Chapter 42 Tianjin Pavilion

With the old dean, Xiao Fenxia simply signed up and received a black jade card. After listening to the introduction, it was a student card, but also a black card exclusive to core students.

Jade chip can display the identity and the map of the whole college after inputting the true qi. Because it is dedicated to core students, the map above is particularly detailed.

After that, the old dean gave a simple explanation and left. The core students of Canghua College were originally free, but Xiao Fenxia did not choose a teacher, and immediately fell into a state of neglect after separating from the old dean.

On the jade map, dormitories, training grounds, spirit altars, canteens, magic tool pavilions, library buildings, places of trial... All places are clearly marked. If you want to enter, you can only show the jade cards. So there is no special guide staff in the whole college.

Little Fenxia did not expect that the influence of not choosing a teacher in Canghua College was so great. Go straight to the Spiritual Altar. An hour later, Xiao Fenxia ascended to the fourth floor of the Golden Elixir Period. He had nothing to do now. His special room of the Spiritual Altar could recover its aura in the next month. If he wanted to enter another room or a higher room, he would have to spend academic points.

There are two ways to obtain points. One is to work for the college, and the other is to compete for ranking in each list of the college. Before each list is ten, as long as you can stay on the list for a whole month, you can get some points in the second month according to the ranking.

These two conditions were impractical for Xiao Fenxia. He didn't want to go to other people's door to listen to him for the time being, so he plunged into the library.

The Sutra Collection Building is divided into seven floors. The first floor is for miscellaneous books, and the second floor is for practice. The grey cards of the preparatory students can only go to one level, the white cards of the ordinary students can only go to two or three levels, and the black cards of the core members can go to five levels.

The sixth floor can only be entered by some college and kingdom officials, and a few excellent talents can also enter. As for the seventh floor, it is said that only the old dean, the king and some senior elders can enter.

In fact, there was another purpose for Xiao Fenxia to enter the Sutra Pavilion. That was that after he rushed to the fourth floor of the gold pill and the gold pill was stabilized, Chaos Jue unexpectedly suggested that he should refine the magic weapon of his own life.

Just listening to the name, Fenxia knew that these materials were valuable, such as "Dragon Soul Stone with Ten Thousand Blood", "Cloud Gold of the Heavenly Way", "Blood of the Empty King", "Tumor Stone of the Realm"

Xiao Fenxia checked in the library on the first floor. There was no simple material. One of the blood of the virtual king could not be found. The other three were legendary things in the fairyland.

Like the stone of dragon soul with ten thousand blood, the stone that absorbs ten thousand dragon blood can hold the power of ten thousand methods. There is no such thing as dragon in this world. Where can I find such a powerful stone.

"Heavenly way cloud gold," cloud gold is a rare thing in this world, and it can be basically excluded from this world, not to mention the site boundary tumor stone, it is said that the celestial power can not find the boundary wall.

None of this is important. The main thing is that chaos is determined in the mind. The message is: if the world is low, please use the following materials for temporary refining

"Temporary replacement", where did handsome Xiao get it? It's such a scary skill. Little Fenxia had no choice but to read the materials and get a life weapon according to his knowledge of weapon refining.

It will be a martial arts contest in half a month. He has always been used to hand to hand combat. If he doesn't have a long spear and only uses magic, he really doesn't know how to fight.

As a core member, Xiao Fenxia still has some privileges. Every month, she can get some mid-range elixirs and materials for free. If Xiao Fenxia has a teacher, they are usually managed by the teacher when the students are immature. But if Xiao Fenxia has no teacher, she can only get them by herself.

In front of the classical and elegant Tianjin Pavilion, a middle-aged man who was pierced with Tianjin's two character Taoist robe looked at the cute child in front of him and asked softly, "What are you doing here, little friend?"

Tianjin Pavilion, unlike Baicao Building and Sutra Pavilion, is bustling every day. It is remote. Every year, some senior teachers come here to look for some materials, and students are rare.

The students in Canghua College are all talented. Their junior year is the golden elixir period of the foundation period, even the first baby period. Many of them are just small children in small cities. So almost every college will often go to the Magic Treasure Pavilion to choose their favorite magic weapons. Who comes here to pick materials to refine the magic weapon, Go to warm up the life magic weapon that consumes mental magic power.

So Zhu Huizhong, the middle-aged man in charge of Tianjinge, looked at the child in front of him strangely.

The first time he came to Tianjin Pavilion to take something for nothing, Xiao Fenxia was still a little nervous. Because he had spent the past few years under the influence of being possessed by evil spirits, he didn't know how to pretend to be casual and talk to strangers.

He was originally short, with his facial expression and ability to communicate well with others. He still remained in the same way as he was three or four years ago when he was seven or eight years old.

"Uncle, I come to Tianjin Pavilion to find materials to refine my life magic weapon."

Zhu Huizhong smiled and touched Xiao Fenxia's head

"Here I am, uncle, look." Xiao Fenxia took out the black jade medal.

Zhu Huizhong took the jade card in surprise, "Black, core student! Why haven't I seen you before?" He took the jade card and input his true qi

"I want to train a long spear, and I want Jinyuan Stone, Zhu Kuishi, Fujiu Egg, and seven pieces of millstones..."

"Xiao Fenxia, that's good. You have learned how to smelt weapons, but you still need the Golden Source Stone. Ordinary smelters will not boo the Golden Source Stone to those who smelt the magic weapon of their own lives. It seems that you want it. Remember to be careful. The Golden Source Stone contains a strong aura of golden origin. Don't be hurt by it. If you find something wrong, pick it out. Don't prop it up."

After a while, Zhu Hui finally prepared all the materials for Xiao Fenxia and packed a large bag. Xiaofenxia took out the materials to see if they were all excellent. But Xiaofenxia found a white jade token inside. Xiaofenxia looked at Zhu Huizhong strangely.

"This is a one-time authorization jade token. It's the authorization token of the Spirit Altar. You just came to the college, you must want to practice in the Spirit Altar. It's going to be a big contest soon. You can go to my Spirit Altar to practice. I haven't been there for months."

"I, I......" Little Fanxia's face was red, but she didn't know how to refuse, and she couldn't say if she didn't want to.

"It's OK. Take it. The aura in the spirit altar is not pure yet. It's obvious in the first few times, but it's not so fast later. If you need to increase your strength, I will lend it to you for a few days. As soon as I see you, I think of my son's childhood as a gift for elders. You can often come here to discuss the matter of refining weapons."

"Well, thank you." Little Fenxia was very confused, and finally said thanks and turned away.