Chapter 32 Capable of Writing and Martial Arts

Wei Liang blushed and said: "Yes, I think you are really stupid. We spent so much effort to send you here. If his woman killed you, we would be grateful!"

Rabelais was unconvinced when she said she was stupid, and retorted, "Even if you know how to march and fight, how much do you know about men and women?"

Wei Liang said calmly, "What's the matter? Listen to more plays and read some storybooks, and you will know everything."

Rabeli despised him and said, "I don't think it's true. It's all stories!"

"If the story is reasonable, just do as I say. Don't hurry, remember?"

"But I came here for revenge!"

"You are here for revenge, not for revenge! If you only make a deal with him, it's easy to say. You may depend on him for the rest of your life, so you must make good plans."

Rabeli blushed, "Why must I marry him? Can't I just do business with him?"

"Of course not! Who told you to be a woman? You should marry sooner or later! Rather than marry someone else and let them master Sukehabu, they should marry themselves. Besides, you also have the reputation of" Prairie Pearl ". You know you are a beauty without looking. Why not marry?"

Even if Wei Liang doesn't say everything so frankly, she knows she will soon have a home, but she doesn't know where she will go?

"And the most important thing," Wei Liang continued, "Ouerhan will use you to assemble Sukeha's old tribe in the future. You should remember that they are willing to come back to you not only because you are the daughter of Hutar, but also because you are the woman of Ouerhan. So don't think that you can ignore Ouerhan when you have them. You are needed to take control of the old Sukkeha Ministry, and you are also needed to mediate the same Sukkeha Ministry in order to gain a foothold in the new situation. These two forces can be counted as your help. You must grasp the joint between them. You can't let them get together and throw you out! "

"Will it be like this?" Rabelais listened to her solemnly, knowing that she had a city in her heart, and listened carefully.

Wei Liang spared no effort to teach: "These are useless in a short time. Ouerhan will surely go south and you will soon return to your hometown. Before that, you don't have to worry about survival, because you are still useful, and Ouerhan will protect you. But when his power is stable and his great cause is successful, you will no longer need your help, and you will have to plan for yourself. Sukeha's old ministry will not always be loyal to you. People are selfish, so you should choose to depend on those who are beneficial to you. If you don't get the attention of Ouerhan, your old ministry will find a new master. Without the power behind him, there is only the love of Woerhan. Can you guarantee that he will love you all his life? It's hard to say, so we should keep the power in our own hands! "

Wei Liang's eyes seemed to be burning with the flames of battle. Rabuli did not hesitate to believe that this woman, dressed in a fat military uniform, with disheveled hair, killed like cutting vegetables. Even if she was thrown into the palace where hundreds of women are said to live to compete for the emperor's favor, she would be the best and the last strong!

For a moment, his eyes were full of admiration.

After saying that, Wei Liang coughed twice, "Pour me a glass of water."

"Well, good, good." Rabelais hurried to pour water and was very attentive. Holding the cup to Wei Liang with both hands.

Wei Liang was elated and drank with a smile. Add two words: "Remember what I said. First, be honest and don't offend anyone."

"But yesterday I had a quarrel with that great highness, Yousifu." Rabeli smiled bitterly.

Wei Liang looked at her and said, "You are so fast."

Rabeli said with a smile, "I can't blame him for his bad speech."

"What did he say?"

"He said he didn't like me. It seemed that Wuerhan was going to marry me to him."

Wei Liang looked down for a moment and said: "It doesn't matter. It only shows that Ouerhan attaches great importance to this son. It's said that his second son is not small, and there are many sons behind each other. It's hard to avoid intrigues. Ouerhan sent him to pick you up, which may have some meaning, or it may be to give the eldest son a chance to show off. This is not important, as long as the words are not open to the public, there is room for change. You also said that he didn't like you. You didn't need to do it. Yousifu would explain it to Wuerhan. In order not to make others cheap, he can only marry you himself. "

"However, you just said that you can't offend them..." Rabelais was worried.

Wei Liang smiled: "You are too careful. I said that in general, a few words of bickering should also be taken seriously, which is too much. It would be better to pay attention in the future."

Rabelais has already regarded Wei Liang as a military adviser. It's OK to hear her say so. Then she was relieved and looked up to see Wei Liang looking at him. She smiled embarrassed.

