Chapter 87 Resurrection

Li Yan stared at Zhao Yingkong's lips for a while, sighed under Qian Xin's eyes about to kill people, and stood aside. Although he knew early that it was impossible, Li Yan was still slightly concerned. Looking at the farce of Zheng Zha, Li Yan quietly walked over and took the ring that Zheng Zha threw out. The unhappiness of all this happened made people feel a kind of trance.

"Zheng Zha, your control ability is too poor, so it's right to compress." Li Yan said, and he also moved his hand. Unlike Zheng Zha's immortal performance, Li Yan's action was not obvious at all. Dark energy flowed into the ring along the body, and then appeared at the fingertips. Although it was silent, everyone felt a sense of depression when they looked at the little black on Li Yan's fingertips, and the surrounding space was shaking slightly.

"Since you want to compress the energy, you should experience the power of this by yourself, and it should also be to increase your power." Li Yan's mouth showed an inexplicable smile, his fingers flicked, and the little dark energy flew towards Zheng Zha slowly. Zheng Zha's face was like an enemy. He had already felt the threat of this slow attack. Of course, because Li Yan did not plan to do anything about Zheng Zha, he could easily hide from him. Draw out the tiger's spirit to inject internal power. The blade is cut on that energy. The blade is broken, but it seems that it has no effect on that energy. Zheng Zha's face became more dignified. The fourth layer of the Destroy Gene Lock was used in turn, which finally reduced half of his power. After carefully feeling the rest of the strength, Zheng Zha bit his teeth and let it hit him.

After Zheng Zha repaired his body, Li Yan didn't care what he felt. Anyway, it seemed that he had gained a lot from his expression.

"That's the basic situation... Then who are you going to revive next?" Chuxuan looked at Zheng Zha when he said this.

Zheng Zha solemnly placed the Ring in the Ring, and he said: "Qi Tengyi and Xiao Honglv are sure to revive. One is familiar with a large number of ancient characters, which will help us to find the regional plot in some horror films in the future. Then Ming Yanwei will be able to revive. Zhang Heng, you have also received a lot of reward points and regional plot, right? If not, I can help... "

Zhang Heng stayed quietly beside him. When he heard Zheng Zha's words, he trembled all over. Then he shook his hand and said, "No, not yet, until I become strong enough to protect her... I will not revive her until then, so please give me some time."

Zheng Zha sighed. He patted Zhang Heng on the shoulder and said, "Yes, to become stronger, we all become stronger together, to survive, to protect ourselves, to protect our important things... So today, everyone has a good rest, and tomorrow morning, we will go to the legend of gods and ghosts to revive our partners..."

Li Yan quietly returned to his room and sighed at the small room where he had lived for more than ten years. I haven't lived here since I had Qianxin, but I have always lived in the secret room below. After all, I can't live in the same room with my sister, and I can't live here because I guard the entrance of all secret rooms. With a sigh again, Li Yan walked into the secret room and copied an identical room. This time, it was exactly the same as his former home. There were no secret passages under his bed but piles of folded clothes. Li Yan sat in the shadow of the bed with his knee in his arms, and Qian Xin didn't come in to say anything. Although she felt something was wrong with Li Yan, she was obviously dissatisfied with Li Yan's performance in this horror film, so she didn't care about him.

At noon the next day, all the team members gathered on the square. Then Zheng Zha said that Qi Tengyi didn't need to go to the ghost legend to revive. After all, Qi Tengyi didn't get too many bonus points and local stories when he died, so it was more appropriate to double the resurrection. Only Xiao Honglv needs to go to the resurrection place in the legend of gods and ghosts, and this person is also the one that Zheng Zha has high hopes for. At least, there is someone in the team who can barely guess Chu Xuan's idea. In this way, at least there is no need to fear that some layout will be concealed by Chu Xuan again.

Because they are very familiar with the legend of gods and ghosts, they don't have much to prepare. They just take their weapons and ordinary equipment with them, and then exchange them to enter the world of the legend of gods and ghosts. It's not easy to talk about this way. They just go to the museum to find the curator, and then go to the capital of the dead in the legend of gods and ghosts, The turn of events began when they reached the capital of death.

"Letter? My letter?"

Zheng Zha asked an officer in the base with a strange face. He was respectfully handing a letter to Zheng Zha. According to him, it was a letter sent from China not long ago and named for Zheng Zha.

In the legend of ghosts and gods, all acquaintances have their own lives. Ou Kangnuo and his wife are opening mines in the United States, and several gold mines in the west are under their names. It can be said that they have finally become a family of great wealth. Of course, it is said that Eve found a large ancient tomb in a gold mine... This woman seems to be a guide to attract danger

The leader of the man in black, the big bearded man in black, was running for the future of the clan. With the help of Zheng Zha, his total amount of gold was even more than that of some big countries at that time. He had become one of the most popular celebrities among businessmen in the United States. Of course, this was just his superficial identity, but his real identity was also a member of Al Qaeda

Then it's time to talk about the other three old friends, Imodon and Ansona. They failed to find the Holy Grail, and then began to travel around or look for relics. Until the time agreed with Zheng Zha was approaching, they hurried back to Egypt, but for unknown reasons they headed for China, It is said that he went with Jonathan to find the immortal medicine of the Chinese emperor thousands of years ago

By the way, as far as Jonathan is concerned, this guy really went to China. Although his money is not extremely rich, Zheng Zha has never been stingy with gold. In addition, this guy is always very sensitive to money, so he made a lot of money when he came to China. He got a lot of APK guns from the hands of black beards and sold them to the warlord organizations in China at that time, Of course, it is said that he was caught up in some secrets among warlords after the incident, and he accidentally got a map of some elixir, so he was being pursued and killed

Zheng Zha learned about everyone's recent situation from the officer. He already knew who wrote this letter.