Chapter 44 Blame Me for Not Studying

In the fire shadow world, any place called "city" is not a big place.

Like flower growers in ancient times, large places were usually called "cities", such as Chang'an City and Suzhou City.

At that time, the level of productivity was limited, and trade was blocked. The concept of "city" was nothing more than literally expressed, just as a place for dealers to gather and sell goods for trade.

Later, the Tang Dynasty implemented the square city system, and the "city" began to integrate into the "city".

The Huoying World happened to be stuck in this critical period.

In this world, businessmen are still the lowest level in theory.

The famous people of all countries believe that businessmen are lazy people who are not involved in production and opportunism.

However, this does not prevent businessmen from making money - as the ruling class, there are not only big names, but also many ministers Chongqing.

The various policies issued by the Daming Mansion that were not conducive to business led to the businessmen's inability to cope and had to ask the ministers for help.

The price behind this depends on the appetite of those ministers.

Then, an unusual strange phenomenon appeared in the world.

As the lowest level group in theory, businessmen earn the most money and live the most nourishing life. At the same time, they do not need to pay much tax to Daming Mansion.

The peasants, as the middle class only like the gentry, not only need to pay huge labor force, but also pay more than half of the money and food to Daming Mansion every year. They work all day, but they are poor.

Of course, except for the villagers of Ninja Village.

The villagers of Ninja Village are only responsible for the "shadow", not for Daming.

Therefore, over the past decades, many people have flocked to the Ninja Village to try to squeeze into it - not because of how safe it is (the three Ninja World Wars have proved how dangerous it is to live in the Ninja Village), but because they can at least have a meal in the major Ninja villages.

After all, the economic foundation of the major ninja villages is derived from the commissions received by ninjas after completing their tasks, rather than the taxes of farmers.

Shuimu thinks about a lot of political and economic problems, not to show how knowledgeable he is, but to think that water is water.

It rained all night.

But the small places like vassals have no influence.

Shuimu stops on a muddy street.

Fortunately, the drainage measures in this place are in place. Otherwise, the water will converge into a river and this small street may be completely submerged.

Looking up, there was no one in the street.

This is exactly the same as the legend.

The really lively place does not appear on the surface.

As long as someone or someone is still guarding this street, it is the opening day.

Not far away.

A roof made of yellow mud mixed with straw is propped up by four pieces of rotten wood. A narrow space of six or seven square meters exists in this rickety hut.


Shuimu went into the hut and scraped his eyes up and down.

"Not bad," he exclaimed.

The voice just dropped.

In the hut, the dilapidated roof was suddenly washed out of a small hole by the heavy rain, and a thick yellow mud mixed with rain fell suddenly.

He was so immortal that he hit Shuimu's head.


Suddenly, a clear and sweet smile like a wind chime sounded.

"Where is it good, Shuimu Sang?"

A joking inquiry came from a girl with a beautiful smile.

The girl's long black hair with a little yellow light was tied into two ponytails, holding an invisible book, and lying lazily on an old man's rocking chair.

She gently pedaled her legs and shook the chair while blinking her big eyes as she flipped through the books. It seemed that she was in the prime of her life. Her face was white and red with baby fat, and her skin was as lovely as if it could be broken by blood clots.

Such a standard Laurie, however, makes Shuimu feel a bit dignified.

The so-called cardamom age refers to a thirteen year old girl. In her previous life, she was a little fart child who had just graduated from primary school. This kind of child is the most recognizable group. She is lively, quiet, unruly, or introverted. No matter what her personality, they always have a childish air, and the woman who looks like a child in front of her, But he exudes an inexplicable mature charm.

"Oh, it's true that it's really just an ordinary hut, and it's really broken." Shuimu calmly wiped the mud off his head.

Hearing the words, the girl put down her book and stared at Shuimu with big eyes.

This eye aroused Shuimu's interest. For the first time, he saw such beautiful eyes shining with strange and decayed light. These eyes should not belong to a child.

"Oh? Does Shuimusang have any idea about the shed?" the girl asked curiously.

Shuimu's mouth was slightly stirred up, like an urchin who was bored for a long time and could hardly find a toy.

"High opinion..."

Just in the middle of his speech, he suddenly shook his palm and split sideways, suddenly breaking a wooden pole supporting the hut beside him.

The whole shed suddenly collapsed.

The earth became muddy and dirty with the rain, and when the hut fell off balance, it splashed countless sewage sludge.

Shuimu flashed out of the street, so did the girl.

"Shuimusang is really a man who killed half a tree leaf. He is really decisive." The girl said with a smile.

"Well, the news spread so quickly..." Shuimu touched his chin, "it's only because I didn't study. If I knew how to make strong bombs, or even real mushroom bombs, then why should I do the thankless manual work myself? Do you know that it takes a lot of brains to improve my strength! If I were really a cutting-edge talent with knowledge and technology, I would have built a pile of nuclear weapons long ago. Regardless of tail animals or aliens, I would bomb anyone who is unhappy, and he would doubt life! It's a pity that I didn't learn mathematics, physics and chemistry well. This is the most painful thing for me. Do you understand? "

The girl looked confused.

"Oh, it's hard to talk to such a weak person like you. I'll ask you, do you do it yourself or do I force you to do it?" Shuimu said calmly.

"Hehe," the girl forced a wave of hehe, then pretended to look at Shuimu calmly and said in a soft voice, "Shuimu Sang really can joke, but this place is a vassal city, our territory, you are too arrogant to do so."

"Are you arrogant? You have to know that I came here eight hours ago to do business with you, not to play the game of passing the barrier. You underground mice have been doing such a meaningless assessment for thousands of years, so you want to use it to improve your strength? To prove that you are a black market with ideals, morality and knowledge? Save it. I'm very sleepy. If I play again, I will kill you. " Shuimu warns.

"I really don't understand what you are talking about!" The girl pulled her hair in the rain, looking indifferent.

Shuimu sighs.

The breath disappears with the sighing sound.

At this moment, the heavy rain disappeared and the street disappeared.

In the field of vision, a crowded small room appears, in which Shuimu and the girl confront each other.

The girl immediately narrowed her eyes.

"Do you want to know what's going on? It's very simple. I'm just cooperating with you to let you know more about my consciousness. Look, this is an ordinary Japanese room, with a short tea table, tatami mattresses, and wooden floors."

"And that one. Although its popularity is not high, you should also know what it is."

Shuimu points at the wall of the room.

The girl was curious, or just inertial, looking down his fingers.

"This is... TV?" The girl muttered to herself.

Just finished.

All of a sudden, a head full of long black hair rushed out of the TV screen!