The Zhou Liang allied forces were resting, but Yu Sifu didn't want to delay much, so he ordered Goggle to stay with them. He planned to take Rabeli back to reply first, and told his men to pack up and go on the road tomorrow. Hatch can't help being anxious. Knowing that Mongo doesn't want to go to Beiyuan, he doesn't want to force him, nor is he willing to see his brother separated again, so he hurries to try to persuade him for the last time.

He took Mengge to his tent. The tent was empty and he had already set it up. "Can't we not go back?" Hatch looked sad, as if Mongo's decision was not to return to his hometown but to jump into the wolf den.

Mengge smiled and said, "You are so alive. There are only a few of us left in the family. If we are alive, our blood will not be broken. Live well."

"What about you? We have already paid enough. We don't owe anyone any more. You shouldn't go back!" said Hatch

"I'm different from you, Hatch." Mungo's voice was still very flat. "I know too much and have done too many things. I can't jump out or pick it clean."

"I'm going to tell her!" said Hatch, about to rush out and was pulled by Mengge.

"She didn't do anything to me! After all these years, I know something about her. She is not a cruel person!"

"Not cruel enough, not ruthless enough?" Hatch looked at Mengge and asked in surprise, "What kind of good thing is she asking you to do?"

Mengge felt guilty: "At least, she has done what she promised us, so we should also fulfill our promise."

Hatch stared: "Feel your conscience and think about it. If it weren't for that, would we agree with her? Would we do such a deal with her? She is a devil!"

Mengge nodded: "It's true that she took advantage of the danger, but at that time, she could ignore us, and we could not accept her proposal. Since everything was agreed, it can't be said that whoever suffered or took advantage of it. Moreover, she was good to me, and she told me not to follow. I had to come."

Hutch was stunned and asked, "You know how dangerous this road is. Why do you want to follow?"

Montgomery thought for a while, but at this time he could not say exactly what and who he was doing. He should say that he was doing it for Rabelais, but that might not be enough. For what?

She asked him to go to the south, Daliang or Dazhou, where the four seasons are like spring and there is no winter at all. There are thousands of miles of fertile fields, and you can eat whatever you grow. Even if you put a flock of sheep, it will be fatter than the grassland in the north. It is the place that Wokuolun Khan desperately wanted to get.

She will do it. She will set him free.

He did everything she asked him to do. For her, he is no longer useful, just like an old shoe, thrown out of sight, never having to look at it again.

Whether shoes will miss you or not

After thinking a lot, Mongo looked up again, looked at Hatch and said, "If I guess right, Khan will soon take Rabuli back to the south. You should be able to go back if you follow General Goggle. In this way, we can get closer."

Hatch is straightforward and not good at persuading others. He saw that Mongo would not listen to him. He only listened to the man. The man asked him to go back, he must go back!

Hatch's heart swelled with inexplicable sadness. Having experienced the sudden departure of his relatives, he thought he had grown up. After five years in Beiyuan, I hardly did anything. I just lived in Beiyuan according to my own will and stood firm in Beiyuan. Sometimes I even forgot that I was a chess player and there was a chess player behind me. Mengge is different from him. Mengge is under the control of that hand, always at the mercy of others, and has forgotten himself.

Hatch hugged Mengge's shoulder and didn't make a sound. He was afraid that a sound would make him hear the cry. Mengge also hugged him and said, "Brother, live a good life. I have seen them all, and they are all very good. You should live a good life."

"We should all live well."


Yu Sifu sat on his soft tiger skin mat and pulled the stove in front of him to let its heat radiate more to warm him. At the entrance of the tent, a soldier bowed his head and reported his discovery to him: "Hatch pulled Mengge into the tent to talk, and he pushed everyone away. I felt strange, so I walked away first, and then went back to eavesdrop."

"Cough." Yu Sifu said aloud.

The soldier immediately realized his mistake and said, "No, it's surveillance. I can't hear it clearly. They seem to be quarreling. Hatch believes that Mongo had to go back under someone's pressure, which Mongo denies."

"Who is it?"

"They always said 'he', but didn't mention his name. They had a big accident five years ago. Someone helped them, but it was conditional. Mengge always helped that person, but Hatch was disgusted."

"Anything else?"

"Montgomery has always said that he should live a good life. Nothing more." The soldier said.

Yu Sifu nodded, "Well, go out and keep looking."

"Yes," said the soldier.

"Dare to deceive us," Yu Sifu whispered to himself, "I don't know there are so many interesting people in Beiyuan. Good, good."

Eyelids move, showing a sharp eye wave.