Chapter 2 Ten Years of Life and Death (2)

The night wind is gentle, and the Twilight Moon Villa is quiet in the night.

Rong Xian, the leader of the world's Twilight Moon Mountain Manor, is silent in front of the window, recalling the past more than ten years ago, melancholy and yearning——


"Zhao'er, have you decided?"

"Little Martial Uncle, don't try to persuade me. I've made up my mind. But little Martial Uncle can't come to the Wind Chime Valley to stay with me in the future. He will accompany me to play chess, taste tea and compete in martial arts papers." Murong Zhao forced a smile out of his mouth, comforting others and himself.

"What about Jingjing? What about her?"

"She?" Murong Zhao smiled wryly and said obscurely: "Jing'er is very tough. Since she has decided to leave, if not Shifu is alive, no one can stop her. Let her go..."

"Alas... I didn't expect that this would happen."

"Please leave the valley quickly, young martial uncle. From now on, there will be no Wind Chime Valley in the Jianghu. Please take care!"


If it was not for the peerless skill left by elder martial brother Skywalker, which was hidden in the secret room of the back mountain of the Wind Chime Valley, and asked not to let the secret out, Martial Nephew Murong Zhao decided to seal the entrance of the Wind Chime Valley with magic, and he would never leave the Valley, for fear that the Jianghu would not be chaotic here. In retrospect, when the Wind Chime Valley echoed, how united were the families?

With a sigh of depression, the urgent mail just sent by the housekeeper was spread out on the desk. There are three lines of words on the white paper next to the urgent mail

"Cloud Palace of Western Chu was set on fire";

"The Cold Frost Sword was stolen";

"Zhong Hanli was killed".

Just a few dozens of words, reflecting the deep concern of the heart. With a long sigh, he looked straight at the full moon hanging in the sky. The ray of water colored moonlight was falling in the southwest, and the cold silver halo outlined the virtual shadow of the distant mountains.

The southwest... is the sphere of influence of the Western Chu Cloud Region.

A gust of night wind suddenly arose, rolled up the silk paper on the table, only let it spin in the middle of the air, and floated down in the inkstone washing table. The words "Cold Frost Sword" were oozed by the water, and the ink smudged into a flower like pattern. A black flower vaguely contained the message of death.

West Chu, Cold Frost Sword

Looking bored, he closed the window, rolled the soaked paper into a ball and threw it on the ground. I'm afraid that the Jianghu will soon be unable to hide the fake peace

The moonlight shakes gently, ignoring the worries of the world, and reflects the busy town Yancheng on the border of Western Chu idly. The night is getting deeper, but the city is still bustling, without the bleakness of barren land. This is the only way from the Western Chu Dynasty to the Central Plains. Close to the time of business and lodging at night, the streets and alleys are full of people from other places wearing different kinds of clothes. Because the Cloud Palace of Western Chu was set on fire and the sword was stolen, the palace guards wearing blue armour and black cloaks can be seen everywhere in the border towns of the past checkpoint.

The leader of the bodyguard team is a tall and strong man with a black face. His eagle eyes patrol the passers-by, burning their light and making people shudder. More than a dozen people have been intercepted near the city gate, all of whom are suspicious looking and indecent passers-by. Their luggage and belongings have been searched again and again, even their clothes.

"Check carefully! Don't let the murderer leave the cloud land of Western Chu!" Gao Zhuang man told his subordinates again and again. As the right arm of the cloud king of the Western Chu, the eagle must have devoted 120000 energy.

Near the city gate, a green top soft sedan car rushed out from the alley beside it, and the front city gate was put in place without any haste. It is strange to ride in a sedan chair at such a border with horses and carriages. The eagle did not hesitate. The sword handle flew to the sedan chair man's front door. With a little effort, the sedan chair man fell down, and blood came out of the back of his head. In the past, women and children could not see such blood and had already cried out in surprise.

"You are so rude! You killed our sedan chair man without asking. If there is no sedan chair man, who will send us out of the city?" The woman who walked to the right of the sedan chair proudly raised her head and said rudely. Although she was dressed in plain clothes, she had no jewelry on her body, and she simply had a silver hairpin in her bun, which made her a pretty face. Her pale eyebrows were picturesque, her eyes looked like shining stars, and her skin was more than the sun and snow, attracting passers-by's glances. Such extraordinary beauty is rare in this desolate place, even in the beautiful Jiangnan area.

Eagle Zhun was just about to start, when the people in the sedan chair shouted, "Moon Chant, don't be unreasonable! Don't interfere with Captain Eagle's work

"My mother has recovered. Thank you for saving me, Miss Shen."

