Chapter 14 Penalty for Lying (2)

  • Dote on a wife
  • Qiuqiqi
  • 1942 words
  • 2013-08-03 01:29:13

Gu Yunchen smiled, "Are you jealous?"

"What are you jealous of? I won't be jealous of you." It's just a little uncomfortable.

"If you lie, you should be punished!" He lowered his head and kissed her accurately. It seems that there is not nothing to be gained tonight. At least, the heartless girl was jealous.

Oh, how many times did he kiss her tonight?

In the reception hall on the second floor of Gu's family, everyone looked at Gu's iron face, involuntarily squeezed a cold sweat, and looked at Gu Yunjin, who was sleeping in Gu Yunchen's arms.

Oh, in this situation, the girl can also sleep!

Gu Yunfei makes Gu Yunchen wake up Gu Yunjin with a wink. Don't you see the old man looking at Jiner with angry eyes?

Gu Yunchen shrugged his shoulders, but he could do nothing. The girl's punctual physiological clock was half past ten, and now it was half past eleven. Of course, she could not support sleeping in his arms.

"Yunchen, wake up that girl. Everyone is here. What does she look like when she sleeps there.

"She won't disturb you."

It means that you can't obey orders!

Master Gu takes a deep breath. He will be angry with this guy sooner or later!

"You shouldn't have let the snow fall just now. How will you get along in the future?"

"I don't think we'll see each other again." His heart was hooked by the one in his arms, and there was no place to let other women go.

"You will meet in the future. Not only will you meet, but you will get married and..."

"Stop!" Gu Yunchen interrupted Gu and said in a deep voice, "I only plan to finish these things with the one in my arms."

Gu Yunchen's words fell to the next second, and the old man angrily dropped his harsh words, "I will never allow this girl to enter my door!"

Gu Yunchen ignored his anger, and his long finger combed his long hair on Gu Yunjin's shoulder intentionally or unintentionally, and replied: "Do you agree not to do my thing? It's me who wants her, not you."

"Hum, when I could stop Bai Qiushan, I still don't believe that I can't stop one of her now?" His mother is not afraid, let alone a little girl movie!

Gu Zongheng interrupted Gu Zongheng when he wanted to say something else, "Dad, I just want to tell you about this."

"What do you want to say?" He knew that he was still with Bai Qiushan, but as long as the cooperation between the Gu and Lin families was not affected, he would not mind turning a blind eye.

"I want to divorce Lin Ling and marry Shan Shan." He can't let Shan Shan bear other people's strange eyes, let alone let him follow him for life without distinction.

Hearing the words, Gu's anger, which had been falling, rose again, "I will not agree!"

This father and son are deliberately against him, right? They repeatedly disobey his decision!

Gu Yunchen frowned, looked at Gu Yunjin, who was sleeping restlessly in his arms, and covered her ears. Now Lin Ling and Gu Zongheng are going to make trouble again.

"I don't agree!" Lin Ling stood up, her delicate face was full of jealousy and hatred. She walked step by step towards Gu Zongheng, her eyes burning with anger, and her sharp voice was unwilling.

"I tell you Gu Zongheng, you will never want to get rid of me all your life, and that bitch Bai Qiushan will also..."


With a sudden slap, Lin Ling covered her burning right face and looked angrily at Gu Yunjin, who was supposed to sleep in Gu Yunchen's arms. Sure enough, she was just like her mother!

"Let me hear you scold my mother again. Next time, it will not be me, it will be this one, understand?" Raising the fruit knife in his hand, Gu Yunjin's face was cold and heartless, similar to Gu Yunchen's.

"Girl, put down the knife!" If you hurt yourself carelessly, do you want to let him die of heartache, this heartless girl!

Gu Yunjin looks back at Gu Yunchen's unhappy face, puts down the fruit knife, and the cold face is replaced by the carefree, and cleverly leans against Gu Yunchen's arms to continue sleeping.

Zhao Yujun looked at the fruit knife on the table with a lingering fear. She really looked down upon Jin'er before. She was as cruel as her third brother.

"It's worthy of being taught by the third brother," Gu Xicheng said with a low smile, at the same time, he warned himself that he should not easily offend the third brother's couple in the future.

Gu Yunchen looked at Gu Yunjin, who was sleeping in his arms, and whispered, "Don't use a knife in the future."

Gu Yunjin in her arms nodded. As long as you don't step on her bottom line, she can smile away.

"Please sit down for me. What do you want to do with this?" When he is invisible, doesn't he? Gu's face is worse than before, obviously angry.

Mr. Gu looked at Gu Yunchen with sharp eyes and said, "Yunchen, you are old enough to work in the company. A week later, you will find me in the company." Even though he was angry with his rebellion, he had to admit that among all his grandchildren, Yunchen was the most capable candidate to inherit Gu's family.

Unexpectedly, Gu Yunchen did not contradict, but nodded slightly to show his consent.

Gu Yunjin in his arms was also surprised that his brother didn't hate Gu's complicated business most. He looked at Gu like a huge monster and didn't want to touch it. Why did he jump into the fire now?

Gu nodded with satisfaction. The boy finally didn't contradict him. He wouldn't be soft on Han Feixue. He wanted to see if he would listen to him and marry Han Feixue.

"Lin Ling, you've been spending more time with Feixue these days, and I don't want you to have any problems with your mother-in-law and daughter-in-law in the future." Han Feixue likes Yun Chen in her heart, otherwise she won't let her grandpa take the initiative to mention it, and she won't believe it. The two women can't compete with a little girl who is less than 18 years old even if they get together!

Lin Ling nods, as long as it is not Bai Qiushan's bitch's daughter, she can accept anyone!

"By the way, where is Yaowen?" He was most worried about Yunchen and Yaowen, who still bit the woman Tong Jingyao.

Yun Fei has nothing to ask for. Marriage naturally goes with the flow, and there will be no resistance. Lin Hao is most satisfied with him. The playboy in Xicheng will not say anything if he finds a woman who knows something. Xi Zhi is also surrounded by the girl of the Lin family, and no woman can make him act seriously. As for Yu Jun, the boy doesn't know what love is, At that time, the marriage will not be at his disposal.