Chapter 41 Return to Beijing

Tang Feng was sitting on the sliding pole carried by the two men, his fan covering his face, and he was very comfortable.

It's really unexpected to learn from such a young person. In history, he only said that he would become a big help for the rebellion of the Prime Minister, responsible for public opinion support. Unexpectedly, both of them are young cucumbers and eggs. I came a little early.

That's right. This emperor's son-in-law, Tang Feng, came here after thousands of years. As soon as he arrived, he woke up on Tang Feng, the second son of the prime minister's residence, who was on hunger strike for refusing to marry. Where is the real man? Maybe he is really starving. Tang Feng quickly recognized the situation, and could not help laughing three times. God, you have finally taken care of me! My father is the Prime Minister. He is a reliable tree. The elder brother is hardworking and capable. He shoulders the burden of establishing a family. Tang Feng can be the second ancestor of eating, drinking and having fun. He was smart from childhood, and even more talented when he grew up. He was one of the four sons in the capital. At the same time, he is arrogant and ambitious, thinking about going in and out of the court, assisting the king and protecting the people. Such a nearly perfect and elegant young man, like a shining pearl, flashed into the eyes of countless daughters in the capital. The most powerful one was Princess Qiyue, the favorite of the former emperor, who went to the former emperor to speak frankly.

The will has not been officially issued, and the Tang family already knows. Tang Feng is half dead now, and the devil is willing to marry the princess!

Not to mention that most princesses are spoiled, arrogant, and can't be good wives and mothers. Just saying that the emperor's son-in-law can only take an idle job and eat all day long, Tang Feng can't stand it if he can't interfere in the court. Reject fruitless and fight with death. It's really over if you don't want to play big.

Tang Feng woke up again. The flesh had been changed. He laughed a hundred times first, and then scolded the owner of his body for being stupid. How good it is to be a son-in-law, a stable career for a lifetime, high salary and good welfare, so you don't have to work in luxury and enjoy endless food. You can't find such a job in a thousand years!

However, if one has no foresight, one must have immediate worries. In order to live a happy life for a long time, Tang Feng searched his brains and thought about the records of this era in history books, and resolutely chose to stand in line.

At this point, it is time for him to perform.

Jian Jie is meeting guests. Tang Feng waited about a quarter of an hour before he hurried here. The two sat down after greeting, and Jianjie wore cassocks, just like a master.

Tang Feng: "Master is so busy. It seems that pilgrims have been bothering me recently."

Jian Jie smiled: "It's OK, I still have some experience when looking at popularity."

Tang Feng said with a smile, "Master, help me have a look."

Jianjie really looked at the past carefully: "The donor's face is strange, so it's hard to say, it's not allowed to say."

"Ah? Ha ha ha......" Tang Feng laughed.

"The way of heaven is not disobedient. Do you know, young master?"

"Of course I know. That's why I conform to the law of heaven. Of course, the master also knows."

Then there was a silence. Each of them had a stomach for calculation. No one knew how many things the other held.

In the silence, Tang Feng finally couldn't help but say, "I'm leaving tomorrow, and the master must not forget me. This is left to the master, and I can open it after I leave. I will always write to the master, remember." Then he handed a folded letter to Jian Jie.

Caution: "The mountains and rivers meet. Take care, benefactor."

As soon as Tang Feng went out, a little novice came running in: "Martial Uncle, a group of female benefactors came outside. They came to thank Martial Uncle and offer you some incense money. Shifu asked you to come over."

Tang Feng smiled, clasped his fists and walked out.

As soon as the figure disappeared at the gate of the hospital, Jian Jie opened the envelope with a smile and saw that there were only a few words on it: At the beginning of Zhengping's third year, Longnan Earthquake.

Jianjie's face changes greatly.

The next day, several ornate carriages were parked at the gate of the post station in the city, and the majestic guards were dressed in armor, standing on both sides of the road, full of streets.

The king in purple python robe came out of the post station under the protection of the guards and directly sat in the carriage. A group of officials of all sizes in Jiangling City knelt to see each other off. Many other businessmen came to say goodbye spontaneously, but their identities were different. They were isolated by the guards in a far place and could only watch from afar.

The governor also took a carriage. He wanted to send the prime minister out of Jiangling before returning to his government. Tang Feng, the imperial eunuch An Sheng, got into the carriage one by one, and the team finally started. The officials of Jiangling City finally breathed a sigh of relief: they are all gone.

The merchants gathered far away. They craned their necks and longed to see the lord and kowtow to him. But they were not given the chance to be grateful. They only watched from afar.

Li Zhao could not squeeze into the front row, so he had to find a stone pier behind him to stand up and look far. When the car started to move, I put down my hand to block the light in front of me and bowed my head to prepare.

"Eh, Brother Wu, you have also come to see off the lord!"

A few steps in front of them stood Wu Er, who was introduced to them by Lord Huang.

Liu Zheng smiled faintly: "Yes, come to see off the lord."

"When you walk in the capital, you can certainly see it often, not like us." Li Zhao jumped down from the stone pier, landing a little unsteady, and Liu Zheng gave him a hand.

"Yes, I can often see it." Liu Zheng smiles rather than smiles.

"Brother Wu, what's your plan? Do you want to stay in Jiangling City, or do you want to be more aggressive?" Li Zhao walked with him to the less crowded road.

"Go out and have a look. The world is so big. If you don't take a look at it, you will have a bad time!"

"Brother Wu said it well!" Li Zhao's affection for him was greatly enhanced. Just now, he gave him a hand, and saw that the man was not so cold on the surface. He said, "How about meeting by chance and having a cup of tea together?"

"Good, please, Mr. Li."

"I don't say I have tasted all the tea houses in Jiangling, but I dare say I have drunk more than half of them. If I want to know which kind of tea is best, I am right..."

The two sat upstairs in the elegant house, where ice cubes were placed to relieve the heat, making people's dryness aroused by the hot weather subside greatly. The ethereal sound of the zither curls up and touches people's mind. The tea fragrance is rich and makes people feel comfortable.

Li Zhao chose a good place.

Seeing Liu Zheng's calm look, without sadness or joy, Li Zhao remembered that he was worried. His daughter's words made him feel like a cat scratching pain and itch, and he didn't know who to tell. Today, I suddenly felt that the young man in front of me was good. Young, but calm and grand, very good. If you travel from south to north, you can see more and know more. Maybe you can give him some advice. The most important thing is that he is not from here. Even if he knows, it will not affect his daughter's reputation.

"Brother Wu, you are a person who has seen the world. I don't know how to deal with some things here. Could you please consult and give me an idea?"

Liu Zheng frowned at first. Does he look suitable for solving problems? Look at Li Zhao's cautious eyes. Just be a good person for once.

"Li Dongjia, please go ahead."