Chapter 2 Dark Clouds and Hundred Horses

The Sapp leader first responded and called out to everyone, "All right, it's OK, let's go home!" Then he patted Li Zheng and Chen Chong on the shoulder and said, "My dear brother, thanks to your help, let's go back to the tent and have a drink of horse milk!"

Butch came to help Amuya. Brother Bing's commander put Hai Dongqing into the cage and muttered something in a low voice. Nobody could hear it clearly. Li Zheng drew back his eyes from afar, clasped his fist at Sapp and said, "The leader is polite. We didn't help him. We were in a hurry just now, and haven't told the general in detail. Now it's all right. We have to go back to reply. We won't go today. We must go to the leader's tent to ask for a drink some other day."

Amoya wiped the tears from her face and looked shyly at it: "Brother Li, Brother Chen."

Chen Chong smiled and said, "Amoya is becoming more and more beautiful."

Amoya's face reddened, and she smiled and bowed her head.

Sapp said, "In this case, we won't delay you. Go slowly."

Li Zheng clasped his fist and said, "Stay." They returned to their own team, got on the horse, and took the people away.

Without outsiders, Brother Bin was not convinced: "It was Amoya who cried and knelt to soften the hearts of those people. What's the matter with Zhou Jun, and thank them?"

Sapp said: "Shut up, do you want your sister to kneel down and beg to spread all over the grassland? I have lost my face once, and will you lose it many more times!"

Brother Bin also understood and said in a low voice, "I know that I owe them a favor for nothing. I'm not reconciled."

"What are you not reconciled to? Don't say that they have helped us many times. Even their current strength is enough to be our honored guests!"

Brother Bin then closed his mouth. Buqi didn't want the atmosphere to be so heavy. He smiled on purpose and said, "I didn't expect these people to be so soft on beautiful girls. Can't they have a crush on Miss Amoya?"

"Butch!" Amoya gave Butch a shy push.

Sap is calm. Is that true?

At the same time, Li Zheng and Chen Chong were also discussing the matter on their return trip. The two men were in no hurry, leaving only a few soldiers behind and letting the deputy general take the brigade back first.

Chen Chong: "Let me guess where these people come from."

Li Zheng: "It should be the legendary 'Black Clouds and Hundred Horses'."

Chen Chong said with a dry smile, "I'm really afraid that they will disown their six relatives and fight with us. But it's exciting to think about the dark clouds and hundreds of horses. How about the victory or defeat? I really want to try."

"It is said that the Black Cloud Hundred Cavalry is the most mysterious army in the Liang Army. They directly obey the orders of General Wei Yuan, but have never seen them perform any military affairs or participate in any training. Many people have not even seen who the general is. Because he always wears a mask when he appears."

Chen Chong: "So why did they leave? At first, they didn't intend to give us face. Is it because you declared your family name?"

"It's clearly Amoya's crying that moved them," Li Zheng interrupted him.

"Ha, do you think they are the same as you? Have you ever forgotten the famous battle of Black Cloud Hundred Horses? There are more than 300 bandits in Aksa. None of them are alive, old or young. Isn't there any beautiful girl among them?"

"You are also right. What is it for? Even though we know that we are Zhou's army, we still need to draw a sword? We don't give any face..."

Chen Chongyi smiled: "I guess because of General Wei Yuan, I'm afraid that if I have nothing to do, I will find something to fight with us."

Li Zheng smiled noncommittally. Wei Yuan, it's really possible.

Wei Yuan, the Northern General of Daliang, was originally a bodyguard of the imperial palace. Twenty years ago, Daliang was captured by Wokuolun, who was one of the sixteen guards escorting the prince eastward. Later, he became the bodyguard commander of the eldest princess Xiao Mian and stayed in the Princess Mansion for more than ten years. Later, he was recommended by the eldest princess to garrison the border in the north of Xinjiang, and made many achievements in the war. He rose to the present general. Because of the enmity between the eldest princess and Zhou, Wei Yuan is not surprised that he doesn't look good to Zhou Jun.

"Do you think Wei Yuan created the Black Cloud Baiqi?" Chen Chong suddenly said.

Li Zheng smiled slightly: "From the time they appeared on the grassland, they really had some connection. But is it necessary for Wei Yuan to hide and hide like this? Liang Jun has never been friendly to all the grassland departments except for strict defense and driving them away. Why do you have a single army to do something similar? As for the dark clouds and hundreds of cavalry, judging from what they have done, they act decisively and ruthlessly. If they do not move, they will be already. If they move, blood will flow into a river. But their targets are infamous horse thieves on the grassland, and they have never heard of fighting against civilians. So although I am frightened, my reputation is not bad. "

"But they are indeed Liang Jun." Chen Chong affirmed again.

"I can't understand this," Li Zheng shook his head

"I can't figure it out. Don't think about it. Anyway, we will go back soon." Chen Chong stretched out and said, "Go home!"

Li Zheng smiled: "You are gone, little sister Amoya is going to die of grief."

"What are you going to do when you talk about the impossible?" Chen Chong turned his eyes and said, "Why don't you seduce her? Although you are not as handsome as I am, you are not as handsome and elegant as I am. You can barely be regarded as a talented person. It should be easy to improve."

Li Zheng didn't say a word. He whipped Chen Chongma's butt. The horse rushed out at once. Chen Chong might as well have fallen off. He said, "Li, I'm not finished with you!"

Li Zheng did not wait for him to sit still, but went away and said, "Let's catch up with me, hahaha......"

