Chapter 38 Insufficient Time

"Stop? Sure!"

Shuimu bent back his fingers and quickly closed his hands. The red light suddenly disappeared in the middle of the flight.

He turned his head back and smiled at the hairless ape Feiri.

Asma, who was following the three generation eyes to make a small report, stopped walking and looked strange.

The script is wrong!

Why not blow it up?

But I just caught you!

Asma's eyes were frozen and cold.

Desperate, he raised his fist blade and rushed to Shuimu's face with both hands in unison, regardless of Shuimu's evil idea.

"Secret Technique - Wolf Teeth Cutting the Cone!"

In the twinkling of an eye, the edge with white light crisscrossed.

The wind attribute Chakra is attached to the blade.

Two cold fist blades, next to water and wood, cut like lightning.

Irregular wielding and chopping was fast and ruthless, forming a three meter wide knife wall, tightly blocking the water and wood.

There is no doubt that this mad dog fist will cut down with a knife, even if it is a granite boulder, it will be cut into pieces in an instant.

Asma pressed in step by step, giving Shuimu no room to retreat.

Three seconds later, the white light belonging to the wind attribute Chakra dissipates automatically.

Asma skillfully hacked ninety-six sabres, thirty-two in a second.

The ape flying sun cut didn't stop his son's attack. He also wanted to save time.

When the flying dagger awn rushed towards the front with a lightning speed, it was strange that the Zhongren Shuimu who wanted to destroy the leaves was not cut into meat.

Ape Flying Sun Chop doesn't think Shuimu has the abnormal constitution like Lei Ying in previous dynasties, and can almost ignore physical attacks.

In this case, even though Shuimu is faster than Asma, he can only retreat.

At that position, if you step back, you will fall to the top of the mountain.

The top of igneous shadow rock is not high, more than 100 meters.

But what is the concept of falling from here? It was like a man falling down from the thirty third floor.

Even ninjas, as long as they are not thunder shadows or flying psychic beasts, will never die or be disabled.

If he had that strength, why was he overwhelmed by his own momentum yesterday?

Shuimu, let's destroy like this!

When the ape flew away, he felt that a bunch of small objects fell on the ground as he thought.

Ape Fei and his son looked at each other and couldn't help but be stunned.

The advantages and disadvantages of things are not as people want. Shuimu has known this truth for a long time.

Now, he hopes that the ape flying day also understand this truth.


He doesn't have a strong body like Lei Ying, nor does he have a flying spirit beast, nor is he necessarily better than Asma.

But one thing is certain.

Now he has a skill that nine out of nine ninjas in the world cannot do.

Five seals a second, I ask you to be afraid!

A piece of wood was cut to pieces and fell to the ground.

Asma was shocked.


He looked around and saw a figure floating in the night sky.

"Shuimu? How could it be! I didn't see your seal!" Asma looked up at the sky and shouted at Shuimu.

"I'm too lazy to explain this problem. Compared with tying or not tying, shouldn't your focus be on the means I am using and where I am now? You are so uncooperative, how can I pretend to be!" Shuimu complained.

Isn't it a super lift to be able to fly?

I worked hard to develop Chakra to float in the air just to install a competition!

Come on, let me see your surprise!

While Shuimu was complaining, the ape Feirizhan could not stand it.

Immediately sent a vicious move to Shuimu.

"Secret Skill · Fencing of Sword and Shadow in Hand!"

Three generations of eyes let go, and a branch of Kuwu flew out, quickly changing from one to ten, from ten to one hundred, into a dense group of Kuwu, and rushed toward the water and trees in the sky.

More than ten meters wide, the painless array is like a net, covering water and trees in an instant.

The wind is blowing.

Another pile of wood pieces cut into pieces fell.

The ape Fei Ri cut his head and stared, and a calm figure appeared in his eyes.

Shuimu rose even higher this time.

The ape flying sun cut slowly said: "No wonder you dare to be so arrogant. You can already do the Three Body Technique without Seal and learn how to fly."

Shuimu floats high in the sky and looks down on the brightly lit ground in the dark. When the wind blows, the white hair and ponytail can't help swinging from side to side. It's a bit arrogant and cool.

"You think too much. Nothing can happen in an instant. Moment itself is just an adjective. It must take time to transition from one thing to another. Even if the speed is fast and the time is short, you can't talk about the moment. I was just ready to fight with you early in the morning. Naturally, it is impossible for you to attack me so easily."

Shuimu smiles.

"However, you are right in saying that I am just crazy."

As soon as the voice dropped, there was a sudden bang, and a spark burst on the top of Huoyingyan.

At the northwest corner where Shuimu was standing, an old detonator suddenly exploded. Asma, who had been staring at Shuimu, suddenly changed her face.

"Asma!" cried the ape Feiri.

Asma, the ape fly, is a senior level patient. His skill is not weak, but who would have thought that the white haired medium patient could make Chakra stay in the body and still be controlled?

The silent explosion caught him off guard. Although he jumped away quickly, a piece of meat was still blown off his left leg.

With the smell of burning blood flowing, Asma, who fell to the ground, could not help but let out a howl.


Aizi's eager ape Feirizhan was about to come forward to look, but he didn't expect that his feet would suddenly shake.

His long turbid eyes could not help staring.


Bang, bang, bang!

After 30 years of silence, the explosion of Fuyingtan finally appeared, which was long overdue.

At the same time, the flash lamp hanging from the Huoying Tower finally came on.

The bright red alarm keeps flashing.

The shrill whistle kept ringing.

"Is there an earthquake?"

"No, the igneous shadow rock is about to collapse!"

"Run, get out of here!"

As soon as residents in their homes heard the explosion and alarm, they hurried out of the house and fled towards the outside.

Many dark places that just came back also hurriedly commanded the villagers to evacuate.

Among the commanders, there are also two old people who used to go to the theatre, the respected old people, such as Mito Munyan and Xiao Chun.

The explosion of igneous shadow rock lasted 15 seconds, only 15 seconds.

The explosion was intermittent, and the expected result did not appear, not that the igneous shadow rock never collapsed, but that... time was not enough.

Shuimu frowned.

On the igneous shadow rock, four stone statues split in different sizes.

Of course, the biggest crack is the scar on the head of the third generation from the left forehead through the eyebrow center to the right cheek.

Sometimes the image is really deadly.

The Huoying Rock Wall shakes off sand, stone and earth blocks, but it does not collapse after all.

The ape, who had narrowly escaped death, took a long sigh of relief, and felt lucky for the same wood leaf who had narrowly escaped death, as well as the towering anger for Shuimu, who had even begun to do something wrong.

He immediately came forward to bind Asma's wound.

Son is very important, especially when an old man dies with his last son.

After that, the ape flying sun cut immediately at the water and wood in the sky.

"Earth Dun, Earth Dragon Pellet!"

Before noon and at noon.

The ape flew in the sun with a loud roar. In less than a second, it spit out a dark yellow earth dragon 20 meters long.

The earth dragon was irascible, seemed to feel the anger of its master, roared loudly, flew to Shuimu and bit him down.

Another piece of wood was bitten to pieces.

A stunt, Shuimu dodges the attack.

The ape flew in the sun with a cold hum.

The earth dragon turned and flew, spouting a powerful mud bomb at Shuimu.

Shuimu was about to make another quick escape from the stunt, but at this time, the ape Fei suddenly shouted.


"Yes! Three generations!"

I don't know when the handsome old man came up from the mountain and immediately aimed at Shuimu. His hands moved to form an inverted triangle.

"Mystery · Heart Turning Skill!"