Chapter 26

"No, please send me back to my room! I'll take an anti abortion pill." Lin Tianai said softly.

Zhao Xinming gently holds Lin Tianai in his arms and walks upstairs. Lin Tianai lies in Zhao Xinming's arms and smiles at He Tiantian.

Lin Tianai falls down on purpose. When she sees He Tiantian still staying at the Zhao family, Zhao Xinming is with her, and her heart often stays at He Tiantian. She tried to torture her.

Yu Qingya sees off Mrs. Wang and Mrs. Li, who play mahjong, and returns to the living room. Diao eyebrows look up at He Tiantian. "He Tiantian, you scorpion hearted woman, it's not enough to kill one of my grandchildren. You want to kill another of my grandchildren!"

In fact, the real situation is clear to Qingya. She just wants to drive He Tiantian out of the Zhao family so that her son can marry Lin Tianai.

He Tiantian sneered in his heart and slowly supported himself with his other hand. His right hand was bruised and bruised.

"Clean it up for me soon." Yu Qingya said and went upstairs to see Lin Tianai.

He Tiantian slowly held the handle to the ground. The wound on her hand made her tremble with pain.

"Why did you push her? Can't you make her lose her child?" Zhao Xinming came down from upstairs and saw He Tiantian holding the ground slowly, just like other people. A burst of anger rose in my heart, holding her hand and interrogating her indiscriminately.

The injured hand was burning with pain, and she could feel the blood dripping out little by little, still biting her teeth without saying a word.

Zhao Xinming felt that there seemed to be some mucus in his hand. He loosened his hand, looked at the blood in his palm, and stared at He Tiantian's bloody hand.

"Why don't you go to pack it up and show it to someone?" Zhao Xinming said coldly.

Looking at He Tiantian's hand, Zhao Xinming still felt hurt, but Lin Tianai told him that when she accidentally stepped on Tian Tian, He Tiantian pushed her down and hurt himself to frame her.

"I know you hate Tianai, but the child in her belly is innocent. I hope you won't hurt her again." Zhao Xinming's voice was as cold as ice. He didn't want to see her or let her go.

"Xinming, my mother's medical expenses for this period... have been used up. Do you have time to pay them tomorrow?" He Tiantian said slowly, and she took it for granted, because she could pay for them.

"So you are just like that." Zhao Xinming was cold, and a sneer flashed across his mouth. He turned into his study and came out again with a check of 200000 yuan.

"Hand it in yourself," he said, throwing the check to He Tiantian, and then went upstairs.

The thin paper hit her face and floated down slowly. He Tiantian slowly picked it up: "Thank you." She said quietly, without any expression.


"Ah ah! Why are your hands tied with bandages, Tian Tian?" Zhang Shulan asked with concern, holding He Tian's hand.

He Tiantian didn't want to attract his mother's attention and hid his hands behind him.

Zhang Shulan pulled He Tiantian's hand out regardless, "What a small wound! Look! The bandage is all red. How long the family's heart is!"

He Lian looked at her daughter's injured hand and wept bitterly. She said weakly, "I'm sorry, my mother tired you."

"Mom, why do you say that?" He Tiantian's eyes were red.

"Silly child." He Lian stroked her face trembling. "My mother doesn't want to burden you any more. My mother hopes you will be happy and live the life you want to live. Don't be so humiliated and burdened by your mother."

"Mom, when you get better, we will leave this city and we will live a good life together." He Tiantian clenches his mother's hand and his eyes are full of faith.

That night when the whole family had dinner, He Tiantian had been either adding food or serving dishes. When she finally sat down to eat, Lin Tianai suddenly said innocently and gently, "Xinming, I really want to drink pig's trotter soup."

Zhao Xinming glanced at her faintly and motioned her to do it. He Tiantian stood up stiffly.

Zhao Enguang glanced at Lin Tianai lightly and said indifferently, "Tian Tian has already cooked this kind of food. Let's drink it tomorrow."

Then he took a look at He Tiantian's hand, which was in a mess, and asked, "What's wrong with Tian Tian's hand?"

"Oh, I accidentally fell, it's OK." He Tiantian said with a smile. He is the only person in the Zhao family who doesn't let her hate him.

"Let Xinming accompany you to the hospital to have a look. Don't get infected!" Zhao Enguang said simply.

He never cares about things at home. Even after retirement, he seldom stays at home.

He neither dislikes nor rejects Lin Tianai nor He Tiantian. He believes that a man needs more than one woman to take care of him.

For example, Lin Tianai can work in his career; He Tiantian can be in the family. They are the foundation of his son's career.

As for how they get along, who is the real daughter-in-law of the Zhao family? They need to solve it by themselves, as long as they don't let him see or hear the whistle.

He Tiantian didn't know that the only father-in-law who still pleased her was this kind of thought. In his eyes, he was just a babysitter.

After finishing all the work, He Tiantian went back to his room and lay on the bed with tears streaming down his face. "Mom, I can't hold on anymore."

Dry your tears, sit up slowly, and feel dizzy. It was another whole day and I didn't eat anything.

He Tiantian took out a piece of dry bread from the swagger, put it in his mouth and chewed it slowly, then swallowed it slowly. His eyes did not focus on the wall. Like a soulless doll, I repeat this action until a piece of bread is finished.

Since He Tiantian's hand was injured, Zhao Xinming doesn't often go home for dinner. Of course, Lin Tianai will definitely stay with Zhao Xinming.

He Tiantian hopes that it will be like this every day, because she will be more relaxed and have time to visit her mother.

He Tiantian came out of the hospital late at night. To save money, He Tiantian didn't take a taxi.

As she walked, she found that she seemed to be a little disoriented. She was a bit road crazy and could not distinguish the southeast from the northwest at night. He Tiantian carefully looked at the roadside signs, and did not pay attention to the two people who followed for a long time.