Chapter 151 Grassland Horse

Lord Huang sent the people and horses on the way to the northwest out of the city. Looking back, he saw Liu Zheng sitting on his horse. He walked over and said, "Lord, let's go back."

Liu Zheng turned his horse around, and the two men were standing side by side on the flat official road outside the city. Liu Zheng said, "When I sent a letter to Qiyue, I told her that in order to prepare a satisfactory gift for her, Xiao Tang would personally go to a small country in the Western Regions and ask her not to worry."

Mr. Huang was shocked, and his heart became darker and darker. It was clear that he hated the Emperor Tang's son-in-law for disturbing his marriage with Miss Li. At this time, he said so affectionately. Really, I'm so talkative. Learn more.

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