Chapter 8 Free Jade in the Mountain (2)

Before long, Ling Xue gradually saw the soldiers walking in front.

Zhiyan trotted all the way behind him, his face red.

"Are you tired?"

"Priest, Zhiyan hasn't exercised like this for a long time. Now she feels very hot and not tired."

Zhi Yan smiles naively and stares at the deputy general who is carrying Ling Xue.

"What's your name? You are so powerful. You can carry a person on your back and still can't breathe."

The man turned his head and smiled, revealing white teeth.

"It's natural. The men in our Tianyan country are all powerful. Besides, Lianyu is the best among them."

Zhi Yan covered her mouth with a smile, "So your name is Lian Yu. This name is really feminine, but you are still a big man!"

Lian Yu was not happy when she heard this. She raised her eyebrows and stared at her eyes.

"You said I was feminine. Do you know that I am the youngest general around the Tianyan King?"

As he spoke, Ling Xue was on his back with one hand, and he made a fierce comparison with another, and suddenly a small hill was bulging in his arms.

Zhi Yan pressed curiously.

"It's really hard."

Most of the men in the snow area are handsome. Few of them are so strong and muscular.

When Lian Yu heard this sentence, he took back his arm with satisfaction and continued to carry Ling Xue well.

Zhiyan frowned, pouted and said angrily, "But since you are the general beside the violent king, you must not be a good man."

"Who said Wang was violent? He is a great hero in our hearts. How nice to treat his subordinates!"

"He is not violent at all. Even such a lovely snow fox has the heart to attack him."

Zhi smoke anger, not to mention he also hurt the high priest.

"That's because Wang has a young lady in his heart. Wang will get everything she needs by all means."

Miss Ying is Wang's heart. Even if she wants the stars in the sky, Wang will pick them for her, not to mention just a fox.

"So that violent king will still have a lover?"

"That's natural. Miss Ying is beautiful and gentle. Of course, Wang likes her."

The most important thing is that she is willing to pay everything for the king.

"Beautiful, will it be as beautiful as our high priest?"

Zhiyan disdains Miss Ying. Since she grew up, she has never seen a woman with the beauty of a high priest.

Lian Yu hesitated. "Miss Ying's beauty is different from that of the empress. The empress is like a banished immortal, but Miss Ying has a earthly feeling, which makes it easier to approach."

"But if you want to compare the results, Miss Ying can't compare with the Empress."

"But the empress doesn't love Wang, which is not as good as Miss Ying."

Zhiyan snorted, "Of course the high priest will not fall in love with your king, she simply......"

"Zhi Yan." Ling Xue leaned over Lianyu and frowned to stop her when she saw that she was speaking more and more unobtrusively.

Zhiyan was shocked when she heard the cold tone, and quickly smiled at Ling Xue. She didn't mean to, but she was a little carried away.

"Whether you will fall in love with me is not just a matter of saying it."

The voice of arrogance came from the front, and the three raised their heads.

A flamboyant black hair, a little red under the reflection of light, and a strong body with wild strength.

He looked sideways at Ling Xue, and his smile was evil.

"One day you will take my life more seriously than yours!"