"It's easy to say." The woman answered lightly and said no more. Seeing the curtain of pride shaking, she has lifted the curtain of the sedan chair and left the sedan chair according to her body——

Had I known that just a maid in plain clothes was so gorgeous, the master was even more dignified. The woman was dressed in a light white gauze. Under the darkness, her figure was covered with a layer of silvery streamers, which showed elegant dark light. The plain white skirt seems to be endowed with immortality, and it seems to be in the clouds and fog after being refined. The cool breeze gently brushed her face in the evening, and the peerless face loomed under the same color veil. Only the calm and calm in the shining eyes under the dark night was not what a woman of this age should have. If her face was not covered with gauze, her appearance would be more amazing. The maid Yueyin stood behind her, but she was beaten hard and could not take away her light at all.

The woman went to the sedan chair man with his head in the wrong place, slightly raised her eyebrows, squatted down and closed the sedan chair man's eyes, slightly complained to Yingzhun and said, "Even if Captain Eagle performs his official duties, he should never treat a human life so rashly."

Ying Zhun knew he was wrong and dared not contradict him. He replied, "Yes, Miss Shen said that Ying was careless. But King Yun ordered us to thoroughly investigate the entry-exit and other people. Ying Zhun can only act according to his orders."

"What did you find out? Is it possible that the sedan chair bearer is suspicious? If so, Qingyan is careless." The woman said slowly. She calls herself "Qingyan", and the eagle will respect her "Miss Shen".

"Whether the sedan chair bearer is suspicious or not will be determined only after the eagle is sure to thoroughly investigate. Only when he tried to force his way through the checkpoint just now, the eagle was sure to stop him. Unexpectedly, the move was heavy."

"Nonsense! How could he go to the checkpoint? You killed him with a single click. You can see that he doesn't know martial arts at all. How dare he rush to the city gate?!" Yueyin could not keep his temper and immediately retorted.

The eagle frowned, refused to contradict, and replied, "Few people travel in a sedan in this desert town..."

"That's because our young lady can't ride a horse!"

Yingzhun was unmoved, and then said, "Yingzhun must know how offensive it is, but I hope Miss Shen will understand. Yingzhun will never forget Miss Shen's help to my mother's life. Yingzhun will try his best to find something that can help Yingzhun in the future."

Shen Qingyan sighed lightly and said: "Well, I saved your mother that day, but I just did my best to cure her, and I don't expect anything to be reported someday. Captain Eagle is just doing business, so let's search when we search." Shen Qingyan slightly leaned aside and let the eagle allow us to search.

"I'm offended!" The eagle must hesitate for a moment and search in person. A rather new green top sedan immediately added several sword eyes.

Fortunately, after a search, there was no result. Yingzhun was relieved. He turned to Shen Qingyan and apologized, "Miss Shen, you can go out of the city now."

"Hum, the sedan chair bearer is gone, how can we get there? Could you lift the sedan chair for our young lady?" Yueyin said sarcastically.

Eagle Zhun's expression did not change. He immediately sent his subordinates and ordered, "Come on! Send Miss Shen out of the city. The eagle is sure to keep his word. If you can find something useful one day, Miss Shen will speak. The eagle will not refuse. "

Shen Qingyan was also impolite, and said frankly, "Thank you very much, Lord Eagle. Qingyan asked you to do one thing. I hired the sedan chair bearer. I don't know if he has a wife or children, so I asked Captain Eagle to bury him."

"I think so!"

"Thank you, Captain Laoying. Here is a prescription. Your mother will vomit all the blood stasis after three days, and then let her take it. The injury will heal itself."

The eagle must be overjoyed. Taking the prescription with both hands, he lifted the curtain of the sedan chair and helped the woman in white to get on the sedan chair: "Thank you, Miss Shen! Please, Miss Shen!" How dare everyone look down on the captain when they see that she is so respectful? A few quick hands and feet have already come forward to lift the car pole and get out of the city.

When the soft sedan arrived at the boundary of Western Chu, the guards of Western Chu had just turned back.

When the guard team in the cloud area of the Western Chu State disappeared, the servant girl Yueyinfang took out a long sandalwood box from the interlayer of the car bottom and presented it to the woman in white.

"Miss, as you expected, Zhong Hanli will die. The Zuo Envoy Yingzhun is the most trusted one by the Cloud King of the Western Chu. You saved his mother, and he will not embarrass you in any way. Thanks to his token, we can get along without any obstacles. When we enter the jurisdiction of the Twilight Mountain Villa tomorrow, we will not be afraid of them!"

Shen Qingyan carefully opened the wooden box, and found a cold sword with no scabbard. The sword body was carved. The edge of the sword was shining with moonlight and silver. When touching the edge of the sword, you could still feel cool. The hilt was inlaid with infinite patterns. There were two words vaguely carved at the junction between the hilt and the body - "Lengsang".

Shen Qingyan lightly covered the body of the sword with her fingers, thinking: "I hope it's as you said. But now it's cold and frost without a scabbard, I'm afraid it will take some trouble." She thought for a moment, "It's always wrong to carry the sword with her. We should find a way to put it in a safe place, and then take it back when we find the scabbard."

Her eyes are bright and full of thoughts