Chapter 32 Yin Luocheng's Marriage 3

  • Angry Lamb
  • yujinyan
  • 1189 characters
  • 2011-04-25 11:14:05

In college, Yin Luocheng is still low-key. Apart from studying, thinking, and writing novels, he doesn't care about anything else. He occasionally goes to drink with his buddies. Yin Luocheng studies business administration and often goes out to do market research when he has time. He will take over the business at home in the future.

Fang Ying often came from Hunan to look for him and strolled around the campus of their university holding his hand, attracting the envy of countless boys. Fang Ying was beautiful and dressed brilliantly, and the girls in the university suddenly lost their color. The only difference was that Fang Ying was proud and flashy, while the girls in the university were simple, which could not be compared.

Yin Luocheng doesn't like to appear in public like this, but Fang Ying insists on doing so. She wants women who like or want Yin Luocheng to know that if he has such a beautiful and excellent girlfriend, they won't have to daydream.

Walking arm in arm is a perfect couple in the eyes of outsiders. The women are beautiful and the men are handsome. Although the men wear very ordinary clothes, the heroic temperament sets Yin Luocheng off. If the men choose beauty, the name of the cruel prince will fall on Yin Luocheng.

The month after graduating from college, Yin Luocheng was ordered to go home to get married. Their wedding was very lively. Officials and business partners came. Yin accepted all the sincere and hypocritical blessings. Everyone felt that he was different, different from the past, and smiled at everyone. It was not like this before. Maybe today is the wedding day, and he was too happy.

He gave a toast to different people. In the crowd, he smiled. On the surface, he smiled so brightly. In fact, he thought, Yin Luocheng, you should be hypocritical. You should be happy when you get married.

Yin Luocheng's parents looked at their son and walked through the crowd, talking and laughing happily. They suddenly felt strange. Is this their son?

He is polite, eloquent, and well behaved. The temperament of a generation of heroes shines on him. Maybe it is because my son seldom goes home during his college years, and he refuses to go home during winter and summer vacations. These years of training have made him more mature and wise. Although he is strange, he is proud to see such a son.

At the end of the wedding, he was already drunk and had to rely on someone to help him to enter the bridal chamber. They all said that the bridal chamber was a night of flowers and candles, and the moment of spring festival was worth a thousand gold. Fang Ying was really frustrated, and the hard won opportunity for intimacy disappeared again. No matter how active he was, Yin Luocheng always refused to touch himself, and sometimes he really doubted whether he was a man.

Maybe he was too tired. Fang Ying had to lie down beside him dejectedly and hug him to sleep.

I thought it was the wedding day when he drank too much, but the next day, the third day, he was still like this. Every time Fang Ying took the initiative to tie his neck and kiss him, he always said, "Xiaoying, don't, I'm busy, there's still a lot of things to do!"

He has just graduated and is not familiar with the company's business. It seems to be his best and perfect excuse to start as soon as possible, help his father to share, and want to do something earlier.

However, there are too many excuses. He always has endless excuses. Every time when he finishes his work, Fang Ying falls asleep. In the morning, Yin Luocheng always goes to work early.

Finally, Fang Yinghuo said, "Yin Luocheng, am I your wife?"

Yin Luocheng talks about this vividly, and Yanshan smiles. "Boss Yin used to treat his wife like this. Don't you like her at all? Why do you want to marry her?" Yanshan sees Yin Luocheng speechless, and then says, "You have such a beautiful wife, but..."

Yin Luocheng said after the uproar: "It's hard to say. I only look at her as a sister, but I can't do it as a wife! We are not suitable for her. I know she works hard, but we can't force feelings. An iron pestle can be ground into a needle, but can wood“

Yan Shan is speechless. Yin Luocheng's words are classic