Chapter 84 War of Extinction

  • Final Exchange Shop
  • Dream tonight
  • 2126 words
  • 2017-07-05 11:21:46

A battle has begun!

The roar of nearly ten thousand corpses is enough to paralyze any ordinary people, but it is the sharp blade of I34 that greets them!

Su Shanshan, with sufficient energy, instantly entered the battle form. The pure white alloy wings immediately broke through the shackles of gravity, and then stood in the air!

When the long hair was flying, a dozen small rockets roared and pounded on the ground!

The fierce firelight and explosive sound raised a large number of running zombies. In terms of group attack ability, Susan Shanshan, a humanoid mobile turret, is undoubtedly the strongest. Last time, she and Peipei were both dragged by the 13.5 strength variant. Otherwise, under full fire, the more than 2000 zombies would not be enough for her to sweep for half an hour.

This time, the strongest one was just 9.1. It was enough to give it to Peipei, who was full of brute force, so the fierce roar on the battlefield almost never stopped.

In this battle, Li Dao, who was in the midst of the battle, was shocked. He could not help looking up at Susan in the sky, who was full of firepower. He was speechless and thought that this sister TM's firepower could stand up to a heavy artillery infantry regiment

On the front battlefield, under the cover of darkness, the black zombie group and the gray I34 mechanical group soon collided!

Different from the terrible roaring of the zombies, the I34 mechanical group just waved the metal long knives on their hands silently, and each attack was judged by the thinking core in detail. After the I34 with weapons slightly made up for the shortcomings of attack power, it was OK to deal with two zombies at the same time.

And this war between machines and zombies is just beginning!

At this time, Li Dao also rushed into the corpse tide with his accustomed metal mountain opener in his hand, and a three edged spike without a handle surrounded him. Different from the last time, Li Dao, whose life intensity was increased to 2.8, was confident to retreat from the corpse crowd!

What's more, in addition to a bottle of fortifying potion used in the last battle, he also has a bottle of fortifying potion on his body, which allows him to completely retreat from the strength of 9.1 variants.

So under the condition of safety, soon Li Dao found a mutant with strength of 5.1 in the corpse group, which was just the right one for him to practice.

The mutant that appeared in front of Li Dao was about two meters high. Sharp bone spurs popped out on the tough skin like sandpaper, and his hands became two long bone spurs. When he found Li Dao was close, he directly poked at him.


Underground, in the research institute.

On the screen in front of Burr, the not very clear picture of fierce fighting leaped onto it, and the small figure that kept pouring fire in the air that day made Burr's eyes almost stare out!

As one of the former scientists, he could not understand how the small body contained so much firepower!

The matter was far more difficult than he thought. He looked at the small figure dancing in the night sky on the screen. Every time his figure flashed, a bright flame would burst out on the ground, and the powerful variants he hoped for also fell under the long sword of that figure.

"My God!!"

After a long time, Burr exclaimed that he was almost scared out of his wits. He just stared at the beautiful figure on the screen and felt extremely shocked. He didn't think that he had just destroyed some robots, which led to such a terrible thing!

The defense team of the institute has been mobilized by him, but it is obviously impossible to escape by plane.

Although the plane is equipped with special equipment to avoid the attack of mutant birds, there is a horrible thing on the screen, and I'm afraid it can be shot down just after taking off.

The institute can't hold on for sure. When the flying figure appeared on the screen, he knew that it was more important to make an escape plan than a defense plan. But when he bowed his head and began to meditate, a figure suddenly drew near in front of the screen!

It's the thing with terrible firepower! Then, a beautiful and lovely face appeared on the screen, but what did not match was the scarlet light in the eyes. When Burr was surprised that the figure was actually a beautiful girl, the screen lost the signal of the camera in the next moment.


On the battlefield, under the scanning of Susan's eyes, several suspected cameras were exposed instantly, and then she destroyed them one by one.

Scarlet eyes stared at the camera on the hand, and after the analysis was fruitless, they immediately squeezed and burst, and joined the war again.

In the war, because there is no powerful variant to compete with Susan, ordinary zombies and low-intensity variants are being quickly eliminated, and the whole war is slowly tilting to Li Dao.

Among the corpses, in front of Li Dao, the mutant with the strength of 5.1 fell down quickly. The three edged spikes pierced the mutant's head, and the gray and white thing burst instantly!

Seeing this, Li Dao thought of the way he ran away in a hurry when facing a creature with an intensity of 5.0 for the first time. Even a pistol with unlimited bullets could not compete with it. At the moment, the mutant fell under his attack in less than ten minutes, and he was even more intact!

This kind of growth that can be personally felt makes Li Dao suddenly full of incomparable expectations for the future adventure life!

After the short fight, Li Dao pointed his long knife at those ordinary zombies again. It was not easy to find a variant in this group of zombies. He had to kill these obstructed zombies.

Nearly ten thousand zombies were gradually reduced in the battle, but the payment of more than forty mutants was not without success. Only Li Dao saw that more than 20 I34 had been destroyed, and I think the loss of this I34 will be much greater than that of the last time.

In the middle of the battle field, Peipei is fighting with a powerful mutant whose strength has reached 9.1. Although her body is not big, every punch and every foot shows the momentum of the dragon family. Of course... if her delicate body less than 1.6 meters can be bigger

Of course, in the face of variants with similar intensity, Pepe's combat effectiveness is obviously stronger, perhaps mainly because his powerful power is more terrifying.

The way of fighting, which was totally different from Susanshan in the sky, was simple and rough, so that the powerful variant could only break its limbs under Peipei's fists and feet, and then gradually lost the ability to struggle for the last trace.

As the battle continued, the time slowly went on for about an hour. With the annihilation of a large number of I34 and Susan, the remaining zombies became fewer and fewer, and finally were completely eliminated!

The battle that lasted more than an hour consumed 51% of Susan's energy storage, and the 1200 full I34 was also destroyed and paralyzed about 120 sets.

The loss is mainly caused by the mutant. The strange body and terrible power make the short I34 weak when facing the mutant.

However, the battle was finally over, and the intact and even lighted airport was completely exposed to Li Dao.