Chapter 105 Hidden Tide

Tolepol replied with a cold face, his tone showing an evil spirit.

"Don Quixote can't be smashed by any guy."

The reason why Don Quixote's underground business can spread all over the world is that Don Quixote's family is famous on this sea.

In addition to the Four Emperors of the New World, the biggest pirate force is almost the Don Quixote family.

Although at this time, Doframingo was not yet the king's seven armed forces, and their clandestine transactions were not legal, many forces believed that it was safe to do business with Don Quixote's family. After all, the name was there.

But now, not long ago, a stronghold was broken in the South China Sea, and then another stronghold was broken in the West Sea. Moreover, it was only a branch base in the West Sea that broke it, not the navy of the headquarters.

This made the underground forces in the West Sea begin to question the name of Don Quixote family.

This is the most serious problem, and also the root cause of Tolepol's murderous spirit.

Torrepol looked murderous, but Doframingo's expression was strange, gradually calmed down, and said quietly:

"Is there any more specific information?"

"It was the navy of the first branch base of the West Sea that hit our stronghold. The head of the base was killed by a group of pirates not long ago. Now a new head of the base seems to be a powerful role. More specifically, there is no more."

Tolepol replied in a deep voice.

Listening to Tolepol's words, Dofranc Mingotton showed a slightly mocking expression and said, "Is it a branch of the West Sea? It's really a powerful character. If not, how dare you hit our stronghold?"

Although he said something about a powerful role, he could see from his tone and expression that he did not pay attention to just one branch of the West Sea.

For a great pirate at his level, except for the high level of the headquarters of the Navy, Chief of General Staff He and even the admirals, even a large branch base in the second half of the great route is nothing at all. Can a mere branch in the West Sea become a success?

The gap between levels is too big. You don't even need to analyze any information or think about any strategy. You just need to roll over with absolute strength.

With a hint of coldness and sarcasm in his tone, Doframingo asked Torrepol:

"Where is Diamanti now?"

"It should have reached the West Sea, but Diamanti went to contact the Capone family, the largest underground mafia organization in the West Sea..."

Torrepol paused, his eyes flickered, and said, "But when I said that, I remembered that Diamanti seemed to be passing through the sea."

"Furfural, isn't that just right?"

Doframingo held his hand and smiled. The laughter was creepy. No one knew what kind of eyes were showing under those sunglasses.


West Sea.

In the sea area where the wind is rising and the clouds are surging, it seems that a ship is sailing through the wind and waves, ignoring the coming storm.

"I know. Give it to me!"

Diamanti, the top cadre of Don Quixote's family, hung up the phone worm and stood on the deck, looking at the sky above. The coming storm flashed a cold chill in his eyes.

"The underground forces in the West Sea dare to question the family's prestige... But the culprit is the navy. It seems that if we don't do something, our Don Quixote family will be looked down upon!"

"Lord Diamanti, do you need to mobilize the power of the family to spy?"

Next to Diamanti, several thieves from Don Quixote's family were all nervous, and the atmosphere did not dare to breathe.


Diamanti nodded and said: "Let me know if you can kill the navy and get the goods back in time when you go there now. If you don't have time, is there a nearest route to intercept the navy halfway?"

"If it's too late..."

Diamanti sneered, a cold light flashed in her eyes, and said: "Let the family's prestige in the West Sea go to the highest point again from the burning ruins of a naval base!"


The Don Quixote family pirates looked at each other, swallowed their saliva and retreated, while Diamanti also returned to the cabin.


Marine Headquarters, Malinvordo.

The highest level of the naval headquarters fortress, this is the office of the Marshal of the Navy in the Warring States Period.

In this office, the Warring States Period is sitting at his desk with a seagull on its head who does not know where it comes from, looking down at a piece of information from the West Sea in front of him.

"Has the gecko pirate group been completely destroyed? Besides, the number of casualties..."

After reading the information in front of him, the Warring States could not help but shake his head and smile, and said: "The head of the first branch of the West Sea, this position is still a bit inferior. After a while, let's move Luo Ya to the great route."

He said.

The Warring States Period took a cup to drink tea, and then continued to look down.


"Also found an underground stronghold of Don Quixote's family and attacked it?"

A look of surprise appeared on the face of the Warring States Period. Only a few underground strongholds of the Don Quixote family have been found by the Navy so far. Unexpectedly, Luo Ya has found one.

Breaking through such a stronghold and seizing a large amount of arms and other materials is absolutely no less effective than destroying a pirate group offering more than 100 million rewards.

"Moreover, it not only broke the stronghold of Don Quixote family, but also destroyed an underground trade fair in the West Sea and captured some representatives of the major forces in the West Sea..."

Seeing here, the expression of the Warring States Period has become dignified.

In this world, almost all the strong converge on the great route in a ladder shape, with the strongest in the second half and the general strong in the first half. In addition to the great route, the pirates from all over the world are far inferior to the great route.

The problem is that although the major forces of the four seas are not as strong as the Great Route, the area of the four seas is far more than the Great Route!

The Warring States Period looked grave and pondered.

"Those underground forces, even if they have destroyed the transaction and captured some senior officials, should not have the courage to go to the open and make trouble. The possibility of attacking the navy is very low, so... when such an event occurs, they may terminate their cooperation and transaction with the Don Quixote family."

"If so..."

At the thought of this, my heart sank.