Chapter 216 Worry

  • Strongman
  • Zhang Xiaohua
  • 4548 characters
  • 2019-10-12 01:23:53

Zhang Nianzu and Lei Tingting looked at each other and caught each other's hands. However, Lei Tingting immediately stepped back as if she had been scalded: "I can't meet you."

Zhang Nianzu said, "Why?"

"I am now a member of the ant tribe. It is a taboo to meet with the strongman tribe in private. I tried everything to get rid of my tail -"

Zhang Nianzu said, "Well..."

Lei Tingting said quickly: "Nianzu, I don't have much time. This time I'm here to tell you an extremely important message."

"What's the matter?"

Lei Tingting said: "According to the ant tribe colleagues

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