Before returning to the tent, many relatives and friends of the family came out with a worried face. Seeing that the leader of Sap and his children were all OK and no one was injured, the people were relieved. They surrounded Sap and others into the tent and asked what happened. After all, this is not a small matter for the Sapps, but for the whole family.

Sapp didn't want to say more. It was useless to say more. He waved his hand to calm everyone down and said, "It's not a big deal. We captured a Hai Dongqing to give a birthday gift to the chief of Keshufa. Someone wanted to rob us of our achievements. Fortunately, the generals of Zhou Dynasty helped us. It's OK, let's go back."

Sapp said it was simple, but someone saw that the black team came back and reported a letter. Intuition was not as simple as the leader said. Keren came back safely. Haidong Qing was also there. There was no need to investigate whether the leader was lying. They put down their doubts and praised the leader's hunting skills, while congratulating them that they would spend another year safely. After a while of excitement, people slowly dispersed.

Many people knew what had happened, and saw that Amoya was kneeling. But this is not a disgrace to her alone, nor to the Sapp family, but to their entire tribe. The person who sees it may whisper to the person who is closest to him, but he will definitely tell him to forget about it.

Those who heard it could only sigh. They couldn't help it. Who told them that they missed the good time? Alas

On the grassland near the northern boundary of the Great Zhou Dynasty, there are many small tribes like Haloda. They came from all corners of the grassland. They came here because of the war, but found that only under the protection of the Zhou army could they live a peaceful life temporarily. Sad and helpless, they took root. More and more of these people gradually divide into several tribes according to their previous closeness or living habits.

Unlike the long-standing unification of the Central Plains Dynasty, the grassland has always been inhabited by water and grass and scattered into tribes of different sizes. It was not until more than 20 years ago that the Great Khan of Wokuolun unified all the grassland departments, formed an invincible cavalry, leveled the southwest of Daliang, forced the Emperor of Liang to burn the city, and the Prince to go east to avoid disaster... That was a good time for prairie people to be most proud

But it was a pity that the Khan died suddenly early and was counterattacked by Zhou Liang's allied forces. The regime was unstable and split in an instant, and the powerful prairie empire collapsed. The original prince, Xun Gui and senior general fought separately for military power and territory, and the grassland fell into a more chaotic situation. The annexation and slaughter among tribes happen every day. The wind in the distance can bring fishy smell, and floating corpses often come to the river. Those who are unwilling to join the enemy, and those who are tired of endless wars, will stay away from the battlefield.

In recent years, it has been relatively stable. Occasionally, disputes are also within a small scope. After all, those who can persist to the end are divided into relatively stable territories. There are fewer disputes for the territory, and everyone seems to want more food and clothing. At this time, these tribes who are close to Zhou became the envy. The Central Plains Dynasty has a vast territory and abundant resources, and there are many things that nomads need but lack. These tribes are the first to get the month near the water and buildings. Through the mutual market, they exchange what they need, and are the first to live a good life without worrying about food and clothing. They rely on Zhou and coexist peacefully with Zhou Jun. Zhou Jun camped outside the border city and galloped on the grassland. As long as their survival was not obviously threatened, they would not say anything. Fortunately, Zhou Jun never did anything, but he was very happy with this way of getting along. He often went to the camp of prairie people as a guest and became a friend.

The chief of Sap called several children and his confidants to his tent, sat down and remained silent. Butch said, "Chief, the birthday gift has been settled. Is there anything else?"

A stocky herdsman said, "Is it because of the black team? Are they legendary..."

Sapp waved his hand to stop him from saying, "Exactly."

Brother Bin snorted and said, "What's the matter? Don't you think they only kill horse thieves, not herdsmen? Besides, it's so close to Zhou's army. They've never been here before. This time, they just followed this bird. Don't they go?"

A herdsman said: "That said, but they are so powerful. They are also Liang people. Who knows if they have killed herdsmen or not? No one has seen them before, but they have not done it. We also robbed their Haidongqing..."

"How did it happen? We caught it!" Brother Bin was unhappy.

The talking herdsman shrank his neck and stopped making noise.

Sap frowned. He didn't like Brother Bing's constant yelling. How could there be a steady and generous Butch: "Butch, what do you think?"

Butch was called and thought for a moment and said, "Although they have retired, they are all skilled horsemen at a glance. The bandits can't escape from their hands. What's more, we have to guard against them."

Sapp nodded and said, "Yes, fortunately we are not far from the camp of the Zhou army. They should be able to see it even if we light a bonfire at night. Tomorrow you will take some cattle and sheep to the camp of the Zhou army. Thank them for their help today. In private, we will tell our concerns to the two young generals, so that they can also help us take care of them."

"Yes, chief," replied Butch, "I have been wondering about one thing. They are Liang people. Why should they spare no effort to help us eradicate the horse thieves on the grassland? Don't the Liang people want to see the horse thieves rob and kill us?"

Brother Bin snorted coldly: "It's not simple. There are more gold and silver treasures in the brigands than in our tribe!"

Sap rarely agreed with Brother Bin and nodded. A herdsman also said, "I think so too. If they rob the horse thieves, they will get the benefit and not irritate the herdsmen on the grassland. If they kill everyone, the tribes will not tolerate them to run amok on the grassland, and their wealth will be cut off."

Brother Bin then said, "It's a pity that those treasures belong to our grassland herdsmen."

Sapp frowned again: "You are not convinced, go to the horse thieves to rob!"