a pen, and said, "Look at this."

It was a 97 year old newspaper, the edge of which was fragile. Zhao Mei'er circled a small financial page with her pen. The main content was: the American Rose Association sent an invitation letter inviting Du Heng and Liu Yuejin, financial personages of our city, to attend the annual party in the United States, followed by official articles, hoping to contribute to our city's economy, The introduction to Du Heng and Liu Yuejin was also very vague. Obviously, the reporter did not know much about them, just to complete a task draft.

Zhang Nianzu glanced at it and asked, "What does that mean?"

Zhao Weiming said proudly, "Sister, help him to read."

Zhao Meier said: "The name of the American Rose Association is very strange to most people, but it is like a giant in the financial world. The Association is full of the world's top rich and financiers, including those mysterious American families who have been deified or even demonized. It can be said that every member here should make some action. It is a tsunami for the entire financial circle, and they will not send invitations to people casually Living in villas and driving luxury cars has a wealth of several hundred million, and in their eyes, they are at most middle class. "

Zhang Nianzu said in surprise, "Du Heng and Liu Yuejin..."

Zhao Meier said, "These two people had a conservative estimate of 10 billion yuan in their wealth in that year."

"I'll go!" Zhang Nianzu was really surprised.

In 1997, Ma Huateng may have just contacted the Internet. Ma Yun is still being treated as a liar. How can there be two billionaires in this city?

Zhang Nianzu said, "So the Rose Association is like an Oscar in the financial world?"

Zhao Meier said, "The Oscar is just a national award. Strictly speaking, the annual meeting of the Rose Association is more like gathering all Nobel Prize winners together."

Zhang Nianzu said, "Why don't these two names appear in the scriptures?"

Zhao Meier said: "The only possibility is that their assets have been operating abroad. Twenty years ago, the domestic financial industry was relatively closed, and the two people seemed to deliberately keep a low profile. At that time, few people were aware of the value of the invitation. The reporter probably reported it when he saw the foreign invitation. But even so, Du Heng and Liu Yuejin may also be very worried. Since they want to be invisible, being exposed means trouble. "

Zhang Nianzu said, "What happened later?"

Zhao Meier said: "According to the well documented information, Du Heng went to the United States in the same year, while Liu Yuejin disappeared completely."

Zhang Nianzu said, "Are you doing these things these days?"

Zhao Weiming said, "In those days, there were two people on the invitation. Du Heng went to America alone, and now he spends a lot of money to find someone, so..."

Zhang Nianzu said, "So you think he wants to find Liu Yuejin?"

Zhao Meier said, "It's not necessarily Liu Yuejin, but it must be related to Liu Yuejin. My intuition is that he seems to be looking for an old friend, or the son of an old friend."

Zhang Nianzu said, "What can I do for you?"

Zhao Weiming said, "You can understand more than half of this if you find Liu Yuejin." He whispered, "Didn't Chiang say he had met a clansman last time? Do you think it was Liu Yuejin?"

Zhang Nianzu grabbed Zhao Weiming by the back of his neck and held him aside. He lowered his voice and said, "Have you forgotten who you are facing?"

Zhao Weiming said, "Powerful people, they are very powerful, but we don't fight with them. We just look for people. If Lao Jiang and Liu Yuejin are of the same race, there will be a major breakthrough."

Zhang Nianzu said, "Go and ask Lao Jiang yourself."

Zhao Weiming smiled and said, "Don't he owe you a favor?"

Zhang Nianzu frowned and said, "Xiao Ming, I'm not going to interfere in this matter. Just think about it, Du Heng is willing to pay 100 million dollars to find someone. It's so evil. I don't believe that Du Heng is just looking for an old friend to reminisce."

Zhao Weiming said, "What do you care about him? We don't make money, but others do. We have to take advantage of information asymmetry to take the lead, so we should hurry up. In this way, you just need to ask Lao Jiang to invite the people he has met to meet us."

Zhang Nianzu just shook his head. He promised not to disturb Chiang again, and from the bottom of his heart, he was resistant to this matter.

Zhao Meier said, "Let's share the money we earn equally. If you two believe that I can count as our investment together, I promise that it will take three years... No, it won't take three years to double them."

Zhang Nianzu said quietly: "It's not about money. People should do what they say."

Zhao Weiming angrily said, "Zhang Nianzu and I have been together for many years. I asked..."

Zhang Nianzu said flatly, "Change!"

Instead, Zhao Weiming shouted, "What do you mean?"

"It's time to change the mantra."

Zhao Weiming said, "Do you want me to kneel down and beg you?"

Zhang Nianzu knew that he had no skin and no face. If Zhao Weiming could solve the problem by kneeling down, he would never hesitate. He simply said, "I'm sure I won't help you. Let's die."

Zhao Weiming said angrily, "You don't show any kindness. We are small......"

After listening to Zhao Weiming's words, Zhang Nianzu suddenly remembered Lei Tingting's evaluation of him - it was as hard to approach as a lion. Zhang Nianzu warmed his heart and then pricked up again. He changed a friendly expression and said: "Xiao Ming, I may have problems in my life before, so I decided to treat you better in the future."

Zhao Weiming's eyes brightened and said, "You promised?"

Zhang Nianzu said gently, "No, I can't."

Zhao Weiming was so shocked by his tone that he said tremulously, "You... you'd better talk well... What have you been stimulated by recently?"

Zhao Meier said coldly, "Is it because of the girl just now?"

Zhang Nianzu raised his orchid finger and said softly, "In short, I can't accept your request."

Zhao Mei'er said quickly, "Let's go!"

Zhao Weiming followed Zhao Meier out of the door and pointed to Zhang Nianzu and said, "You took the wrong medicine -"